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Aristocracy Interview 129 With Russian Sludge\Post Metal Band Abysslooker

Foto do escritor: Comendador Felipe FrazãoComendador Felipe Frazão

Well,Friends Of Aristocracy!

Line Up:

Aleksey Leontiev On Vocals\Guitars

Aleksey Myodov On Guitars

Pyotr Panov On Bass

Andrey Lyubchich On Drums

We speak again of our newsroom, where in a little while, we will begin in all your emotions, the interview 129 of the Aristocracy.This time, we'll talk to a Russian band that shows a high capacity sludge metal, intensity with a wide musical diversity.However, this diversity shows a disturbing atmosphere allied to a dense, complex music and ethnic motivations. This Russian band goes by the name of Abysslooker and later this month, they will fully release their second album entitled Dramaturgy.An excellent response to the first album released two years ago which was called Burden. On to our interview with them, which we did yesterday. Before that, a big thank you to the band and their label Satanath Records and their subsidiary label entitled like Symbol Of Domination.Getting Started Now!

A1:Talking about the composition work in Dramaturgy?

Abysslooker:All the compositions for this album is written by its leader Aleksei Leontiev, however other members of band put an really good job to add something to their instruments parts.

A2:How band doing an disturbing atmosphere in this job?

Abysslooker:I think it is coming from inside, we are only translating the things we feel. I cannot give any rational explanation how we do this, so I can say that we do it in intuitive way.

A3:What is Al-Azif?

Abysslooker:This song is about a man, who is a literally mad,about his deceptive visions.

A4:What deceptive visions the band have in this album?

Abysslooker:The whole album is dedicated to different aspects of human madness and despair.

A5:Some literature or film inspire the band?

Abysslooker:There are no direct references, however I think a lot of different literature and other art inspires us. Such as "Johnny got his gun" or some of H.P. Lovecraft novels.

A6:It's not that I don't like post metal, but each band uses post metal in different ways. How would Abysslooker use post metal?

Abysslooker:On the one hand, our music is definitely metal. On the other hand, it doesn't resemble any of the bands we've heard before. So, with all that atmosphere and sound we create, we consider post-metal to be the most suitable definition of the genre we play.

A7:How was the progressive work done on this album?

Abysslooker:We haven't got an aim to write progressive music, we do not stick to common harmonies or chord progressions, so spotify algoritms and many of those who listen to our music consider it as progressive.

A8:Why do you say your songs are complicated?

Abysslooker:We think they are not complicated, the are complex, most of them consist of several parts with different vibe and emotion,heavy distortion is changed by acoustic sound, and back again, and so on and so forth.

A9:Why the band have this name?

Abysslooker:Actually, it comes from Nietzsche philosophy. When you look into the abyss long enough, it looks back. Our music captures that exact feeling when the abyss gazes at you.

A10:What lights should we not believe in and why?

Abysslooker:Well,it is quite clear from the lyrics. One more reason to wait for the release and listen by yourself.

A11:The last song of the new album reminded me of a phrase said by the Brazilian writer Nelson Rodrigues.The phrase is: don't rush to forgive, mercy also corrupts. Can the idea of the song be seen as the fact that mercy is something bribe?

Abysslooker:The whole idea the the last song on this album is that every our wish has its own price and sometimes this price is much higher that we can afford.

A12:This album is conceptual?

Abysslooker:No, it's more antology, there is a core idea, but there is no common storyline.

A13:What´s the idea behind artwork´s album?

Abysslooker:We don´t know. Every our album cover was made by Drugaara Altera and it always was like "Please try to paint the first that you imagine, when listen to our music".

A14:How band arrive to Symbol Of Domination Producions?

Abysslooker:Why not?We have chosen it by the music they released!

A15:What would the 2022 Abysslooker say about the 2017 Abysslooker?

Abysslooker:They need to rehearse more.

A16:Due to social media, do you believe that we live in the most deceitful time in human history?

Abysslooker:The same old story repeats all over the history of humanity if you try to look deeper. Any century, any age.



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