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Aristocracia Awards January 2022 And Honrable Aristocratys

Foto do escritor: Comendador Felipe FrazãoComendador Felipe Frazão

Well,friends of aristocracy!We make something different here today in all our emotions.

We will start something that we are very late in its execution. The Best Aristocratic Albums and our honorable aristocracies in January 2022. I just need to make a comment before starting. These opinions about these bands are the responsibility of our editorial.We will start with the honorable mentions. Well, I made a point of total and absolute to be more than one. Well, I will commit some injustices. But, this is the judgment of the STORM GROUP! The Aristocracy is just a part of this core.

The honorable mentions begin with a French band that plays with Black Metal that seemed to fit the depressive style. It seemed, because a woman came in and gave it a new structure.

We are talking about the French from Silhouette who show their album entitled Les Retranchements. The songs are in French. Original, but not just because of its members.

But, by starting from a reading and circumstances lead to a new structure.

The Romans changed an entire civilization. But they messed with the evil minds of this German duo. Silent Leges Inter Arma. They released their second album entitled Ad Pulres Ire. Based on Cicero's philosophies and his politics. universe. The German duo practices a True Black Metal. Other elements of influence can and exist. But, the duo does not leave the evil blow. Their complete album.Surprises..............but,only duo know this.

Wpiekłowstąpienie is the name of the complete Second Horde of Sothoris.

These Poles respond after three years.A response to Raj potępiony made four years ago.

Line Up very soon and a Horde song! Translate their songs into Polish, it's the aristocratic challenge.Raven-Vocal, Hex And Sharghall-Guitars,Lord Ghash-Bass,Hrist-Drums,Complete Second Horde? Their second album!


Stalagnat - vocals, drums

Lesodiv - electric & classical guitar, bass, synth

I swear on my holy honor it was not on purpose. But, the honorable mentions continue and we talk about Slovakian Black Metal Duo Stangariel. Releasing their pagan album titled Na Severe Srdoca.The Plot for the album is the 19th century in an evil light, but not used as its calling card. Since this is the first album.However, using a lyrical and sung reading, so that it can be seen, that Pagan Black Metal, is not suffering a sound disadvantage.His Genesis, begins, in the band, also Slovak Malokarpatan. Of course, that this duo also has its vocalist and his ideas. But, there is the legendary moment. Teams by common agreement pull other teams by common agreement. Complete album of them.

Our path continues and they mix Black Metal violence allied to Hardcore and Punk Metal. However, like them, it already has a history. This mix tends to get even bigger.We're talking about the Brits from Wolfbastard who show us on January 14th their third complete work entitled Hammer The Bastards. Before the complete album, let's introduce them and say, that the dynamism is strong.We had to explain this because their songs are two or three minutes long and not six or five or even seven minutes of music. In addition, the punk vibes and the important and necessary progressions.

Vicious Knights is: Antonis "Harvester"(Guitars-Vocals), Liakos(Drums) and Panos (Bass)

Finishing the honorable mentions. We talked to the debut album by the Greeks from Vicious Knights. This album makes a great and spectacular, old school mix between Death\Thrash. Formed in 2016, but changed their name in 2018. They started doing this work and This year they released their album entitled Alteration Through Possession. Let's go to it complete. Since the trio has already been shown and presented.Complete album to listen and now we go to the top 10.

10-Pensées Noc

Pensées Nocturnes-Line Up:

Léon Harcore : chant (micro and/or megaphone), trombone, trumpet, harmonica (2008 - )

Jason : batterie (2016 - )

Le Grand : bass (2016 - )

Robert : guitar (2016 - )

Zacques : guitar (2016 - )

Jéjé : accordéon, claviers (2016 - )

Aristocracy Awards 2022January

10-Pensées Nocturnes-Douce Fange

More than just a band. An avant-garde of Black Metal. An experience and a theatrical form that reaches its seventh complete show entitled Douce Fange.Something classic, a twist of colors and sounds combined with a unique sound evil. See the continuity of this band that mixes several styles, but that will always have.The Atmosphere, The avant-garde and the touch of circus and theater that is to accompany this fundamental work of the January Aristocracy Awards 2022.Welcome and prepare your ears and hats!Leon is the men and the other guys is soo important too!

9-Hearse-Traipse Across The Empty Graves

Line Up of Hearse is:

Cazz Grant Drums, Vocals, Bass, Keyboards

Vince "Ordog" Papi Guitars, Bass, Keyboards

Gelal Necrosodomy Guitars

These North Americans from the northeast region who serve the states of Delaware and Pennysylvania. They should be divided into three ways. The first reason is that their band today is a Powertrio. The second reason is that the band had a first part between the years of 1997 and 2001. The third is that the entrance of Gelal changed the path forever. The reasons are two.1: It wasn't enough for him to join the band, he is the president of the band's current label which is called Sinistrai Records.2: Doom and Death and Gloom are fundamental pieces of them.The third reason is that you shouldn't and shouldn't even be confused with the Hearses who came from Oregon and New York. Our third Hearse is the ninth place in the Aristocracy Awards January 2022 and see his magnetude now!

8-Fiat Nox-Demanifestation:Hymns Of Destructions And Nothingness

Line Up!

LINE-UP: Desmotes - Guitars, vocals & synths, Lógos - Guitars, backing vocals, Thousand Eyes - Bass, chants, backing vocals & synths and Erebos – Drums

We landed in Germany with a complete EP by a band that has already passed through here. This time, it's the band Fiat Nox. With the name of the EP already stated above, work done last year in March. extreme of night, as night must fall to reveal, those who burn with the solemn fire of the Void.They saturnine gospel of night, as night must fall to reveal those burning with the solemn fire of the Void.We already, did an interview with them showing their debut work, we are used to what this temple has already produced.This is the second episode of your temple stuck in Bremen.The hope is the night !

7-Ectoplasma-Inferna Kabbalah

Duo Line Up Today!

Giannis Grim on vocals & bass and guitarist / drummer Dimitris Sakkas

The circumstances caused a duo. But, this Greek duo today faced great challenges and make a good Death Metal. It's not an irony, it's the truth because they started as a quartet. Today, this is the second work in the formation of a duo. Yes, fourth work complete with technique and balance. Impossible to say if this will be their path forever, but this is their current stage that tends to grow gradually. They occupy the seventh position in the Aristocracy Awards January 2022. Much progress to be made .

6-Dr Faust:The Ideal World

☠ Line-up: David Zhelezniy - Vocals, Aleks Bardish - Guitar, Sergey Seliverstov - Bass and Ruslan Dreychuk - Drums.

The sixth position of the January Aristocracy Awards 2022 is occupied by the Russian band. You are viewing the band's full album.The fourth album by a band that mixes Death Metal with the most feverish and sick style that the extreme has created to date.Grindcore has short durations and roars and sometimes howls. Let's see how transitions and measurements happen. Maybe, in certain cases, progressions will occur.Let's go to them now listening above!

5-Di´Aul-Abracamacabra-Third Album

MoMo or Cosimo Amelio Cinieri on Vocal,Lele or Daniele Mella On Guitar,Rex or Andrea Ornigotti On Drums and Jeremy or Carlo Tomaiuolo on Bass.

The Fifth Position of the January 2022 Aristocracy Awards was delighted with the third full album by the band Di'Aul. They were our thirty-ninth interviewees. They showed us their third album titled Abracamacabra.They come back here occupying this well-deserved post and showing a classic Doom and with current pinches of Sludge. Here is this work and the trophy.

4-Descent:Order Of Chaos

Descent is:Vocals: Anthony Oliver

Guitars: Brendan Auld/Josh Kane

Bass;Jim Dandy

Drums:Kingsly Sugden

The fourth position is occupied by the Australians from Descent who make their second work. A work with more body, however mixing Death and Hardcore without taking weight or aggression and interspersing powerful blows. Their first album showed that, the objective was achieved and here they are occupying the 4th position. There is a mix missing. Because, at times, we feel more one style than the other.Erasing this detail. It deserves to be in the fourth position of the Aristocracy January 2022 Awards!

3-Beholder-Arcane Sobreptice

Beholder Line Up :

Pier\ Alex on Guitare

Dhan - Voix

Michel - Batteries

Kevv - Basse

The Bronze Medal goes to the Canadians of Beholder. An absolute mix of Black \ Thrash with atmospheric mixes of Classic Doom. With hidden terms, dark and shadows of humanity. Let's go to the full debut album.Bronze medal!

Aristocracy Awards January 2022

2-Atrox Trauma-On The Line Of Nothing And Something

LINE-UP: Török Imre on Vocals, Székely András on Guitar Tábori Gyula on Bass Gergely Győri on Drums.

The Silver Medal of the Aristocracy Awards goes to the Hungarians of Atrox Trauma. In a well-known, but well-balanced mix of Death\Thrash and that is fully seen for the debut titled On The Line Of Nothing And Something.Here is the album. complete.

The Discipline of the band combined with weight and aggressiveness combine very strongly with what this page wants in Heavy Metal. However, I hope we do other great works in the near future.

1-The Mist From the Mountains - Monumental: The Temple of Twilight

Line up:

Petri Mäkipää - drums

Henri Villberg - bass, keyboards & vocals

Tuukka Ahonen - guitars

Tuomas Karhumäki /Kim Strömsholm - vocals

The Gold Medal Da Aristocracy January Awards 2022 is for the Finns of The Mist From The Mountains. It is hard to believe that it is the complete album and that its melodic mix with the cruel Black Metal allows the listener a new form that tends to have great fruits in a short time. Your participation in the Steelfest Open Air on May 14 is your current novelty. In addition to receiving the deserved honor of our page. The winners' full album is called Monumental: The Temple Of Twilight!



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