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Aristocracy Interview 206 With Swiss Doom Band Echolot

Foto do escritor: Comendador Felipe FrazãoComendador Felipe Frazão

Line Up:

Lukas Fürer On Guitar

Renato Mateucci On Bass

Jonathan Schmidli On Drums

Well,Friends of Aristocracy!

We speak again of our newsroom, where in a little while, we will have in all its emotions the interview 206 of the Aristocracy.This time, we spoke with a Swiss band that abuses the Doom sound, the absolute progressions and its psychedelic side.This band shows dark depths with undulations realized by something that is already consolidated. We are talking about the band Echolot and the band shows us their fourth rock or album titled as Curatio.We want to thank the band for answering our humble and important questions and the producer The Metallist for introducing us to this interesting project. Let's go to their full album to make this interview happen.

A1:Good morning guys. Let’s talk about the composition work in “Curatio”?


A2:Why is the sea so influential for the band on this album?

Echolot:Well, mainly because we are Echolot and it only works in the deeps of the oceans. And the flow of the waves is simultanly to our sound.

A3:How were the progressions made for “Curatio”?

Echolot:Old school. A power trio in a Bandroom with a lot of ideas. We like to take our time to explore and create.

A4:Some literature or film inspire the band?

Echolot:Not specifically. Once we had some Visuals of the movie "Das Boot". U- Boat and Echolot and so on, you know.

A5:Not that I think that's wrong, but is there a specific reason the band sees their albums as islands?

Echolot:We try to think forward. It feels like a travel so we always searching for new island to explore. Sometimes we end at a place where we would not expect.

A6:Is it more practical or simpler to make a trio band?

Echolot:Both i guess. But we all play more than one instrument on the record. So for the live show it would be really cool to have some helping hands.

A7:Why does the band have this name?

Echolot:A Echolot sends sound Waves. That's what we like to do.

A8:What ́s the idea behind the artwork?

Echolot:The bath of the creatures shows the Curatio of the being and the nonbeing. And we love the paintings of Manuel Guldimann, great Stuff!

A9:What are the ripples made for this album?

Echolot:It was a collaboration with a lot of humans we like.Of course the Covid Situation brought some troubles, but in the end,we found a final solution to release the Album as we wanted.

A10:How did the band arrive to Sixteentimes Music?

Echolot:Like a lot in Echolot it grown organically together.We love all the peeps of Sixteentimes Music and we really enjoy the collaboration.

A11:I really like what the band calls brain crushing, but is it done in concert or does it come naturally?

Echolot:We know each other for a long time, so we know the flow of every single one in the Band. Music is like a talk butwithout words. Brain Crush!

A12:What kind of subject doesn ́t deserve to be in a Echolot song?

Echolot:Racism and Sexisem!

A13:Is this album conceptual?

Echolot:Not really, it grow like a baby plant to a big tree.

A14:Is there any vampire influence in the band?

Echolot:Yes, we like to suck Blood of each other. It helps for the Brain Crush. =)

A15:What does the band mean with unchanged constellation?

Echolot:We play since the foundation in 2014 in the same constellation.

A16:The band feel differences between “Destrudo” and now in “Curatio”?

Echolot:Yes, Destrudo was heavy. To record and play live. Curatio is more gentle and it feels a bit less heavy on our souls.



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