Well,Friends Of Aristocracy!
Line Up:
Baron On Guitar\Vocal And Drums
Mantas On Bass

We speak again of our newsroom, where in a little while, we will have, in all its emotions, the interview 142 of the Aristocracy.This time, we interviewed a duo that make extreme metal of high intensity and quality. We are talking about the Polish band Patricide. Earlier this month, they present us their second album entitled Pura Malum.Let's go to the interview, first we must thank the band for answering our interview that starts now!
A1:Talking about the composition work in Pura Malum?
Patricide:Work on the new album "Pura Malum" began at the turn of 2020/2021, the songs were created naturally with the intention of continuing our style but in a new version.
A2:Why band left from Poland to Norway ?
Patricide:In fact, the history of our settlement in Norway is not connected with the band's departure to Norway. We came with Mantas to Norway around 2007, but not knowing about it, he came to a completely different region than me and we had no contact with each other for a long time, but after some time we made contact and this is how our story with the band's reactivation began.
A3:I'm not against Polish songs, but performing them makes the songs have meaning only if you're Polish?
Patricide:It's true that by using your language in the lyrics we limit the possibility of understanding their content by people of other origins. But the reactivation of PATRICIDE is a continuation of the old band from 1993 so we want to keep the traditions. Most of the Norwegian scene in the 90s used their own language and people listened and accepted their works, no matter if they understood their lyrics or not.
A4:The 1994 Separation is in the past. But, without a doubt, it has a reason. Today, can you say that reason without us press being disturbing or saying incorrect things?
Patricide:The reason was, as with many young bands, personal disagreements, not between all members of the band, but it was the reason for the band's disintegration.
A5:How band arrive to Liber Khaos Productions?
Patricide:One of the members of PATRICIDE owns this label so the reason is obvious that the band started releasing for LIBER KHAOS PRODUCTIONS.
A6:What are the big differences between Elegis and Patricide?
Patricide:I think it's definitely the style of music, in both bands it's death metal but PATRICIDE is more old school and slower, and also has Polish lyrics. ELEGIS is more brutal, faster and more technical, the lyrics are more oriented towards the philosophical realms.
A7:This second album is conceptual?
Patricide:The second album is not generally conceptual but has a thematic consistency. All songs have a reference to the title so that the album is completely thematically unity, except the last song "Nordheim" which is an additional song on the album and tells about our settlement in Norway and is in Norwegian.
A8:What´s the idea behind artwork´s album?
Patricide:The album cover expresses all the content of the lyrics. It is the face of the opposite and showing the other dark side of religion, the discovery of heresy and deception in many religions, especially one of the most famous.
A9:What can Norway learn from Polish metal and vice versa?
Patricide:Everyone has their own musical style, the Norwegian scene is very strong and has very famous black metal bands around the world. Poland also has a strong black metal scene, especially now, but the Polish scene is stronger in the death metal genre. It's hard to say what one can learn from another, the Polish scene was very strong in the 1980s but we didn't have the same conditions as other countries to be accessible to the rest of the world so for sure our scene was very strong musically much before.
A10:What´s bands influence Patricide?
Patricide:There are no specific bands that inspire us today. As a band of the 90s, we listened to most of the death metal bands, the Swedish scene, the American scene especially from Florida as well as the English one.
A11:Not that making a song is fast, but does doing it as a duo increase the chance of it happening smarter or faster?
Patricide:The fact that we form a band as a duo is a matter related to logistics and also that we are the only one from the old band active musically. It doesn't stop us from making the music we'd like to hear under the name PATRICIDE.
A12:I know you are in Norway today. But Debno is special to the band. Can you explain about the city and if metal is still strong there?
Patricide:Only two members of Patricide were from Debno, the rest were from other towns in the region. Debno is a small town and there has never been a strong metal scene here, there was only one metal band before us but they haven't existed for years.
A13:Metaphorically, is Patricide a youngest son of Elegis?
Patricide:If we look at the dates of creation in the 90s, Patricide was the first and Elegis was the second because the idea to create Elegis was born in 1997-1998 and Patricide 1993. But if we are talking about the 2000s, Elegis was the first (2011) and Patricide was the second (2017- 2018).
A14:Beliara and Wojtas are not part of the band, ok. But are they friends with the current duo or have they never seen in their lives?
Patricide:Everyone has their own life apart from music, but it happens that we have contact with each other sometimes, but not often, we live in other countries, so the contact is rather via the Internet.
A15:I want to know differences between Capitis Capri Sancti and Pura Malum?
Patricide:The differences between the two albums are big, the second one is more conscious, differently arranged, more insightful lyrics, and you can certainly hear the musical and production progress. The first album contained 5 demo tracks from 1993 so the construction of the album was different, the second album is created consciously as one monster.
A16:Look at this sentence! It is clear that evil exists. What we must question is whether there is good?
Patricide:What is one without the other? it's like a symbiosis of energy, like black and white, strong and weak, sad and happy, love and hate, the rest are just names and definitions each interpretation may be different depending on the culture.