Line UP:
Milos Milosevic-Vocals
Milan Vicic Guitars
Milan Radoicic-Bass
Milan Saric-Drums

Well,Friends Of Aristocracy!

We speak again of our newsroom, where in a little while, we will have, in all its emotions, the interview 147 of the Aristocracy.This time, we're talking to a band that delivers an eclectic mix of Sludge spiced up with grunge tones and an organic alternative metal sound.
This band came from Serbia and is called Nula who show us their debut album titled So Zemlje. An album that is treated as a manifesto of the collective unconscious of the band. Let's go to a song of theirs before we start our interview. Also a deep thanks the band and youtube channel 666 MR Doom for introducing us to this band. Let's go to the interview now!
A1:Talking about the composition work in So Zemlje?
Nula:The album took years to achieve this final form.The songs evolved a lot since their first versions, but the backbone of every song stayed basically the same.There’s just more nuance then in the beginning.
A2:What spiritual elevations are sought in this album?
Nula:Freedom from any form of inner or outer spiritual control,ritualistic self-discovery, therapeutic re-bonding with the pure energy essence of universal consciousness, even at the price of being dissolved in its divine light and becoming nothing more than Salt of the Earth, which we are, and are going to be either way around.Becoming the purest form of salt, so that the earth can flourish.
A3:Why do you treat this work as a manifesto?
Nula:It is everything we wanted to express to the world, musically,for the past 5 years, to say “This is what we got for now. There will be more, but for now, this is it”. It manifests our inner worlds combined in one.
A4:Some literature or film inspire the band?
Nula:Yes, actually. The name of one song, Zagrobni darovi’ was inspired by a novel of a Norwegian author, Tor Ulven.The lyrics of the song have nothing to do with the book,just the title.
A5:How to make the band sound organic?
Nula:Be well practiced,don’t use too much complicated equipment and of course,find a producer that suits your affinities.
A6:Why is the subconscious so important to the band?
Nula:That’s where we draw our inspiration from, the vast, unconquered,unknowable space that sits inside all of us. It speaks to us when we play. Our music is, from one viewpoint, a dialogue between our subconscious minds. And of course, the minds of our listeners.
A7:Nothing against the songs on this album being in their native language, but the goal was to challenge themselves or tell the reality of Serbia?
Nula:No goal. It is only natural to express yourself in your native tongue. We don’t deal with the reality of Serbia, the abovementioned subconscious realities are already grim enough.
A8:How is a deep introspection done by the band?
Nula:Musical dialogue.Jamming, writing songs, communicating through sounds that resonate deep.
A9:Why the band have this name?
Nula:Nula means ‘zero’. It represents balance, among other things. Between + and -,straight in the middle is the zero. It also represents the void of our material world. No meaning.You fill it with meaning and then it means something to you, personally.
A10:What´s the idea behind artwork´s album?
Nula: Blood sacrifice made in the spirit.
A11:How band arrive to Geenger Records?
Nula:We already worked with them on our vinyl split with Serbian sludge metal band In From The Cold. Check ‘em out, great band.Geenger is basically the best record label in this genre of music in the Balkans.
A12:What generated this feeling of great anguish in the band?
Nula:Fucked up society, fucked up human relations,fucked up psyches.Search for liberation. A feeling of insignificance and the quick passage of time. Angst about time itself. The passing nature of the human condition, forgetfulness of an uncaring cosmos. Drugs & alcohol, the need to soothe the pain somehow, anyhow.
A13:How is Nula different from your previous bands?
Nula:More sophisticated, more refined. We all evolved as musicians and people, got older, gained experience. New troubles, new struggles. It’s all reflected in the music.
A14:This album is conceptual?
Nula:No, not actually. It can be listened to like that, if you’re into that kind of stuff, it fits well within that narrative.
A15:How is grunge worked by the band?
Nula:We all listened to a lot of heavier grunge bands when we were younger, and still do, hell, even the really commercial stuff. Our singer likes Alice In Chains and Faith no More, the drummer and guitar player like TAD, the Melvins, Nirvana, our bass player is into everything heavy basically, so grunge is in there. Its like the step-brother of sludge, and we kinda play sludge, so there has to be grunge here and there.
A16:What kind of subject don´t deserve a Nula song?
A17:What is the fragility that most inspires the band?
Nula:Fragility of thy neighbor, gentleness of the human soul. Its devastating to look at, sometimes.