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Aristocracy Interview 162 With Italian Death Metal Band SONUM

Foto do escritor: Comendador Felipe FrazãoComendador Felipe Frazão

Line Up:

Fla or Flavio Bisterzo On Vocals

Lele or Emanuelle Zíllio On Guitars

Minkio Or Mirko Marchesini On Guitars

Thomas On Bass

Paul On Drums

Well,Friends of Aristocracy!

We speak again of our newsroom, where in a little while, we will have, in all its emotions, the interview 162 of the Aristocracy.This time, we talked to a band that practices an extreme sound. But, at the same time that this happens, they try to do something experimental, orchestrated structures, polishing dissonances.Also, explore the extremes of all the extreme sound that can be brought.In addition to sulfurous atmospheres, it seems that we are talking about a band with a long career. But believe me. We are talking about a band that shows its debut album entitled Visceral Void Entropy. The band in question is the Italian Sonum .Let's go to one of their songs so we can see this amazing interview. Before that, a thank you to them and the label Wormholedeath for doing this super interview.

A1:Talking about the composition work in Visceral Void Entropy?

MINKIO:Visceral Void Entropy is an album that comes from afar.It is a record that contains the result of an evolution that started from the birth of the band and is in continuous development. The composition of the songs starts mainly from the guitarists who, however,do not propose only riffs to the rest of the band but complete songs with drums and bass too. The second step is the reworking of the songs by the other components by modifying the individual parts, adding a text and proposing ideas for development with arrangements or modifications of the entire structure. Once we arrive at the structure that convinces us then we dedicate ourselves to details such as arrangements,harmonizations, musicality of the lyrics, cuts / drum fills, any changes of tone, etc. etc.

A2:Who would be the iconoclast referred to in the fifth song?

Fla:The singer,author of all the lyrics, says about ICONOCLAST:"The record talks about the inner emptiness and the malaise that in the bowels of the human soul only grows over time. In my mind a component of this discomfort and drugs understood as a deep dependence. The iconoclast is the substance itself, the antichrist who erases the points of reference, who creates illusions of grandeur but who in reality destroys everything.Lie down and suffer inside me, I am your iconoclast, I am your antichrist, I run, no noise, towards the end lead me by the hand, among the debris of life.”

A3:Is the Character in the process of self-destruction in the seventh song?

Fla:“I am Destruction” is inspired by the figure of the "child soldier" in various books and films, for example "Blood Diamond" by Edward Zwick or in the novel "Power of the dog" by Don Winslow who kills his kidnapper. Obviously there is not an explicit lyric but rather cryptic,it is a text that treads on emotions and moods, leaving room for the listener's interpretation.

A4:Some literature or film inspire the band?

Fla:Yes,apart from those mentioned above, I want to mention, the film by H.G. Wells "The Time Machine" from which I took inspiration for the lyrics of the song "Feel Them Breathe" had anyone noticed?

A5:What Dissonances band use in this album?

MINKIO: As far as dissonances are concerned,we do not have a fixed pattern but we prefer to adapt the tonal choice based on the melody that characterizes a song. It may seem strange to combine the words melody and dissonance but we firmly believe that this is a fundamental key to work on to be able to obtain different mood atmospheres and emotions. In the latest Ulcerate album, that I love, this is perfectly represented.

A6:Why do you claim that you make an Experimental Death Metal?

MINKIO:Honestly, we are convinced that we are doing Extreme Metal,but making acquaintances and friends listen to our music more and more often we have been labeled as "Experimental". Probably the use of certain arrangements, orchestrations, long and complex structures as a whole remind very little of the classic stereotypes of Death Metal and therefore our music is best represented as experimental.Surely the approach at the guitar level winks and takes a cue from bands that are anything but conventional and this has probably been perceived by the listeners.

A7:What call do you make in the third song?

MINKIO:After the chaos and heaviness of the first two songs, the sound of the bells is a call, a reference,souls gather for a ceremony,a rite or it's just a trap before being overwhelmed by the dark restlessness.Breathe before falling back into the abyss ....

A8:What´s the idea behind artwork´s album?

MINKIO:The beautiful album cover was born from the mind of the talented Sheila Franco.We just explained to her why we used that title and the vibe we wanted to convey visually. She listened to all the songs, she elaborated all our indications in an excellent way by deciding to represent the concept of visceral as a black hole that attracts damned, weak, fearful souls ...a deep, visceral and unstoppable black hole at the foot of a world where chaos, ignorance and inner misery reign.In our opinion it is a wonderful work and very representative of the music on this album. Do not You think?

A9:What would the 2022 Sonum say about the 2020 Sonum?

MINKIO: The Sonum of 2020 were others, with a different approach,less experience, less confidence and less familiarity.Each year that passes the evolution allows us to explore new musical territories and this is what we intend to do also in the future. Sonum of 2020 sound like the past. It's like when You look at a picture of yourself as a child. You smile,You think about the memories and above all you think that you are no longer what you were. But the important thing to not forget is that without having been what You were,You would not have become what You are.

A10:This album is conceptual?

FLA:Concept intended as a single story divided into several songs, NO.The title represents the common thread of the themes dealt with but the passages refer to and or are inspired by different sources.

A11:What orchestrations band use in this album?

MINKIO:The orchestrations are an integral and distinctive part of the record. We strongly wanted this component as they have a strong power to recreate the atmosphere we needed. All the orchestral parts were composed by our drummer as in addition to drums he studies composition and, among others, works as a composer of soundtracks for films. The references and the style from which we were inspired are those of classical and classical avant-garde music: Stockhausen, Penderecki, Mussorgsky, Bernard Herman, Stravinsky ...

A12:What band mean with Sulphurous Atmospheres?

MINKIO: Literally, which aims to recreate dark, malignant, hellish atmospheres.

A13:Why the band have this name?

MINKIO:We decided to use a name in Latin, since we are Italian and our language has its origins from that. The word SONUM means "sound" and represents in the round what we do and through what we express ourselves.The sound.

A14:What would a new omega be?

MINKIO:The new Omega is an antithesis. The songs speak of a humanity now adrift facing its own end: human affliction, damnation, mass genocide, absolute end. Death as the only way for the rebirth of consciousness. I am the alpha and the omega, a new path towards collective consciousness I am the alpha and the omega, I will unite them all into one sentient.

A15:How is Sonum different from your previous bands?

MINKIO:SONUM differs from our previous experiences fundamentally from the musical approach which is much more concentrated on the care of the compositions, the search for solutions, sounds, arrangements that go beyond the usual. Surely we have not invented anything and probably we will not, but personally I believe that the desire not to stop at the "usual" is what unites us and pushes us to do what we believe in.

A16:What was the poison you created in the first song?

MINKIO:A corrupt world and a poisoned society, seen through the eyes of those who do not feel part of this sick system made up of corruption, lies and false myths but at the same time, is forced to feed on the same poison created by itself.

A17:How band arrive to Wormholedeath?

MINKIO:Very simple: once we finished the recordings of the album we knocked on a few doors asking if anyone would be interested in helping us in the publication of our full length. Some contacts, who already knew us from the first two EPs, after two years of stoppage due to a pandemic, already had a dense schedule and were forced to say no. We made new contacts and at Wormholedeath were immediately thrilled with our music offering us the chance to collaborate. I have to thank Carlo and Naty for the immense support they are giving us and for the great work they’re doing to get our music where it needs to go. A really good label.



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