Line Up:
Raphael Matzat On Vocal
Lukas Wenzel On Guitar
Vincent Padrutt On Guitar
Dirk Schoening On Bass
Christian Burg On Drums

Well,Friends of Aristocracy!

We speak again of our newsroom, where in a little while, we will have in all its emotions, the interview 196 of the Aristocracy. This time, we spoke with a Black Metal band that approaches, in an evil and cruel way, all the horrors portrayed in the First World War.Of course, this approach will be from a more intense side, because without intensity, no band survives. But the difference is that we are talking about a German band that sings in German. However, what we must keep in mind is that it is a cruel atmosphere to listen to them, the symbiosis of melancholy and darkness is what they offer in abundance. .But rest assured, they do it very attractively.But, don't forget, the theme of the First War is the latent strength of this album and all the particular pain that this event caused. We are talking about Nocturnis and this is their debut album entitled Unsegen. We want to thank the band answer our humble but important questions and the producer The Metallist for showing us this intense and fabulous work. Let's go to one of their songs.
A1:Good morning guys. Let’s talk about the composition work in Unsegen?
Nocturnis: Sure, the Album is pretty much!
A2:Not that it's bad for the band to sing in German, but are these songs made that way, so they don't lose their original context?
Nocturnis:No, we just think it's a lot easier to write in german, because it's our native language. It just feels like a lot gets lost in translation, while writing English texts.
A3:Some literature or film inspired the band?
Nocturnis:Yes, there where a lot of things, what inspired the work of Unsegen. First and foremost, the movie 1917 plus the game Battlefield 1.
A4:Why was the title-track made in two parts?
Nocturnis:Because they belong together lyrically and musically. Lyrically it's where the protagonist of the album is starts seeing and doing all kinds of atrocities and starts losing his mind in the latter part of the Album. Musically, at least we think, they somewhat have a similar vibe going on. whereas the Unsegen II is the more extreme track of the two.
A5:How does melancholy inspire the band?
Nocturnis:Melancholy is a thing that inspired artists for ages before us and always will. Life is hard most of the time and then you die, sure there are some nice things going in between, we don’t want to sound too harsh. But, those nice times that happen from time to time, are also the moments that make you melancholic.
A6:What facts of life inspire this album?
Nocturnis:First it was the pandemic. New impressions, like being completely isolated and alone, caught with your own thoughts. And then, well Ukraine happened. So not knowingly, we started writing an antiwar album and while we where in the last phases of the production, shit hit the fan.
A7:How did the band arrive at Black Sunset?
Nocturnis:We were looking for a Label, to learn how the whole biz works. So we started doing research and MDD/Black Sunset was one of the logical options we had.
A8:What´s the idea behind the artwork?
Nocturnis:The painting we used for the cover is called “The dead Stretcher-Bearer” by Gilbert Rogers. We couldn’t seem to get the mood for the Artwork right and then we found this beautiful, yet horrifying painting. It picks up the mood of the first world war far better than we could ever put it on display.
A9:Why is the first war addressed by the band?
Nocturnis: Because it somehow got forgotten. Mustard Gas, Trenches filled with blood and mud, A constant stench of death and gun powder. For us, a good way to remind everyone, how stupid war or even better, humanity can be.
A10:What facts made the band create a hallucinatory aura on this album?
Nocturnis:We're not aware of any hallucinatory aura. At least we don't intend to create it as such.
A11:How is Nocturnis different from your previous bands?
Nocturnis: Everyone in the band, apart from the instrument everyone of us plays, has a certain purpose that brings the band forward. Vince is responsible for the songwriting, Lukas for all the graphical things, Dirk does all the organizing and bookings, Raphi does most of the lyrics and Chris does helps as a drum tech in recording situations.
A12:Is this album conceptual?
Nocturnis: Yes!
A13:What kind of subject doesn´t deserve to be in a Nocturnis song?
Nocturnis:Flowers, love, and stuff like that. Plus, everything that's racist or fascist.
A14:The band feel differences between “Aporia” and now in “Unsegen”?
Nocturnis: Sure, we matured in a lot of ways songwriting, live presence and the whole concept of Nocturnis got a lot more attention to detail in general.
A15:What bands influence you?
Nocturnis: A lot of bands. Der Weg einer Freiheit, Gaerea, Hath, Primordial, just to name a few.
A16:If world wars didn’t exist, would the world be better, worse or the same as the one we live in today?
Nocturnis:Can't really say. Probably we would find ways to fuck each other up in different ways than wars.