On April 6, 2022, the Polish Metal trio Over The Under released their newest album called “Red Album”. The band decided to donate all profits from the sale of the pre-orders to help Ukraine fight the Russian tyrant.
Over The Under is a band existing on the Polish music scene since 2014, and in the second half of 2017, they took the idea of Rock’n’Roll deeply to heart and decided to quit their usual job to play 100 concerts in 100 days without any breaks, thus winning the world record.
“Red Album” is a diverse bridge that connects many musical genres. Riffs that draw a handful of southern or thrash classics, seasoned with solid production and a message straight from the heart about the current state of the world.
The album was recorded in the band studio without a name, released by their own label Falista Records and is available to buy at Bandcamp.
Commentary about “Red Album”:
The idea of the album is to show the vision of looping civilization. This vision revolves around civilization’s pursuit of a reset, after which everything returns to its roots and the time of development begins again. At the time of writing this album, we didn’t know a pandemic was coming. Maybe she is the reset? We would not expect that our neighbor would be at war. Maybe this war is such a reset? Unfortunately, the album fitted into today’s world situation. Maybe this is just the beginning of the reset? Red may be associated with a hammer and sickle, blood, but for us it is an emergency first aid kit. We donated all the proceeds from the pre-order to humanitarian aid to Ukraine. So the Red Album first aid kit is not just a metaphor.As part of the promotion of the album, the band released music videos for the songs “Letter To Mother War” and “Red”, which you can watch below:

The album is set for release on June 24th via The House Of What You See, and it’s available for pre-order now. It was recorded and mixed at LU69 studio, mastered by Greg Chandler at Priory Recording Studios, and features cover art and layout by Viral Graphics.
"Somnaambulant Foregoer" é exatamente o tipo de música que soará em todo o mundo, quando o apocalipse chegar. Eu nem sei avaliar álbuns semelhantes. Estou completamente encantada com esta novidade, sou sua escrava e desfruto de todos os variados momentos. Death metal do DELPHIAN é uma grande loucura. Riffs agudos, melodias complicadas, mal sempre presente. Embora meus sentimentos estivessem confusos no início, o álbum se tornou um enorme monstro. Ao redor o desespero está aumentando, eu tateio na escuridão sem fim. Estou ouvindo a gravação novamente e descubro que está vindo um veneno escuro em minhas veias. Tecnologia, progressão e grande atração. Estas são as palavras que mais me vêm à mente ao ouvir. Álbum agressivo, muito emocional e negro. Inferno absoluto! Death metal técnico que vai varrer você da terra! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=899jgX92oYE https://www.facebook.com/DelphianMetal https://www.instagram.com/delphianmetal/?hl=en https://open.spotify.com/artist/4Nsx1L065rXQk4HaMzvsBu https://www.deezer.com/us/album/268119732 https://www.youtube.com/user/DELPHIANvideos