Well,Friends Of Aristocracy!
Line UP:
Janne Partanen On Vocals
Sami Lustig On Guitar
Simo Pesonen On Bass
Teemu Roth on Drums


We speak again of our newsroom, where in a little while, we will begin in all your emotions, the interview 131 of the Aristocracy.This time, we talked to a band that deals with extreme metal and makes an excellent balance between modernity and old school. It's a band that takes nationalism as its main banner.However, his sound generates great fans, intensity and weight in his lyrics and a career that does not stop reaching higher flights.We are talking about the Finnish band Hautajaisyo and they will show us on the 5th of next month their fourth full album through Inverse Records and it is called Ei Hauta Kysy Lupaa. explain their songs through a Behind Of Tracks and after that, an amazing interview with the lead singer of the band called Janne Partanen. Before these two structures, we must thank Inverse Records, Janne and the entire band Hautajaisyo for accepting talk to us.Let's go now, to our Behind Of Tracks and the Interview!
Behind Of Tracks With Hautajaisyo
"Kunnes Hajoan" (Before I break)
Let's start with a bang. Small fill and then death/thrash to your face. This song is a good example of our music. Great aggressive riffs with fast beating drums by Mr. Roth. Mix of low growls and shouts on vocals. First line of the song tells all what this album is about "on elämän polku raskas, epäonni sitä varjostaa".The path of life is hard, misfortune shadows it). Song ends with more wisdoms of life "En ole valmis kuolemaan, en vain jaksa elämää, ei hauta kysy lupaa, se meitä kaikkia odottaa" or i am not ready to die, i just cant stand to live, grave wont ask permission, it waits us all."Harhaluulo" or Delusion second single of the album. This song as some killer riffs and it is a fast death metal style song with a evil sounding chorus. Super fun song to play live.Song tells about people who think too much of them self.Like they matter in life eventhough they are just a blink of a eye on this planet.Askel" or step was going to be third single of the album, but we chose to make only two singles. In this song you can hear that our band likes to listen black metal. Lots of elements borrowed from that genre. This might be of the darkest song on the album and it tells about metal problems. At some point you can decide do you want to get help for your problems or take a last step to suicide. Mental problems, death and suicide has always been present in our bands music. Who needs made up supernatural horror when life it self is full of horror and despair."Kuuleeko Kukaan" or Does anybody hear this was the first single of the album. Full on death metal song influenced by great old band from Florida. It is slower than most of our music, but that just make it even better. Song tells about life of vocalist Mr. Partanen.He has a bad habit of helping people too much and forgetting himself and his own problems. He is always drowning in other peoples problems and it is not a healthy way to live. As the chorus tell us "Tiedän tarvitsen apua, en pois tahdo kadota, mutta lääkkeet ei minua pelasta, ne ei vie pois pelkoja" or I know I need help, i dont want to dissapear, but drugs wont save me, they dont take away the fears).
"Kärsimys" or Suffering:This is the oldest song of the album, because it was originally released on a demo by pre-Hautajaisyö band REDEYE with vocalist Mr. Partanen & guitarists Mr. Lustig in it. Song was made to fit better to Hautajaisyö material and new finnish lyrics. It is a raw and primitive song with epic breakdown. Songs tells about a old man who decide to kill himself. "Tänään sen teen, elämän lopetan" or today I will do it, i will end my life."Lohduton" or Hopeless and again another song about suicide and mental problems. This song tells about wanting to die because life is just too much to handle and asks the question should you wait or kill yourself right now. This might be one of the best songs on the album with mix of modern and old death metal on it. Song has some true evil on it and the song name is a tribute to great finnish metal band Verjnuamu, that has been a big influence to Hautajaisyö."Elämä lakkaa" or Life ends: this is great Hautajaisyö song with all of the bands elements on it. Great riffs, fast drums, evil chorus and hard hitting c-part. Song has taken inspiration on modern death metal. Lyrics are the last will of vocalist Mr. Partanen. He does not want to big party, lies about how good man he was or any nonsense. Just bury and forget him when he dies."Hiljaisuuden Vankila" or Prison of Silence if a song starts with Mr. Pesonen playing bass it cant be bad. Also guitarist Mr. Lustig brings his best melodic riffs on this song. Last song of the album is killer and one of the best song from it. Death metal all the way with epic ending. Song tells about depression and anxiety. When you know you need help, but are too weak to ask for it. So you hide inside your own head and make a prison in it. A prison where you dont want to be, but scared to come out.
Aristocracy Interview 131 With Finnish Death Metal Band Hautajaisyo
A1:Talking about the composition work in Ei Hauta Kysy Lupaa?
Janne Partanen:Mr. Lustig is our mastermind writing the songs and rest of the band helps in composition. I write all the lyrics.This album was really easy to make because we knew what we wanted and in years we have made a good ways to write songs. We demo everything from the start and are highly motivated to do our music.
A2:How Band Mix modern & old school elements?
Janne Partanen:It comes natural. We listen lots of different styles of metal and never have been too focused on staying in a strict rules of any genre. If you take influences from different bands from different time it will affect the result.
A3:How can our inner demons be inspiring in your lyrics?
Janne Partanen:They are inspiration for the band. A place to hide from your problems and try to use them for something good. Who needs therapy when you can write death metal from your depression and anxiety.It might not be a healthy way but it keeps us moving forward and somewhat insane. Band is a good escape from all the shit on our lives.
A4:Is psychology a part of their lives outside of music or is it just a personal choice for the band?
Janne Partanen:In normal life,we work in different areas,but I think we are a somewhat smart people. We also have got our own battles in life so it affects how our music sounds of. Psychology is on of my interests and i like to think a lot what makes us humans work. I have been fighting against my own head for years so its good to understand why.
A5:Some literature or film inspire the band?
Janne Partanen:Not really. I have read a lot of old funeral rituals and also lots of different religions holy books. But mostly our song just come from our lives and struggles in then.
A6:What´s the idea behind artwork´s album?
Janne Partanen:From the start of this band we have been working with a talented artisti named Minttu Harju. She does all our artwork. Usually when i write lyrics i get a idea what type of art would fit it. Then i doodle something on my phone and send it to Minttu with the lyrics and demo of the song. She then draws the idea with her style and adds stuff she knows we like. Minttu is great because she undrestand my mind so well. Lots of times she just sends some dark stuff to me without asking. I like our artwork to be dark and depressive. You know stuff that makes you feel bit bad. I also want our artwork to be different than most of death metal bands have.This new album name is "Grave Wont Ask Permission" in English so the artwork is of that. Idea of it comes from that we cannot escape death, it will take us all. Some of us want to die and some are taken too soon. But in the end we all will die.
A7:How is Hautajaisyo different from your previous bands?
Janne Partanen:Before Hautajaisyö,our band was called REDEYE. It was more chaotic and more thrash metal influenced. When we decided to start making more death metal style music and chance our lyrics in Finnish we chance the name to Hautajaisyö. Me and Mr. Lustig also have a black metal band called Uhriristi, that made two albums, but now our focus is on Hautajaisyö.
A8:Why the band have this name?
Janne Partanen:Well,its a cool name! It means "Funeral Night" in English and it was stolen from a song of my favorite band Horna. For me,the name means the night when you decide you will kill yourself.
A9:Why do you claim that this album is a sister to the third album?
Janne Partanen:We started working on new songs when we were still recording our 3rd album "On Vain Pimeys". Because we had lots of gigs canceled. I belive we had two song ready to record as i was still recording vocals for the previous album. "On Vain Pimeys" was released october and we were back on studio in december. The albums fit really well together because of that.
A10:Is it a challenge or does the band make their songs in their local language out of fear that the songs lose their real meaning?
Janne Partanen:We do things in Finnish because i make better lyrics in Finnish.Also Finnish is not so used in extreme metal. I think i also sing better doing it on my native tongue and i can focus on my articulation. I think people get interested more of our music because we sing in Finnish.
A11:This album is conceptual?
Janne Partanen:I think from the start our band has been in a same concept. We write aggressive song about real sad things in life. Some of our fans even say we are doing good work for talking about mental problems, suicide and stuff you "should not" be talking out loud. Hautajaisyö is a metal band for all who are broken.
A12:What´s bands influence ours?
Janne Partanen:We have taken stuff from different parts of the world and different genres. Some finnish bands like Verjnuamu, Sotajumala and Deathchain are big influences for us. Also the Deicide, Cannibal Corpse and Slayer from USA. You might hear some Napalm Death and Sepultura in our music. We also listen lots of Norwegian black metal and swedish melodic death metal. But yeah there is no band that has been our main influence, but lots of stuff from different bands.
A13:Is the Depression the Evil of the 21st Century?
Janne Partanen:I think it is stupidity. We live in a age where we have all the information in the world in out pockets, but still people belive on nonsense and conspiracy theorys. Every year,i am horrified how idiots run nations,human rights are forgotten, people die without reason and religions keeps getting more power.
A14:A philosopher told me that what humanizes man is failure. Do you approach this in your songs because you also believe in what this philosopher said?
Janne Partanen:What is a failure. If we think of us humans what is our purpose.We are born and then we die. We all will succeed this. We human are the sum of our mistakes. Nobody here is perfect and nobody is special. We all just wander this planet our time and then we are forgotten.
A15:What kind of subject don´t deserve a Hautajaisyo song?
Janne Partanen:That is a good question. We try to stay out of politics and religions. Also i don´t like discrimination or racism. So those are the few things we dont do music about.
A16:What´s the differences band feel in On vain pimeys and now in Ei Hauta Kysy Lupaa?
Janne Partanen:New album is more focused and production is better. We record and mix our own music so every album we will try to make it sound bit better. Also, we try to make better album every time. We really love "On Vain Pimeys" album and this new album is even better than that. Its a cliché to say but i think some of out best songs are in "Ei Hauta Kysy Lupaa" album.
A17:What unsolved issues inspire the band?
Janne Partanen:There is only answers that have not been found. Life is one big mystery to solve.