Line Up:
Tero Hautamäki On Composition, arrangement, guitars & bass. Janne Partanen On Lyrics, arrangement & lead vocals

Well,Friends Of Aristocracy!

We asked the Finnish duo Marraskuun Lapset to explain the songs from their debut EP titled as Lauluja Elämässä Eksyneille".Request accepted and here it is.Follow the full EP in all its emotions, before that.
Laatupoikkeama (Quality Deviatio) this is where all of it started. Hautamäki had a song idea that didint fit for his bands so he asked me (Partanen) to write lyrics and sing in this song. Two men heads worked great together and so was Marraskuun Lapset (Children Of November) born. Song tells about a man who thinks he does not deserve love. Hanna Ingo did amazing job as woman who tryes to tell him otherwise and begs him "let me close to you just one time". Pahuuden Siemen (Seed of evil) second song of the EP is also second song made. Newly formed band wanted to make even more heavier song. Song tells about friend of Hautamäki who was fighting cancer. Its dark but in the chorus it try to rise hope "huuda kovempaa haluan elää, huuda niin että joku huomaa" shout loud i want to live, shout so that somebody will hear. Elämässä Eksyneille (Lost In life) this song starts with a heavy riff that hit like a ten ton hammer. This song is a anthem to everybody who is broken, hopeless and lost in life. Punk vocals Satu Guru does awesome additional vocals in this song and Hanna Ingo is again doing clean vocals on c-part. It might be the best songs of the EP and its perfect to be title track of the release. Viimeiset Hyvästit (Last goodbyes) Hautamäki once again hits with a heavy and groovy riff. Satu Guru is doing second vocals in this last goodbye song made to the narsistic ex, the domestic violent people and cheaters. We can dig you a grave where you can bury yourself. Jos En Enää Herää (If I Dont Wake Up Anymore) a beautiful song about suicide. We end the EP with a different tone. With Partanen doing only lyrics and phone call in the start. Highly talented Tomas Ahlroos does lead vocals and Hanna Ingo on second vocals. This song was a challenge to the band, because it is so different than the rest of the EP. But Hautamäki writing is on point, deeply dark lyrics and Hanna's voice & synths in the end make that this song will haunt you at night. Song wraps up the EP just right. Band released a music video for this song. Video was made in 0€ by Hautamäki filming and Partanen editing.