Well,friends of Aristocracy!
We speak again of our newsroom. Where, in a little while, we will have, in all its emotions, the eighty-fourth interview of the Aristocracy.I have to admit that I'm not the biggest fan of unit projects, as I've been used to musically speaking with several people working. But, the case here is quite different.We are talking about the Gorge Of War Band. A strong mix of Black\Death and prepared in the rawest possible way. In an earlier era, the so-called Old School of the style.A dirty, extreme and evil style. In some moments, with styles torn from a classic rock n' roll. We talked today with the only person able to explain about the Gorge Of War, its own creator, of course. He goes by the acronym MVG.The debut album released six days ago is entitled Black Webs And Angelsex. A response to the EP made last year and which is called Caverns of the Slime. Now, let's go to a song by the band and the beginning of our conversation with MVG .
A1:Let´s talking about the composition work in Black Webs And Angelsex?
MVG: Most of the songs I write start from one little trigger. It could be a sound, a beat I hear in my head, a melody that keeps haunting me or even just one word. In many cases I finish one element of a song, for example one riff, and then I work out the lyrical theme first. This helps me to finish the rest of the song.
A2:Is it true that sex plays a big role in your lyrics?
MVG: In a way, you could say that.The concept of sex as a weapon really intrigues me.So it's more about the power of lust rather than sex itself.
A3:It's hard to believe that a black metal song has a mood, but I feel it when listening to the song that gives the album its name. Was this something you wanted from the beginning or did it happen like this?
MVG:I believe mood and atmosphere is one of the most important factors of black metal. I can’t say I really think about it when writing. It just happens.
A4:What Rock n' Roll ideas were defined before Circus Noir was prepared?
MVG: Funny, you are the second one today mentioning this! Circus Noir actually started with the faster riffs and only later the “Rock ‘n Roll” bit was added. I don;t know exactly why or how this happened. But I guess my love for dirty rock ‘n roll and black ‘n roll is to blame for this.
A5:Not that I don't like Black and Death, but the idea of working with these styles based on your teenage years?
MVG: I rolled into the metal scene via the traditional path; Maiden, Metallica, Slayer etc. But indeed it were Black and Death metal bands that made me want to start making my own music. Ever since I was like 12 or 13 I've been into the heavier sub genres.
A6:Why did Black and Death's early form inspire you the most for this album?
MVG: I just like it old-school. Both black and death. Not too much bull shit. Just hateful, raw, no compromises and violent.
A7:How band arrive to Kvlt Und Kaos Productions?
MVG: Very traditional. I emailed some digital demos around and very quickly Kvlt Und Kaos reached out. I’m very happy with the support I get from them.
A8:Why the band have this name?
MVG: I used the phrase Gorge of War in the one of the first songs I wrote called My Sisters of the Night. Just like we just discussed, this song also deals with the power of sexuality to defeat others. Quite literal Gorge of War is a “valley” used to kill. Then I leave it up to you to use you imagination and find the valley. For more juicy details you can listen to this track and read it on my Youtube channel.
A9:Do you plain to hire musicians?
MVG: No.The main purpose of Gorge of War is having total freedom and zero discussion.I also do not plan to play live anymore.
A10:Why did you find it necessary to break the mood on the album?
MVG: I suppose you refer to Circus Noire? Well, I don’t feel it breaks the mood. It’s a song about total violence served as obscure entertainment. The combination of the rolling riffs and faster more black metal riffs just fitted the story best.
A11:Which skins do you refer to in the fourth song?
MVG:Skins of previous victims. It’s a picture I had in my mind for a long time.Waving flags made out of skin when riding towards your next victims. It’s an instrument to spread fear.
A12:This album is conceptual?
MVG: In broad sense, yes. It’s about violence towards humankind and christianity. But in many forms.
A13:Who do you honor in music JUDAH WHOREZONE?
MVG: Noone is honoured. The song is about sexual massacre.
A14:What´s the idea behind artwork´s album?
MVG: I like the old cut and paste, collage, xerox style art and I wanted to use that. The cover is a visual translation of Black Webs and Angelsex.
A15:What would you say to yourself the day before starting Gorge Of War?
MVG: Go for it and spit it all out!
A16:Did Black\Death get any better compared to your teenage years?
MVG: No I guess not. You have great music now, and you had it then. Both genres will always stay true to their core and roots.