Line UP:
Dan Flitcroft-Vocal
Mark Sayer-Guitar
Jim Camp-Bass
Darren Ashman-Drums
This Sceptred Veil-Four Album

Well,friends of Aristocracy!
We talk about our newsroom, where we will start in all your emotions, definitely, the eighty-ninth interview of the Aristocracy.This time, we went to the birth of metal. England. The mother of this style. But, this mother has many children. One, of these children, you know now!We are referring to the British by Sergeant Thunderhoof.Through Pale Wizard Records, they present their fourth complete work entitled This Sceptred Veil. Their vocalist, Dan Flitcroft, after a song that we will post below, performs this important and perhaps, first interview with the Brazilian press. Thanks to him, Pale Wizard and the French site Shoot me Again, because it was there where we met his work dedicated to Stoner as one of his styles besides Hard Rock to give another example.The word is with Dan and us to show this work.Music Now!
A1:Let´s talking about the composition work in This Sceptred Veil?
Dan:All the songs were written together by all of the band. Much of them were based off initial ideas that we had in the jam room, which we then elaborated on whilst in the studio whilst doing pre-production. All the lyrics were written by me with most of them loosely based on short poems that I write on a regular basis. I write poetry in my spare time, just for fun. So I have quite a large private collection of material I can draw upon.
A2:Any reason for you to state why on this album you explore the dark and dense side more than on previous albums?
Dan:Well simply, we had some dark times over the last few years, as did many people. This album above all the others has a direct relation to our own lives.
A3:Avon &Avalon is a two-part song, why?
They were initially two completely separate songs that we had written for the album. When I came to do the lyrics I noticed that the two of them flowed quite well in to each other, so I decided to base the lyrics on the theme of the album, which is the ancient mythology and folklore of England/Avalon.
A4:Which southwestern British legends most inspired the band on this album?
Dan:The story of the child Christ coming to England upon the shoulders of Joseph of Arimathea features strongly in this record. As does the tale of Joseph returning after Jesus's death with the holy grail. We also touch upon the Kings of old along with some of our famous local landmarks. You need to listen to get the full picture. I don't want to give too much away!
A5:Why does the third song talk about blue?
'Dan: Absolute Blue' appears in that song as lyric. For me it is a metaphysical concept and the words of that song in particular have a deep personal meaning to me and my childhood, whilst alluding to the over-arching narrative of the whole album.
A6-One of your fans stated that your melody is inexplicable. How is this melody crafted on this album?
Dan:I guess it's just whatever comes in to our heads at the time. How can I possibly explain how these things happen?! They just happen!
A7:What´s the idea behind artwork´s album?
Dan:Our artist Sara-Jane Swettenham (who is also my partner) was given free reign to interpret the album's meaning in her own way. She absolutely nailed the concept, we couldn't be happier. It would be foolish of me to explain the idea behind it as I think much of the wonder is found in the listener discovering it for themselves.
A8:How Sergeant Thunderhoof different from your previous bands?
Dan:This band has allowed all of us to be completely expressive and open minded. We don't set rules or boundaries and we trust each other completely. So in that aspect, it makes for interesting music.
A9:How band arrive to Pale Wizzard Records?
Dan:I created Pale Wizard Records about 6 years ago to release the debut single of the band 'Phoxjaw'. And so, with my experience in making and distributing music, it makes sense for us to release our music through my label and keep everything in-house.
A10:Who is the Devil´s Daughter?
Again, I feel it would be wrong to explain that song's meaning. I would rather allow the listener to come up with their own idea. All I would say, from my point of view from writing the words, the Devil's Daughter is more of a concept/ideology rather than an actual person. The Devil's Daughter represents something in society that we should all be very, very afraid of.
A11:Not that I don't like songs that are almost 11 minutes long, but was this arranged by the band or did it come naturally?
Dan:We struggle to write short songs. It isn't intentional, it's just the way it comes out.
A12-The band did a wonderful job, but without a doubt, Josh made a valuable contribution. Explain how you met and why he made this contribution?
Dan:Josh has been the engineer and producer at my studio for many years and performs in the band Phoxjaw. We have had a fantastic relationship with him now for a number of years and the work he has done on the new album is easily his best to date. We couldn't be happier with it.
A13:Another one who previously helped the band is called Nick Flagg. Were his contributions different if we compare the two albums where the help happened?
Dan:Nick is a great friend of ours who actually gave us our first gig. He appears at the beginning of 'Stellar Gate Drive'on the Terra Solus LP. He has the strongest Somerset accent I know of. Haha.
A14:Who would be the woman you sing in the fifth song?
No comment.
A15:What would the 2022 Sergeant Thunderhoof say to the 2015 Sergeant Thunderhoof?
Invest in face masks, anti-bacterial gel and cancel your TV License.
A16:Why the band have this name?
Dan:It was late at night, we were drunk.
A17:Are Delicate Sound of Thunderhoof and This Sceptred Veil different or complementary? Justify your answer!
Dan:Well Delicate Sound was an accidental release which came out of lockdown. We thought it would be fun to make some acoustic versions of our songs. It came out so well, that our fans and listeners demanded we turn it in to a fully fledged record. 'This Sceptred Veil' is a full studio album, a conceptual single piece which was constructed from the ground up.