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Eighty-Sixth Aristocracy Interview With Austrian Band Usurpator

Foto do escritor: Comendador Felipe FrazãoComendador Felipe Frazão

Only N.V is the Band.This is N.V!

Well,friends of Aristocracy!

We speak again of our newsroom, where we will begin in all your emotions, the eighty-sixth interview of the Aristocracy.This time, we will talk about another unitary project, its owner goes by the name of N.V.This project mixes the evil and dense energy of Black Metal with the terrifying atmosphere of Doom Metal.NV shows us their project titled as Usurpator and presents us with their debut album called Atonement. project was born in Austria and in addition to the influences of Black and Doom mentioned, NV also drinks from the sources of piscodelia and some elements of Death Metal can also be found. Now, yes, let's go to Atonement in its entirety and the interview with the father of this band,or perhaps,it would be better to say that you are the main person responsible.

A1:Let´s talking about the composition work in “Atonement”?

N.V:Hi! I'm not composing my music. I've got my own small "home studio" where I just record over and over again until I find guitar,synthesizer and drum parts with the right feeling for Usurpator: ancient, wrathful, tragic and deep.

A2:What are the new artistic expressions that you are looking for “Atonement”?

N.V:The new artistic expression is a more complex, aggressive and faster album than the previous ones.

A3:In a given moment, the band refers to hell. But, is this hell referred to as day-to-day or biblical hell, or both?

N.V:Do you mean the description for the cover artwork? In my lyrics I've never mentioned hell. As for the album cover itself: it is about the hellish feeling which the red colors and tridents are creating, but not in a biblical sense. Usurpator has, at least until now, no Satanic lyrical themes.

A4:I really like the name of your project, but is this based on a nickname given to you or on society that is, at times, totally usurping?

N.V:Thank you! Usurpator is the german word standing for usurper. I just liked the german version better.The idea for the name is that death will overthrow everything and is inevitable. Death is the only true Usurpator.

A5:Is it true that your work has an influence from Doom?

N.V:The music is not influenced by the doom bands, but I've got some doom metal influenced riffs here and there.

A6:If so, do you also like Sludge?

N.V:Yes, I like sludge and also the bands Doom.

A7:What makes Usurpator different from your previous bands or projects that you are involved in beyond this one?

N.V:I'm not involved in other musical projects right now. I guess what makes Usurpator different from past projects and in general many bands in the black metal genre are the riffs and often for black metal untypical melodies, the deeper tones on the guitars, the loud bass and drums and the almost shouted vocals,while still not being at least in my opinion,war metal, even though I like that genre as well. But to be honest, I've never had the intention to be different, it just happened.

A8:What are the biggest night terrors that inspired the fourth song?

N.V:I have been suffering from night terrors and sleep paralyzes since I was child. There was no particular experience that inspired the song. Fortunately some time passed since my last sleep paralysis, even though I still suffer from night terror some times. What I wanted to create with the song "Pavor Nocturnus" was a lovecraftian feeling of horror, that everyone is haunted by night terrors and that the demonic presence that you can experience while in the state of a sleep paralysis is quite real.

A9:What´s the idea behind the artwork?

N.V:The cover captures the moment of wrath and revenge upon human society. Unaware and yet still calm the characters are on the point of no return - their atonement, plague and evil forces of nature symbolized by the white horse rider is coming upon them. As society crumbles, some people gather, wielding tridents, symbolizing hell is coming to earth.

A10:Who is the son of Phthisis?

N.V:Phthisis is one of the ancient greek spirits/demons of pestilence and disease, called Nosoi, and the personification of rot, decay, and putrefaction.What time would be better to write a text about that mythological figure giving birth to a child than during a global pandemic?

A11:Do you plan to hire more musicians?

N.V:No I don't, but I'm not reluctant in doing so one day if I find the right people.

A12:How did you meet The Metallist PR?

N.V:Due to recommendation from my Sound Engineer, Thomas Ranosz (Puresound Recordings).

A13:Is this album conceptual?

N.V:No it isn't.

A14:What do you mean with “dragging death metal”?

N.V:The description was written by my label Church Of Eradication. I guess what they mean is that I've got some elements of death metal that feel like being dragged through barbwire and broken glass.

A15:What dissonance do you give to your black metal?

N.V:The guitars can be dissonant some times.

A16:What the 2022 N.V would say to the 2018 N.V the day before Ursurpator was created?

N.V:Stay patient, don't put yourself down if you don't get answers and results right away, and the most important thing: don't put up with everything! Don't sell yourself short!

A17:How did the band arrive to Dead Seed Producions?

N.V:I've got to know Laurent from Dead Seed Producions through Alexander Trinkl (Irrwisch). Dead Seed Producions and Church Of Eradication made a co release for my debut EP “Spear Of Psychosis”. “Atonement” got released through Church Of Eradication.



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