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Drakon Hesperion\Cronios-Guitars

Well, friends of the Aristocracy!
We speak again of our newsroom.Where, in a little while, we will, in all their emotions, post the eighty-third interview of our page.This time, our conversation takes place in the cradle of western civilization. But precisely where gods and the concept of society began to emerge. We are talking about Greece, ladies and gentlemen. Where, we have great Black Metal bands like Rotting Christ and Varathon. Consecrated and historical, one of them even one of my favorites.{Rotting Christ!}But today our conversation is with another one who wants to walk this nefarious and glorious path, enter this select pantheon of Greek bands from Black. We are talking about Synteleia, which after its strong debut titled Ending of the Unknown Path, delivers a second stronger work still and which is titled as The Secret Last Syllable.
Based on the myths of Cthulhu, written by the brilliant Howard Lovercraft, these greeks give this important interview to a Brazilian metal page. Let's go to the interview, but first, a song by the greeks!
A1:First of all, thanks the band for answer me!So, talking about the composition work in The Secret Last Syllable?
Synteleia:Thank you for hosting us, Felipe.The composition took place after the lyrics were written. Everyone in the band presents ideas and contribute musically with each other. So, it was really a team effort, while trying to depict the atmosphere derived from the lyrics.
A2:What is yith?
Synteleia:The Great Race of Yith are sentient beings of extraterrestrial origin and some of the first inhabitants of Earth. They are capable of projecting their consciousnesses across time, inhabiting the bodies of individuals of other species and swapping their minds with their own. According to the mythos, they were eventually wiped out by another race but their mind projections live still, hoping to reclaim the Earth, some day.
A3:Why the song Nymph Of The Pyramids have two parts?
Synteleia:At first, we intended for one track, however the lyrics were too extended, so the orchestration resulted in a song of more than 10 minutes length. So, we divided it into 2 thematic sections and created the appropriate musical atmosphere in each part, so that it is rendered in its entirety as a double parted song with one bigger identity.
A4:Undoubtedly, the three main Greek black metal bands were fundamental influences for you. But is there any that you think: I feel on the same path more than one of the three than the others?
Synteleia:The album is penetrated by the experiential metal roots that have grown inside us for the last 30 years that we listen to heavy metal in all its forms. This musical extract has been transferred to "The Secret Last Syllable" and has been transformed into a release that we believe is worth listening to. At the same time, we serve Hellenic black metal faithfully. We clearly have influences and we have full respect for the bands that co-formed this metal genre in the '90s. However, it would be sterile and useless to stick to these standards, creating a discography reminiscent of our favorite releases of the time. The test for a self-respecting music group is to leave its own mark, its own footprint and not to dig into characteristic musical themes of that time, for the sake of reviving the nostalgic past. The stake is to take the lead, to take the scene and the sound forward. This is our goal!
A5:Whether it's intentional or not, every band makes a theater by going on stage. Is Synteleia Theater more connected to drama or terror?
Synteleia:I would say it's more about mystery and the occult, than anything else. Although, we're not overdressed or anything like that, a black hoodie and dark clothes will do.
A6:In addition to the Cthulhu mythos, are other details of Howard's world put out by the band?
Synteleia:Certainly, in our main influences lyrically is "Nekronomikon". I like almost everything about Lovecraft, even his correspondence with other contemporary writers of his time, so I do not have a favorite book, but a favorite deity, Nyarlathotep, whom I have lyrically honored in all our releases so far.
A7:Going back to the previous year, how did the agreement with Funeral Storm for the split come about?
Synteleia:We are close with fellow Greek band Funeral Storm and the fact that we were both under the same label (Hell's Headbangers), gave us the idea of doing something like that. Besides, split albums is something close to extinct nowadays and we wanted to bring back that concept. The label liked the idea as well and made it possible for us.
A8:How band arrive to Floga Records?
Synteleia:Floga Records is a historic label in Greece, with monumental records in its arsenal and a continuous activity in both old and new releases. We always considered them as a desirable partner for us, so the time was right and all things led to make that happen.
A9:-In a way, does your daily work help to influence any of your music?
Synteleia:Unfortunately no and that's true for all our band members. Our daily jobs is a "necessary evil"to pay the bills and whatever free time we have left is spread between our lives and the band's activities. That requires a lot of sacrifices but our love for music makes it all worth it.
A10:In certain rehearsals, is the keyboard still used by the band?
Synteleia:When preparing for an upcoming live show, we use synth playback, as we have no keyboard player. On any other rehearsals we play without it.
A11:The band feels differences between Ending of the Unknown Path and now in The Secret Last Syllable?
Synteleia:Yes, in every aspect. "Ending..." was a big lesson for us, as it was our debut album. We've learned many things both in recording and production process, thus many things we did differently, as we love to experiment and explore new stuff and techniques. The same will apply to every future project we make. As we grow more mature and confident, so our music will be.
A12:Why the band have this name?
Synteleia:Synteleia is a biblical term and means the "end of days", the end of the world as we know it and the dawn of a new era. You can say that it shows our disgust of how society is nowadays and a fiery desire that things can change for the better. Or else we're leading to our doom, towards Synteleia.
A13:What's the biggest insanity in the world besides listening to Synteleia?
Synteleia:Ok, in all seriousness, war, man... I just can't believe that there are still wars happening around us. And children starving... and people not having fresh water to drink. I can go on and on, I just can't choose what's the biggest one, too many of them.
A14:According to what you think about in your daily lives and according to the songs on your new album, is it better to think of the human being as an agony or an animal for health?
Synteleia:Human beings are capable for the best and the worst at the same time. It has been proven historically since the first of our kind came to be. But based on what we see everyday, humanity has lost its way and the worst self of us has overtaken the scales. Future looks grim more than ever...
A15:This album is conceptual? Yes or no and why?
Synteleia:That depends on what one considers "concept album".One can say that it is, because the theme on all songs has a common factor, which is a Lovecraftian atmosphere and a Cthulhu mythos narrative. On the other hand, one might say that a concept album should revolve around a single story and the songs are its chapters.So, it's really up to the listener.
A16:What´s the idea behind artwork´s album?
Synteleia:The end of the unknown path that led our listeners, in our debut album's artwork, in front of an ancient gate, continues now, past that gate, onto this ancient, forgotten temple and the summoner performing a ritual. The idea dates back when we made our first artwork, we somehow knew the next one would be connected.
A17:Despite the respect for every black metal band, what kind of black metal in your private lives do you not listen to? (What band like i know,because i like too!)
Synteleia:It depends on the mood, there's nothing I can't hear. Ok, maybe if something is way too extreme for me and/or lyrics too offensive and violent and meaningless, maybe then I'll just hit the "skip" button, haha...