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Epic Fifty-First Interview With The Awesome Band Te Ruki

Foto do escritor: Comendador Felipe FrazãoComendador Felipe Frazão

Well, Friends of the Aristocracy!We're kicking off all your extraordinary emotions, an epic interview. For the first time in history, the Tempest\Aristocracy group welcomes a band from the darkest, most nocturnal and most evil style of Metal. Te Ruki hails from stunning French Polynesia. you are seeing click bite. You are seeing the truth of the facts brought here. 20 years of playing life and they release their full album, their first.Although an EP had already been made. The band was introduced and Aroma will tell us a little about this impressive album spoken in Tuamotuan, a dying language of Polynesia. Scares, Nights, Polynesia! Aroma sings for us and talks to us!Te Ruki is:Guitar/vocals Tauahinui, Guitar Marania,Keyboard Seiji Bass/backing vocals and Tamatoa on drums

A1:How is the decision made to have a Black Metal band formed in French Polynesia?

Aroma:We decided to form a Black Metal band because we love the energy that Black Metal provides. It shakes our body's and souls and it is just like our traditionnal Polynesian culture. We have been in Metal for over 20 years, but Te Ruki is something serious, so we decided to go out to the world with this.

A2:Talking about the composition work in Marako Te Ruki?

Aroma:We compose most of the musical parts together now. the band is taking more place in the musical part of the songs and it's very good. I (Aroma) also take care of the lyrics.

A3:Why and how Rotting Christ influence the band?

Aroma:We don't think being inspired by Rotting Christ, but many compare our style to them. Maybe because of this warrior spirit or babarian army essence behind it...?! We have a few famous warriors in our mythology like "Oro" god of war, "Maui"… his grand father dele "Mahuike"… Hiro, Pai and many more. We refer to them often to them.. so Maybe this is what connects us to Rotting Christ.Rotting Christ is a fabulous band. We take that as an honor!

A4:What would the Polynesian gods say about your curious and evil style?

Aroma:If we are happy and proud of our music then the Polynesian gods or devils are happy for us and give us the energy to continue what we do.

A5:What people that speak Tuamotuan say about this work?

Aroma:Many don't like it because they're not used to this type of music or "noise", but we just express ourselves with the language that has raised us, so we don't really mind about what people say. If they like Te Ruki, that's good, if not, well too bad for them! We like what we do so that's good!

A6:Some bands of your style say they practice fierce hatred, others push esoterism. Is it esoteric with ferocity to listen to Te Ruki?

Aroma:We talk about the power man has when everything is lined up. When the mind is centered on the spirit and when both are centered with the body and The when the whole man is part of everything ! The elements of nature guide the Man. a- And Man learns to live with himbself and learns how to tame the others that are part of himself. In other words "Me and Me" b- Man learns to live with the other people, "Me and the World" Because we are a part of everything. c- Man living with the God or Gods or Whatever name you give to what's bigger than us. In order to live that curse polynesians in an acient world were helped or killed by Huge animals or different elements that are part of the local mythologie.

A7:Tony APA : Vivo is a special guest.But,tell about him,please?

Aroma:Tony is Tamatoa's friend and also musician in local Polynesian dance group called Hei Tahiti. You can find them on internet.We made 1 session with him. Very talented and play with the instinct.

A8:He stay in all songs of album?

Aroma:We are dark and we are light. We have to know ourselves better in order to do things consiously

A9:.Look at this sentence: It is clear that evil exists. What perhaps we can question is whether there is good?

Aroma:TE RUKI me and the night. At night you dream, you are free, many bizarre things take place in dreams, upside down or straight up or fears or flying in the airs or breathing in the oceans...

A10:What kind of subject don't deserve a Te Ruki song?

Aroma:As long as you are free and at ease and powerful, then Te Ruki is for that ! The darkest nights bring up the shinest stars.

A11:The band feel differences between E Tika Mateu and now in Marako Te Ruki?

Aroma:Marako Te Rukinis the continuity of E Tika Mateu,Te Ruki.Same energy with a little different sound.

A12:How band get to Vama Marga Productions?

Aroma:Vama Marga Productions sent us a mail and proposed to make our cd's. We checked their work and we said yes let's do it..They are very professionnel and we like that!

A13:This album is conceptual?y or n and why?

Aroma:Yes this album is conceptual and the previous one is conceptual also. Te Ruki is conceptual. Because the fact of existence is part of an order. Turning around forces in a coordinated way. Even chaos comes from an order of things. Each song refers to a different step or level in order to understand how we function.

A14:At the beginning of the band, the drummer already had experience in other bands. Was he a kind of tutor for a young Te Ruki at the time?

Aroma:We all have musical expériences before Te Ruki. I've been playing in 1995 in my first death metal band. Tamatoa also, so yes i can say that our expériences bring something to the youngsters in Te Ruki but they also bring us something fresh. And it's good!

A15:What´s the idea behind artwork´s album?

Aroma:The album cover is done by Khaos Diktator. I really love his artwork. You can feel that he lives each part of the art. So i contacted him, and talked about the title song "Marako Te Ruki". It talks about "Mahuike" who is a Demi God that discovered fire. He is very strong.We are very happy about bis artwork, we feel ourselves in it.

A16:The fury of a Polynesian black metal can be measured in how many scares?

Aroma:The Fury of Polynesian black metal can be measured in many scales. From 5 to 10.

A17:Do you consider yourselves a morbid band?

Aroma: No, we do not consider ourselves as a morbid band! A18:Does the Night hide what demons or afflictions in your songs?

Aroma:No The Night doesn't hide Anhthing. But the contrary should be said. Te Ruki means the night. So in other words, Te Ruki brings the light...



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