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Fifteenth Interview With British Band Discord

Foto do escritor: Comendador Felipe FrazãoComendador Felipe Frazão

The Fifteenth Aristocracy Interview was done with the British Band and the band is based on just one person. Person who goes by the name of Dick Weeks. He shows us his EP titled Police The Police. Let's get to that interview, but before that .Let's go to the link where you can listen to the EP in all your emotions.

A1:Talking about the composition work in Police the Police?

Dick Weeks:Get angry at unending cop brutality, grab a guitar,scream into a microphone until you have four angry songs.

A2:Why the police still an absolute menace?

Dick Weeks:It's 2022 and they're still killing children in their beds and murdering disabled people in the streets and they're getting away with it.

A3:How come the anarchism inspire you?

Dick Weeks:Anarchy's the only modern political leaning that makes sense.Kings, queens, presidents,prime ministers, and cops only look out for themselves all the while kicking us normal people down. A world without these hierarchies would be a lot more conducive for all of us.

A4:Some literature or film inspire the band?

Dick Weeks:To be honest,it's mostly music that inspires us. Fear, Killing Joke, Discharge, you know, all the classics of hardcore punk.

A5:What you mean with ugly music?

Dick Weeks:Ugly music is music that won't ever make it on normal radio stations. I've been writing music for 10 years and have released almost all of it on my own. That's ugly music. Real music.

A6:Why the band have this name?

Dick Weeks:Discord is the lack of harmony between two notes being sounded at the same time.It's beautiful dissonance.

A7:How is Discord different from your previous bands?

Dick Weeks:I don't really do a lot of punk music, so Discord is unique. I have so many black metal and death metal projects, but Discord is the only punk project.

A8:Do you plain to hire more musican guys?

Dick Weeks:I hire musicians as I need them. I don't play live so I look at each project on its own. I did everything for the Discord EP, but with the last Gaylord album I hired a dozen musicians to help bring that vision to light.

A9:What´s the idea behind artwork´s album?

Dick Weeks:The artwork is of an ugly pig hiding behind his badge and gun getting ready to bare down on you with unrestrained might.

A10:This album is conceptual?yes or no and why?

Dick Weeks:The song's aren't conceptual as in they tell a story, but they all take aim at those who are hierarchically "better" than the normal man. Politicians, royalty, cops.

A11:Outside of music,what do the band members like to be doing?

Dick Weeks:Horror movies, retro video games, sci-fi, and other nerdy things. *Laughs*

A12:What´s bands influence Discord?

Dick Weeks:It's always gonna be Fear, Killing Joke, and Discharge.

A13:What you mean with Bloody Code?

Dick Weeks:The bloody code is an old British law where the only punishment for any crime is death. Steal a loaf of bread? Death. Kill a man in self-defense? Death. The song imagines returning to this grisly code of law in modern times and how grotesque the results would be.Thanks for having me!

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