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Fifty-Ninth Interview With Austrian Band Molten Chains

Foto do escritor: Comendador Felipe FrazãoComendador Felipe Frazão

Line UP Molten Chains:

Brenton Weir-Vocal\Guitar

Graf Gyula-Guitar


Well, friends of the Aristocracy!

We start now and totally for you. In all your emotions, our fifty-ninth interview. This time, a band that makes a progressive sound. A high-tech thrash, but with a classic feel. Modern metal, but without exaggerated technological elements.We spoke with Molten Chains who present their concept album, titled Orisons Of Vengeance.Here's a quick explanation: This is the third album by this Austrian band. But, it's the first time they've made an openly conceptual album. Follow this chat now! Because the opening song of the interview has already been posted!

A1:-The band feel differences in Torment Enshrined and Orisons of Vengeance?

MC:Musically its more aggressive and thrashier than Torment and of the riffing is more direct. The song structures are also more complex and we tried to push ourselves by having longer songs and much more lead playing than ever before. Lyrically the album follows a concept, which we had never done before.

A2:It would be unfair to complain about the band for their work. But, in some cases, bands make title music to the album. I just want to know why this didn't happen?

MC:If you mean a title track, usually bands don’t make a title track. They normally just name the album after a song because they cant think of what to name the album. In any case, we have never done this.

A3:Can I interpret Orisons as a play on words?


A4:Why did Shakespeare inspire the album?

MC:Just because i think the storytelling and writing style fits to our sound. We´ve done Shakespeare inspired stuff from the very beginning.

A5:Colleagues from my profession say that the band makes certain movements that are not necessarily linked to the classic Death. Do you agree? If you agree, what other styles are these?

MC:If by Death you mean death metal then yes I agree, we aren’t a death metal band. There may be some death metal riffs here and there but if anything its more thrash orientated.

A6:6 I saw this on bandcamp of Molten Chains:Ideas that were hinted at in the past are expanded to their fullest, encompassing moments of epic beauty. Can we explain this?

MC:It was referring to the moments on the last album that were slower and more atmospheric. We do it more on this album, albeit for fairly short passages, like in Bedevilled by Sorrow, Crimson Equinox and Martyrdom. Also an expansion of an idea is related to the fact that some people thought the last album was a concept album, which it isn’t, we decide to do a full concept album for this release.

A7:How band arrive to Alone Records?

MC:We´ve been on Alone since our first album, so its been a pretty long collaboration.

A8:Talking about the composition work in Orisons Of Vengeance?

MC:If you mean the song writing, I wrote all the songs apart from one. We re-worked a lot of parts though in the studio, which is also what we did with Torment. Its certainly a combined effort, that’s why the song writing credits are for the whole band.

A9:Revenge is something that moves me strongly. What revenge does the band want on this album?

MC:The concept is pretty much all about revenge and the idea of reckless self-fulfilment.

A10:What´s the idea behind artwork´s album?

MC:It was designed by the artist Unexpected Specter, who also did shirt designs for us. I sent her the lyrics and the concept as inspiration.

A11:Do you consider yourselves a morbid band?

MC:Not really, we are just a bunch of guys who like metal.

A12:What kind of subject don´t deserve a Molten Chains song?

MC:Maybe gore related stuff, that wouldn’t really vibe with our sound.

A13:The Theater the band wants to create is pretty extreme. What would Shakespeare say about Molten?

MC:Well, musically he´d probably hate it because im guessing no one out of the 17th century would get metal. Maybe he´d like the lyrics though, or the storytelling. Good question

A14:Which band from Austria moved you?

MC:There are loads of cool bands from Austria actually. To name a few; Deathstorm, Konfession, Hagzissa, Kringa, Circle of Shadows, Triumphant, Unsemblance…

A15:It´s more easy or more pratical being a powertrio?

MC:Its pretty easy and is working out well at the moment.

A16:Look at this sentence: It is clear that evil exists. What perhaps we can question is whether there is good?

MC:Without going off on a long philosophy tangent; I suppose it’s about your point of view. What you might consider ´good´ or ´evil´ someone else might see differently. By calling things ´Evil´ and ´Good´ though its kind of dehumanising things.



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