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Fifty-Seventh Interview With The German Band Silent Leges Inter Arma

Foto do escritor: Comendador Felipe FrazãoComendador Felipe Frazão

Germany Black Duo Metal Silent Leges Inter Arma-Second Album:Ad Plures Ire

Line Up-M:F on Vocal,Guitar,Bass

D:B on Drums

Well,friends of Aristocracy!We will start now and in, all your emotions, the fifty-seventh interview of the Aristocracy. For today, we will speak with the German duo who are inspired by the philosophies of Cicero. The powerful mixture of evil and mortal. Do they look the same? But they do. But, they are not.We spoke with this Black Metal duo. Get this interview right away. Just remembering that this is the band's second full-length album.

A1:Talking about the composition work in Ad Plures Ire?

SLIA:Well, we usually sat together and jammed until we had a bunch of riffs we liked. From there we tried to figure out which ones fit together or how to tweak them so that they create a cohesive whole. The songs were finished when we had the feeling that the complete composition sounds right and seems self-contained. Sometimes, the whole process only takes few weeks and sometimes several months. You never know when creativity hits you. Here is one of the many small details that connects the music with the artwork: I recorded the sound of the water waves at the baltic see and mixed it into some suitable parts of the album. If you take a look into the artwork of the digipack you will find out that the inside is the scene were Gilgamesh is sailing with Urshanabi over the waters of death to find Utanapishtim, the only person that the gods have made immortal. With his help he wanted to become immortal.

A2:-Besides Gilgamesch's poetry, what visual and progressive details do you put in the band?

SLIA:To be honest i am a musician and not a graphic designer. In this field i really suck :D I have some ideas and try to visualise it so that a proffessional graphik designer knows what i wanted to have. For Ad plures ire Carlo Perez really did a great job!

A3:How to create a fusion without confusing the listener in a negative way?

SLIA:That really depends on the listener itself. I personally love dissonant death metal and good made black metal. Not everyone likest hat kind of music. On the other hand i really despise modern pop music because it feels so empty inside. But to keep it a littelbit generell it really helps that the music you are listening to has a sound that sounds nice and not thin or „washed out“ sound or anything else that is ruining your listening pleasure. If the album sound is quite good it really helps.

A4:Explain the song three,please?

SLIA:Irkalla,a relativly short interludium. Enkidu enters the underworld in ancient sumer the people believed that you are not going to heaven or hell, you only reach the next level. And depending on your own status in life you could go through different gates. The last room was the place of the kings. Because of the new enviroment he had the feeling of beeing alone in the beginning of the song. This feeling completely changes during the song and at the end he knows that this is the way it goes and he comes to terms with it of course he was able to entert he room of the kings.

A5:Has being just a duo somehow affected the ten-year gap between albums?

SLIA:Definitly no. Of course you have more to do as a duo booking/promotion/recording etc. but in general it makes many things much easier.

A6:Which Cicero's ideas would never deserve a SLIA song?

SLIA:There are many, but this one in particular.If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.“ Black metal about a garden and a library would be weird.

A7:It is a laborious idea to make your own studio. It is said that it was started in 2017. But would it be correct to say that the decision was still made in 2016?

SLIA:I thougth about it for several years before but didn´t have the time to built it and in 2017 we found a room that was suited for our studio. The building process was really a hell of work but I think it was totally worth it.

A8:Is it a high jigsaw puzzle to be a Black Metal duo?

SLIA:No. To be honest it is much easier to play as a combo because it is always possible to improvise on stage. Furthermore, the decision-making paths are pleasantly short (f.e. cover design, writing new music..) And at last I have a very special amplification setup so that there is no need of an extra bass guitarist.

A9:What films influence the band?

SLIA:Not really, we are much more influenced by music. I love to listen to new extreme metal albums. The latest one that really thrills me was Ulcerate with „Stare into death and be still“. A really fantastic masterpiece of dissonant death metal.

A10:Under the weapons, the laws keep silent. What problems does Germany face specifically where you live, politics or governments apart?

SLIA:We have the big luck to live in a country where you are able to say nearly anything without consequences.if it is your personal opinion and you are not trying to harm anyone else. Generally it seems that germany has learned from the first two world wars and we are a peacefully nation.

A11:I liked the band's stance on the Russia\Ukraine conflict. But how was it understood by your personal friends about such a stance?

SLIA:Personally, i don´t know anyone who says that Putin is doing anything logically or rational. Nearly everyone knows someone who escaped from ukraine and we all try to help as much as we can. The hole situation is so extremely useless and is going to be very dangerous for the hole world.

A12:How band arrive to Eisenwald Records?

SLIA:We send our mini-cd Synästhesie“ with a promotape of some new songs to Eisenwald Records and he contacted us. Thats it. We released Ad plures ire by ourself to find out what we were able to achieve by our own – and to be honest, it is totally worth it.

A13:Which current philosophers could benefit from what the band did on Ad Plures Ire?

SLIA:I really don´t know any current philosopher whose opinion seriously interests me. But in the end the album is about dealing with death.

A14:This New album is conceptual?yes or no and why?

SLIA:Definitly yes. The hole album is based on the death of Enkidu and how Gilgamesh handled the situation. During the writing process of the music and lyrics I had to deal with my mother´s cancer disease and that there is no cure for this particular species. This together with Gilgamesh´s handling of that situation inspired me a lot and runs like a red thread through the entire album.

A15:Is the band looking for a permanent bassist?

SLIA:Well, it is very hard to find a bass guitarist who shares your musical visions, can play accordingly and is not an asshole. Therefore I decided after some trials to take over the bass part myself and let SLIA be a two-man band. And at last I have a very special amplification setup so that there is no need of an extra bass guitarist.

A16:Do you consider yourselves a morbid band?

SLIA:I don´t think so. We are just two guys who love to play Extreme Metal and living that lifestyle.

A17:Based on the songs on your second album and your personal opinion, is human being an agony or an animal for health?

SLIA:Well, we all have to go through a lot of shit and i don´t think that everyone is able to handle it. There are good times and bad times. Sometimes when you think it can´t get worse - life shows you that it can get even more worse. In the end only time can tell if we are doomed..



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