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Forty-Second Interview With The Swedish Band Rimthurs

Foto do escritor: Comendador Felipe FrazãoComendador Felipe Frazão

Well friends of the Aristocracy! We started early today. Let's go now and in all your emotions, the forty-second interview and this time, we will have a Swedish band and as has been said. It was my Genesis in Metal.Screw my Genesis, let's go to the Rimthurs band who do more full-bodied Black Metal than they did before. Not that they were bad, which they aren't. But once you've got some work done,you gain musculature of sound. In the case of a musician, this is an absolute truth even if it is said by an interviewing philosopher in a metaphorical way.

This third work is called Thursamál. We have in the band Tommy “Niflfarinn” Holmer on vocals, guitars and drums and Mordh on bass. The caveat is the special participation N. Sadist as a guest. the chat made with Niflafarin.

A1:Talking about the composition work in Thursamál?

Tommy:I mostly write music and lyrics from feeling, not very much conscious thought goes into it. I of course listen and arrange and work with the music once it's written, but I rarely sit down and think that I am going to write a specific kind of song.Most of the music and lyrics for Thursamál came together relatively quickly once I sat down and started to focus on it, not much to say about it really.

A2:Of course, its mythology has sad passages.But doesn't the fact that we are recovering from a health crisis help to catalyze this sadness?

Tommy:I haven't been very affected by this pandemic as I live by myself and rarely hang out with other people, and the album was all written before it. But of course these kind of things will influence people in different ways.

A3:The human being has always been fierce. But, have we fed our fierce side more intensely today and not in the time of our parents?

Tommy:I don't think humanity is more fierce or violent today than historically, we've pretty much always been a violent species. The difference I suppose lies in our technological advances, quite a difference between meeting your enemy face to face on a battlefield compared to sitting behind a screen and shooting at people with the help of drones and other tools.

A4:Some film inspire the band?

Tommy:Not really. I read alot and watch documentaries and stuff like that, mostly about history and different cultures which interests me.

A5:Is it correct to say that there is a depressive layer in the band's sound?

Tommy:Earlier, definitely. But not as much on Thursamàl I'd say. I have always fought with myself in different ways and struggled with depression most of my life, but I have managed to get past most of that now.

A6:Why the band have this name?

Tommy:It just felt right for the music and lyrics I wanted to write, I had a couple of other ideas before settling on Rimthurs. Alot of bands used words from Tolkien and christian mythology, the norse culture wasn't as explored back then as it is now and especially not the darker side of it.

A7:How is Rimthurs different from your previous bands?

Tommy:Rimthurs is only me doing my thing and has always been. The other bands are group efforts.

A8:What kind of spiritual extcy influence the band?

Tommy:The feeling of being one with nothing and everything, to see through reality and understand yourself and the universe at the most fundamental level.

A9:How band arrive to A.D.G Records?

Tommy:They released a cassette of one of my other projects and asked if I had anything else they could release.

A10:What´s the idea behind artwork´s album?

Tommy:It is pictures mostly taken during the writing of the album that I felt worked with the music and themes of the lyrics. You need to go to cold and maybe unpleasant parts of you mind to find out who you really are, explore the underworld and come out a new person.

A11:What mind of Niflfarinn say about our current days?

Tommy:The world is a fucked up place right now, and not much is pointing in a better direction. I believe we're just seeing the beginnings of the downfall of the industrial civilization, things will be much worse in the next couple of hundred years if not sooner.

A12:How to bring beauty to something evil like your sound?

Tommy:I don't see Rimthurs sound as evil, that's not really what I aim at. There is plenty of beauty in the darker side of existence if one only dares to look...

A13:This album is conceptual?yes or no and why?

Tommy:It is conceptual in the sense that the whole album is a reflection of my thoughts and feelings since the last album, but it is not a coherent story throughout the songs.

A14:Literally Speaking:Is the world ridiculous?

Tommy:Humanity has done what it can to destroy the place and does not seem to have any plans on changing that course, so I suppose you could say that things are getting pretty ridiculous now.

A15:How long did the pre-production of this album take?

Tommy:Maybe two years from when I started to write and arrange up to recording, I don't really keep track of those things.

A16:The band feel differences between Gravskrift and now in Thursamál?

Tommy:Yes, I have gone through some stuff in my life which reflects upon the music coming out. This album is more connected to my wild instincts and spiritual side, whereas the last album and also Svartnar is connected to my more depressive and negative sides.

A17:Based on the songs of album and your own opinion,is it better to think the human being as agony than an animal for health?

Tommy:The way we live today is definitely a sure way to agony and pain, but on the other hand it always is a risk to exist.

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