Well, friends of the Lipeverse Aristocrat!Now yes, we talk definitively for the forty-sixth interview with the Norwegians from Sinsid. The band is a classic metal and already has a certain road covered.Not for his practiced metal style, but for his life in metal. This is the third work called In Victory. Let's go to a song of them before the chat in all your emotions.
The album will be released on the 20th of May. The Interview is being posted on the 4th of May.The band is:Terje Singh Sidhu-Our Interviewee and Vocalist,Even Håvold and Sten Roger Knutsen on Guitars,Grzegorz Urbański on Bass and Robin Wick on Drums.
A1:Let's talk about the composition of the new album?
Terje:Our third album is a direct cause of the circumstances surrounding C-19 and the lack of live performances. When we had to cancel the shows followed by our second album ENTER THE GATES, we didn’t want to waste any time. There was also a line-up change with a new drummer.
A2:To win a battle, the first to disappear must be fear. But, which victory does the band refer to in this album?
Terje:Well, we found it quite fitting that we started with a MISSION FROM HELL moved forward and ENTER THE GATES where we now stand IN VICTORY.
A3:How does the band put the progressive influence in the sound?
Terje:We are influenced by several genres, everything from classic rock to trash metal. We try to fit in elements of every aspect as long as it suits the song.
A4:Which fury do you refer to in the seventh song?
Terje:Do you mean Wrath of Destruction? That’s a song about hatred and bullshit which relates to war.
A5:Some literature or film inspired the band?
Terje:No, not that comes to mind.
A6:How is SINSID different from your previous bands?
Terje:I only played with one band earlier called Zeno Morf. Both were in the same genre as old school metal, but with SINSID I think the songs a more diverse and better fitted to my vocals.
A7:What kind of subjects don't deserve to be in a SINSID Song?
Terje:Not sure I have decided on that one.
A8:Why does the band have this name?
Terje:The band name is put together with the first 3 letters from my middle and last name. I remember trying to come up with a cool name earlier on, but it seem like pretty much everything was taken, so why not take something that I own. Also the concept of half viking and half sikh works with the warrior figure that fronting our covers.
A9:How did the band arrive to Pitch Black Records?
Terje:Well, with the first album we just sent out a few requests to different record labels, and PBR was the one with the best response. Our relationship there has been really good so why change something that works.
A10:Literally Speaking: Is the world ridiculous?
Terje:I don’t believe so.
A11:This album is conceptual? Yes or no and why?
A12:The band feels differences between "Enter The Gates" and now "In Victory"?
Terjie:The main difference would probably be the usage of double bass drums, with our new drummer there seems to be some faster tracks than before as well.
.A13:How long did the pre-production of this album take?
Terjie:Yeah as I mentioned earlier, as soon as we realized that here wouldn’t be much live acts during the pandemic, we immediately shifted focus on creating new songs. We started writing/composing January 2021 and finished off recording in November that same year.
A14:Based on the songs of the album and your own opinion, is it better to think of the human being as agony than an animal for health?
Terjie:All our songs are rally good for your health whether you’re an animal, beast or human!!