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Frist Behind Of Tracks Or Pinga Fogo With Spanish Band Lethargic

Foto do escritor: Comendador Felipe FrazãoComendador Felipe Frazão

Well,Friends Of Aristocracy!

We speak again of the newsroom.Where, in a little while, we will start in all your emotions, a new follow-up to our site.We speak again of the newsroom.Where, in a little while, we will start in all your emotions, a new follow-up to our site.However, in honor of a TV Tupi talk show, an old Brazilian broadcaster from the 70s, this Behind Of Tracks will be nicknamed by us as Pinga Fogo.For this first Pinga-Fogo, we will have the participation of the Spanish band Lethargic. Here you will see comments and opinions of the band about the songs made for the Wodoo Tumba album. Of course, you will hear the songs, which we will post shortly.However, this introduction was necessary, not only for our public, to know about our new proposal. But, also to explain to our guests. Well, they imagined that this was an interview. but this proposal, which they are rookies, is not even remotely an interview. This will happen soon, as it was agreed between us.

Hi friends, here Óscar from the Spanish Death Doom Metal band LETHARGIC.

We release this days our second album "Woodoo Tumba" with 12 tracks of dark bizarre and Obscure Music.The lyrics are written by the vocalist Toño all in Spanish and the music and recordings are made by me during the past two years.We release "Woodoo Tumba" with the Singapore label Vrykoblast Productions on 30th May 2022.

1 -Decúbito Supino:The track starts fast as old school rules, some twisted and bizarre vibes are along the song, with dissonant and dark feelings.Theatrical passages and oniric sounds come to mind.

2 -Seres que se Arrastran :This is a slow riffage song with a catchy felling, as the song goes it gets more intense and epic.

3 -Psychophonie 1:Ouija Exploración: First of the three interlude tracks, all of them are bizarre psychophonies,this one is about Inquisition and Torquemada.

4 - Ambiente Funebre :The most strange and out of standars riff in the goes to some ambiental and evil/benevolent solos and licks, atmospheric and twisted.

5 . Lápida Pozo :The track chosen for the videolyric, one of the most recognizing riffs...slow and tetric movements going to an blasting and fast end...

6 . Psychophonie 2 (Ataúdes Blancos):Second interlude, other psychophonie about the dead with sinister keyboards in John Carpenter style...horror music

7 . Amor Necroftalmológico:First song composed for this record, old school death metal vibes in the vein of Entombed, Grave, Dismember Asphyx...nice riffage and solos

8:Letárgico Lisérgico :One of the fastest of the record, blast beats and nails over your brain, also my favorite solo of the album between fast grooves.

9 :Psychophonie 3 (Madres Muertas):Last interlude and Psychophonie of the album, other horror story and terror from beyond the grave soundings

10: Mearé Sobre tu Fosa :This is the shortest and fastest one in the album, some headbanging shots will make you enjoy this as hell. Influences? you must imagine And oh that atmospheric solo inside!!!

11 :Woodoo Tumba :Last song of the record...slow and agony start...sad feelings and dark memories going to intensity, woodoo takes control, and yes, we need to end it fast...heads to the wall.

12:Pista Fantasma! :This is some noises at the end of recording, some woodo and ancient instruments with the ghostly voice presence that always was with as in the studio.

You can hear it screaming along the album and in this ghostly trance of ending.All the lyrics are obscure and dark feelings in the mind of Toño, Voodo, death, perversions, catacombs, acid, revenge from the beyond speak about album on interview!



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