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Frist Interview Of Aristocracy with Dark French Viande

Foto do escritor: Comendador Felipe FrazãoComendador Felipe Frazão

The First Interview of this new phase of the Aristocracy was made with the French Death\Dark Metal Band Viande. The band shows us their debut album entitled L´Abime Dévore Les Âmes. Visuals,B as Guitarist and in the Noises,G as Bassist and M on Drums.Exept M,everyone else answered our questions.You follow the Q&A from now on in all your emotions.But,you see an song for the band frist.

A1:Talking about the composition work in L'abime dévore les âmes?

J:Viande is a death metal band but we are listening to a lot of other stuff especially black metal, ambient noise and industrial music.We try to include all these kinds of influences in our music to create a unique sound.

A2:Why the band have two bass guys?

J:We do not have two bass guys. On the album, B is our guitarist and he recorded the bass. Now,we have a live bass player who is a full time band member.

A3:What are the primary catharses of this album?

J:Viande is about Death. It is the whole concept. I have crossed the path of death several times not because of mental illness or something but because of the Death of close relatives and all the consequences of such evenements.The album is the expression of the feeling of the one who has plunged his eyes into the black abyss.

A4:Which meat do you refer to in the band's name. The flesh of man in the sense of species or animal flesh?

J:We refer to the flesh of man.We,Men are the rotten meat,already dead but still clutching to the cold stone which twirls into the infinite night of space.We are not talking about species, animal flesh, political view/veganism etc.

G:This is my flesh, eat it !this is my blood, drink it ! It's not a religious reference as well...Men can be reduced to a piece of meat.

A5:This album is conceptual?yes or no and why?

J :The album is not especially a concept album but the whole theme is Death.Everything related to the album is Death and the loneliness of beings facing the end of humanity and understanding how little they are in the endless labyrinth of time and dust.

A6:Some literature or film inspire the band?

J:I personally like a lot of movies:From black and white classics to 70s-80s horror,from russian avant-garde like Tarkovski for example to french young directors like Bertrand Mandico or Julie Ducornau.

G:To me,Dutch expressionist movies from the 30 's is one of my influences And some Italian horror movies from the 70's too.I like the paintings of Warhol and the Scorched Bodies of Fragonard.

A7:How is Viande different from your previous bands?

J:Viande is different from my previous band because it is the one in which I put all that I wanted to say.The whole thing is an exact vision of what I wanted to say about Death.

G:Our music is more than Death metal style. It's an oppressive noisy journey in the Abyss.

A8:Did the decision to sing in your mother tongue come naturally?

J:Yes,because I speak English too badly to be credible in this language and because all the lyrics are about personal feelings and experiences.

A9:A doom influence is evident in the band.But, today, in addition to the classic Doom.We have auxiliary aspects such as Sludge and Stoner.Can these auxiliary aspects be seen in the debut album?

J :You can expect a lot of musical influences,but especially dark ambient and noise ones.

G :Well, it's your point of view but I think it's a little bit reducer.The expression of Death can wear several costumes.

A10:Some say you present a Dark atmosphere and others say you are closer to Black Metal. Who is closer to reality?Regardless of the answer,justify it! J :We come from the french black metal scene…it runs in our wrists,that can explain things.

A11:How come the band arrive to TO Records ?

J :When,we were looking for a label,we sent it to a bunch of label of the same size.TO and two others were interested, TO gave us the best opportunities.I have personally heard about TO by P.H.O.B.O.S., a french extreme industrial/doom band who released an album with TO.

A12:At some point,this terror that the band makes in the atmosphere of their sound,did you feel this terror at the time of recording?

J:There is a time to feel and create things and a time to translate and spread it to the world. During the recording we were focusing on the technical part of the album, trying to record the exact musical translation of this terror.The gloomy atmosphere you can feel on the album has been created by men knowing what they are doing and what they are dealing with, this is the thing you need to know. I only speak about things I’ve experienced.

A13:Is the men an experience that didn´t work?

B:Men is exactly where he is supposed to be, somewhere between greatness and mediocrity .Mediocrity just seems speak louder than greatness.

J :I don´t really understand the meaning of the question…but about the music,one thing is not completely satisfying for us : the song of our demos, especially the second one. We tried things :We wanted to have a really cavernous sound but, too,really near to dark ambient like the Cold Meat Industries Productions,but it was not completely succeeded. And,for now,we are already working on our sound to find a really personal one halfway between extreme metal and noise/indus,dark ambiant.

A14:What kind of cacophony band doing in this album?

G:Yes,that is a curious question ? May be, prefer you a more conventional Death style ?...We are not conventional persons.

A15:Even if indirectly, every song has a target.Who is Viande's target besides yourselves and the public?

J :Our target is to show to the world our vision of what Death is.It has got many faces.I have seen one which was a black skull spitting flames of burning blood.

A16:Based on your songs and your words, is it better to think of a human being as agony than an animal for health?

G :At the end,whether animal or human,it will become the same rotting flesh.

J :I have no idea of the whole thing.For me, human beings are animals with articulated langage…men life do not mean more or less than animal life. All of us will end as dust.Sometimes, I envy animals who only cares about their basic needs in the end,they are the ones who have figured it out !

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