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Interview 170 With Romanian Black Metal Band Daius

Foto do escritor: Comendador Felipe FrazãoComendador Felipe Frazão

Line Up:

Andrei Oltean-Vocals/Flute

Mihai Dinuta-Guitars

Alex Gheorghe-Guitars

Alex Costin-Bass

Daniel Neagoe-Drums

Well,Friends Of Aristocracy!

We speak again of our newsroom, where in a little while, we will have, in all its emotions, the 170th interview of the Aristocracy.This time, we talked to a Black Metal band that works with the folklore of their local country without losing the ability to be too atmospheric or orthodox in their proposal.Although your road is at the beginning, we can expect more elaborate and even complex things in the future.We are talking about the Romanian band Daius. They present us with their debut album entitled Ascuns and in addition, the single Jalire. Let's go to a song by them so that we can start this exclusive interview for the Brazilian press.

A1:Talking about the composition work in Ascuns?

Daius:Ascuns was composed by Daniel Neagoe, our drummer and the man behind the project. Some traditional instrument lines were composed by our vocalist Andrei Oltean.

A2:What are the directions beyond Black Metal that the band sought to bring to Ascuns?

Daius:Daius seeks to evoke the atmosphere of solitude that can only be found in the deepest corners of the forests, under the darkest mountain ridges. It is in that primordial solitude that myths are born, and that man gets to understand his true self.

A3:Is the tone that the band gave to this album is more psychological or philosofical?

Daius:I would say rather philosophical, as it ponders upon themes of mortality and other afflicting concepts that mankind deals with.

A4:Is making songs in your native language more challenging or just telling the stories so they don´t lose meaning?

Daius:It is not challenging, but rather helping to enhance the quality of the aforementioned atmosphere. The thing is that each language has its own sound, and it is only fitting that we complete our song auras with the proper sonic medium.There are some wordplays unique for each language as well, so this is another aspect worth mentioning.

A5:Is it pre-arranged or did it happen naturally to make ten-minute songs?

Daius:It flows naturally. Unlike other types of music, this style isn't constrained by the rush and other such factors that you will find in more popular music styles. This allows the music to develop on its own pace, and elaborate its story as much as needed. You need a vast medium to have the freedom to immerse yourself in this mysterious atmosphere.

A6:Why the band have this name?

Daius:Daius,in a very archaic form of Romanian means “deity”. The general idea of a deity in the Romanian folklore and its history is nothing short of spectacular. In essence, Romanians and their ancestors strongly believed in nature and all its mysteries so it is only natural we choose something which represents our culture, ideology and lyrics as well as with all our music.

A7:What´s the idea behind artwork´s album?

Daius:As with the music and the language of choice (Romanian), the artwork is intended to enforce the feeling of solitude and introspection."Ascuns" means "hidden", and dwells on the innermost thoughts of the individual. Often dark, these thoughts aren't to be shared lightly with others: they are meant to be hidden, to live in a dark and secluded world, as the artwork reflects.

A8:Not that I don't like the fact that the band uses flutes and other wind instruments, but why was this decision made?

Daius:Andrei was already a part of Clouds, and upon creating the concept of Daius, Daniel & him both agreed that this palette of sounds is something that will serve the songs to make them more authentic.

A9:How is Daius different from your previous bands?

Daius:Depends on whom you ask. Most of us are active in a number of bands:Clouds, Machiavellian God, E-an-na, Dirty Shirt and a plethora of other projects.Each project has its uniqueness, its own concept, sound and surroundings, leading to a proprietary experience. As stated, Daius focuses on the inner darkness of the individual, viewed through archaic lenses. The upcoming record will focus on a particular face of this theme, namely ancient Romanian mortuary rites and the meanings behind them.

A10:Certain critics consider their music substantial. Do you agree with this opinion or not? Justify your answer!

Daius:I am not entirely sure what you mean. Whose music? And how do you define substantial? I don't believe there is an objective answer or way of measuring such things.

A11:This album is conceptual?

Daius:You can see it as such, surely: a travel towards that innermost refuge.

A12:Are any of the old superstitions a part of your private lives?

Daius:Not as much. They are part of our art, and especially of the lives of our grandparents, but ours not so much.

A13:Some literature or film inspire the band?

Daius:As individuals yes. As a concept specifically for Daius, no.

A14:What are the agonies that influenced Ascuns and the single Jalire?

Daius:The agonies of artists are many, as for every human being. Each of us is an entire universe of hopes and disappointments and music always acts as a purifying fire that cleanses us and keeps us going. Without agony there is no fuel. A15:The Sadness I see in your songs is due to the death of a dear person. Who would that person be and why does this cause discipline and pragmatism in the band?

Daius:Our music does not have a specific person as target or inspiration. It is more about exploring the darkness within Romanian culture and lore, about bringing an exquisite atmosphere of such practices. Naturally, this comes with respect and grief, and as all serious matters, it isn't something to be treated lightly. It is in darkness where your other senses sharpen.



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