The Masters of Melancholy Black Dreams have returned from two year hiatus with a new single "Running Blood". Running Blood is a story of a person who gets enough of the evilness of the mankind and decides to abandon his God. Now he fate is in his own hands. Black Dreams was founded in Rauma, Finland in 2015. The band got the nickname The Masters of Melancholy by the British music media. That describes the band's music and essence well. They perform gloomy and desperate music - Northern gothic metal. Black Dreams current line-up is Juha Kraapo (vocals), Jari Rantanen (drums) and Sami Räikkönen (guitar). Band took a break in 2020 when covid canceled the gigs. The hiatus stretched a little longer than planned.
Listen to the single: https://push.fm/fl/blackdreams-runningblood
Check the lyric video: https://youtu.be/1tojNTrdnhg
Black Dreams is a Finnish heavy rock act that has gathered airplay for it's music around the world on undergound radio stations for example in Australia, UK and USA. They collaborated again with producer Mikko Herranen (Misterer, Misery Inc., Rust, Velcra, Lullacry..) who recorded and mixed the release. https://www.facebook.com/BLACKDREAMSOFFICIAL/ https://twitter.com/Black_Dreams_FI

Some of you may remember that I was thoroughly impressed by Sensory Amusia‘s 2020 EP Bereavement, which I compared to a mix of Aborted, Dyscarnate, and Man Must Die at the time.
Well, somehow they’ve gotten even heavier in the short space of time between that release and their new album, Breed Death, and I’m here to tell you exactly why that’s a good thing!
Erring even closer to the Brutal/Technical Death Metal approach of bands like Suffocation and Dying Fetus, crushing cuts such as “Yersinia Pestis” and “Vulgar Thoughts of Carnage”, chug and churn, shred and slam, without mercy or restraint, with every subsequent song feeling like it’s attempting to outdo the previous one in just how much blunt force sonic trauma it can inflict on the listener.

One of the things that I think puts a lot of people off so-called “Post-Metal” is that, due to its name, they basically just expect it to be aimless Post-Rock meandering with more distortion.
And while that’s certainly the case for some bands, it’s not the case of all of them… and it’s certainly not the case for Sunstare and their unashamedly abrasive new album, Ziusudra.
Sure, there’s a Hardcore-edge to the band’s music in places – mostly due to the throat-shredding, larynx-lacerating efforts of their vocalist – but for the most part Sunstare‘s sound is firmly rooted in the proggier end of the Sludge scene, drawing strong comparisons to Germany’s dearly-departed Planks as well as the band’s more “blackened” countrymen in Regarde Les Hommes Tomber (especially during “Uru (Wrath, Flood)”) and even – during their darkest, doomiest moments – soul-crushingly heavy US sludge-lords Dead To A Dying World.