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May Aristocracy Awards 2022

Foto do escritor: Comendador Felipe FrazãoComendador Felipe Frazão

Well,Friends Of Aristocracy!

We are talking about our newsroom, where we will soon start the Aristocracy Awards for the month of May in all its emotions.Just remembering that only on the first day of next year, we will make a selection of the best 32 albums of 2022. Now, yes, May Aristocracy Awards!We'll start with the six honorable mentions of course.

Aparthiva Raktadhara

Line UP:V.Hydra Drums

Takshaka Guitars, Bass

Nahash Vocals,Full Album:Adyapeeth Maranasamhita

The sixth honorable mention arrives from India. It goes by the name of Aparthiva Raktadhara.With a theme that marries the styles of their country with the nihilistic unhappiness, this band presents a cohesive debut, entitled to the destructive combination between Black\Death.It is good to explain that this is a debut in the question, long-term work. Well, in 2018, an episode titled Agyat Ishvar was released by them. We must thank the band and of course their German label, Iron Bonehead Productions, for introducing us in a more lasting way to this promising Indian band that you have the chance to hear above.

5-Blus Aus Nord

The fifth honorable mention belongs to a French band Blut Aus Nord that with this work entitled as Disharmonium - Undreamable Abysses,the fourteenth full-length work of his impressive career that began in 1994.BLUT AUS NORD displays its singular dissonant glory: tentacle-being, malformed, cursed, fearsome. Structures are more rhythmic, traversing seamounts of madness towards lightless echelons far beyond comprehension. The reflective darkness we all demand.Mainly, because it mixes in an avant-garde way, the classic and terrifying slowness of the Doom style.One of the reasons for this to happen is that pessimism or the nefarious atmosphere worthy of traditional Black Metal has no place here.Not just in Disharmonium: Undreamable Abysses, but by body of work. Another fundamental detail that differentiates them from their previous albums is the echoes and the feeling that you are participating in a spiritualized ritual, not a ritual to worship divine beings or criticize churches.

Because of its long history, for making it different from what you have in Black Metal naturally, although there is no doubt, what you hear is a Black Metal band. Follow now completely one of the best albums of 2022. The band is formed by Vindsval on Guitar\Vocal,Ghost as Bassist and W.D. Feld on drums and keyboards.

4-Dark Archive

Created in 2016 in Finland, the band led by lead guitarist Joakim Lindholm and vocalist Niko Aromaa announced on May 20, their debut album titled Reunite the Darkness, their first full length, on Inverse Records for 2022.Notice that the album also contains tracks from their first EP, released in 2018 titled as Cultivate Our Blood in Aeon.

Oskari Niekka on rhythm guitar,Iain Huntley on bass and Alpo Laitinen on drums, former members of the band, recorded their instruments and the band had the help of Katarina Gubanova for the introduction.For this full-length debut, abrasive guitars and lots of Blast Beats are the band's kitchen picks.The band's ferocity has many facets, but the vocal combination in growls and the vocalist's sharpness stand out.Another detail is their intros, short and sometimes even theatrical, so that later arises the destructive combination of Black\Death that this band is dedicated to making.But, don't look at them, as a band stuck to this duo of fierce styles. The guitars are fundamental so that they also have certain symphonic tones on the album. The whole sound has rhythm, cohesion and musical pieces to be highlighted.For example, the thrash technique in Preternatural Ancestry, Black\Death which is the most latent style of the album is in the other pieces in an implacable quality, Son Of Blight ends the album with mastery and a lot of extremity a sound endowed with technique. the part that I liked the most is in the song “Morningstar, due to its symphonic mix and more elaborate artistic skills.We only regret that the other members excluding Katarina Gubanova, as she was a cameo. The band is currently down to Joakim and Niko. We hope that they can either reunite new members or continue as a duo, as their beginning was super exciting.

3-Church Of Disgust

The third honorable mention belongs to the Texans Church Of Disgust. Interestingly, they presented at the end of last month, their third album entitled Weakest Is the Flesh. What you will hear is the death metal tradition at a genuine stage, allied to that , elements of thrash metal well structured. Maybe you want to understand what this tradition of Death would be. We can say that it is a macabre structure, evil energy. Another highlight is that this can be pointed out as a more mature work. At the Pillar of Souls” and Arrogant Death” are calling cards for what awaits you. His inspirations are horror films and the works of H.P. Lovecraft.

For those who prefer something more dragged, but still with a heavy structure, we have the song Humiliated Remains, a drag that doesn't last long because with the piece “Boiling Seas of Yuggoth, the impetus is high and when the deceleration occurs, the album descends to a pleasant Schizophrenia. Arrasto returns with the title song of the album. There, putting Death\Doom more abrasive in its sound, another detail is the distorted speech that you will hear before your ear starts to bleed. It's 40 minutes of a necessary work and that marks the sound maturity of a band that we want to continue for many years on the road.


The second honorable mention belongs to the Greek band Synteleia. After taking the truck off the back with the well-executed debut titled Ending Of The Unknown Path. The band makes their second wave titled The Secret Last Syllable.

In terms of sound, a sound very similar to their fellow countrymen Rotting Christ and Varathron, married to a sound that also has tones in Norwegian Black Metal such as Darkthrone or Mayhem.Another aspect that is very present in their sound are the female vocals that appear and give a very firm and cohesive gothic air. A clear opposition to the first album. In this first stage, from the album that goes until part 2 of the song Nymph of the Pyramid.However, you don't just want to hear classic Black Metal structures. You want more of the more up-to-date Black Metal. From the fifth to the ninth song, you've got it in abundance. It's good to say that the album doesn't have an A-side or B, but moments where the Black Metal of the 80s, 90s is played and where it merges with Gothic Metal, the point brought here and where we have the most melodious part of the work, except in the piece Stygian Forces of Scorn where melody and infamy Malignant typical of their Black merges into one. A work that is totally recommended to be listened to.


Closing the honorable mentions, we'll talk about a band that marries classic metal with Doom Metal. We're talking about Canadian Cauchemar who on her previous album, the second of her career, titled Chapelle Ardente.An instrumentation that delivered vocals and atmospheres and influences in classic bands. Mainly, because alongside this the second work and the first one made in 2013 titled Tenebrario, delivered that too. The tenuous cross between conviction and authenticity would be even more demanded. strong factor of this crusade is that their songs are all made in French.They are meticulous songs, austere and rustic riffs for this third work entitled as Rosa Mystica. .What we cannot deny is that the voice of the beautiful Annick Giroux, the guitar of François Patry, the bass of Andres Arango and the drums of Joël Ladouceur offer the listener a pleasant mixture of Classic Doom with the Hard Rock of historic bands like Scorpions.

TOP 10 May Aristocracy Awards:

10-Popiol-Second Album:Szeptun

Line UP:

Kubov - Bass / Vocals

Piet - Drums

Bard - Guitars

MAG - Vocals/Guitars

In the tenth place, we talk about the second album by the Poles from Popiól. Being that our page already knew them in 2019. This time, with the album Szeptun, they address topics such as suffering, death, piscoses. drummer called Piet. Remembering that this album was mastered and mixed between last year and the current year. Above you, the complete album.

9-Where´s My Bible-Circle

Line UP:

Vocals: Jussi Matilainen

Guitar: Toni Hinkkala

Guitar: Pasi Löfgrén

Bass: Jarno Laakkonen

Drums: Teppo Ristola

The ninth position belongs to the Finns of Where's My Bible. Which last month released their debut EP entitled Circle. Its style is an aggressive, but technical Death N'n Roll. A sincere fusion of Death Metal with the Classic Rock and Hard Rock.An interesting fact is their face makeup, in addition to a very different sound from what we see in Old School Hard Rock or Death Metal. Let's now go to chapter 4, the final song of this EP entitled Origin.We thank Inverse Records, one of the biggest metal labels in Finland, for introducing us to this band that, if it continues on this path, has full conditions to be one of the biggest in its style.

8-Sisyphean-Colours Of Faith

Dainius P. - Vocals

Adomas V. - Guitars

Kamil U. - Guitars

Mantas D. - Drums

Andrius B. - Session Bass

The Eighth position goes to a band that makes a dissonant sound. With lyrics endowed with intuition, individual feelings and an intensity well tempered for the style they dedicated themselves to making.Black Metal, of course. We're talking about Sisyphean's Lithuanians, it's hard to believe that this beautiful Colors Of Faith is just their second album. Not that the information is false, it's not.But the way they play and project their sound makes you believe you're listening to a veteran band. A massively ambitious album signed by the fantastic Indian record label Transcending Obscurity.Before this work the band released the album Illusions Of Eternity. Stay now, with this band's full album in frank, honest and dissonant progress. Don't expect progressions in this album, but hope the band continues to deliver its dissonant beauty.

7-Assumption-Hadean Tides

Line UP:

Giorgio Trombino-Vocal\Guitar

Matija Dolinar\Guitar

Claudio Troise-Bass

David Lucido-Drums

The Seventh Position is in charge of Assumption. A band that spectacularly mixes the philosophy, the scary and the misery that only Doom knows how to give in addition to a morbid characterization that only Death brings.This album features a band that started out as a duo, something you can follow on their Bandcamp and look for their Absconditus album. In Hadean Tides, we see influences in the poems of William Butler Yeats, Dylan Thomas.

It can be seen as a non-time of continuous accretion, liquefaction, destruction and dissolution of a barely formed globe.Today only a few, 4+ billion years-old zircons from the Hadean have been found. These represent a silent witness to a mysterious eon that no sentient being would ever harden, in no way, on a physical plane.Full album below, but make sure no current Death\Doom band is the same as Assumption.

6:Ante-Inferno:Antediluvian Dreamscapes

Line Up:

Kai Beanland-Vocal\Guitar

Ben Gladstone-Guitar

Gary Stephenson-Drums

The British Men of Scarborough are our sixth place. We are talking about a curious band very dear to everyone here in the Aristocracy. We met them at the beginning of 2020, showing their debut album entitled Fane. These three Brits, go by the name of Ante- Inferno. An atmospheric sound, but one that has all the horror and helplessness of the modern world.

An interesting fact about them is the absence of a bass in their sonority. If in Fane, it was the presentation of their house, their flames of doom, not least that the cry of the dead turned our flesh white while we dreamed intermittently about the Devil.The Torment brought by the trio gets a new chapter titled Antediluvian Dreamscapes. Not that you need to believe in transcendences to hear them, but don't listen to them thinking you'll find the diabolical side of the style. Complete album now in all its emotions.

5-Pestilent Hex:The Ashen Abhorrence

Line UP:Multi-instrumentalist L.L and vocalist/lyricist M.M.

Before I talk about the fifth place. Allow me, a few words about them. If we are to consider, the month that this album will be released in full, it shouldn't be here.It´s only on July 8th, out of conscience, my brother's birthday. However, I can assure you that they don't occupy this fifth position just because their debut album will be officially released to the world on my brother's birthday. The reason is their symphonic sound , the fact that they have a nice melody, even if their style is the most evil there is in metal, Black.

Also because, we were introduced to them sonically in May.We never spoke with this duo, yes, this band is a duo. Because of the first song that they made available to be the title song of the album we will post it right now for you. that ends the album titled Chapter VI:Banishment is available on Youtube for you. Stay with the title song of the album now and in all your emotions!

4-Deos:Furor Belli

Line Up:

Jack Graved : singer / Bass Guitar

Fabio Battistella : Guitar / Italian Voice

Cedd Boehm : Guitar

Loïc Depauwe : drums

The fourth position is occupied by an extreme metal band with a lot of old school stabs. Their music has as its main north the Roman empire.We are talking about the French DEOS. What you will see below is their third album entitled Furor Belli. According to them, a very technical mix between Black, Death, Thrash or simply, a Roman Extreme Metal. According to them, this is the more direct album, something that can be seen by the fact that in the other albums there is a keyboard player, which doesn't happen in this band anymore.What hasn't changed is the aggressiveness played by the band and its strong and impactful lyrics about the glorious moments of the Roman Empire. Complete album for you in all your emotions.

3-Djvelkult:Drep Alle Guder

Line UP:

Dødsherre Xarim – Guitar / Vocals

Skabb – Bass / Vocals

Beleth – Guitar

Brye – Drums

The Bronze Medal went to a band that doesn't owe anything to the diabolical Black Metal bands of the 80's/90's and early 2000's in Norway.Conveniently, this band is also from the same Norway. But it would be too simplistic to say that their ability to draw attention to themselves is just their locality and their old school sound.Another reason you might listen to Djevelkult, this wonderful and scary horde, is because saying it's just a band is as simplistic as saying its location in the universe. Another reason their scary yet impactful melodies are in Norwegian.Coincidences or not, this is also their third full-length album titled Drep Alle Guder.

Face the sound of Djevelkult with dread of your internal and external demons. Even if it cannot guarantee the return of your souls, spirits, minds to the correct route.,without recommendations or restrictions.

2:I Am The Night:While The Gods Sleeping

Line UP:

Okko Solantera-Vocal

Markus Vanhala-Guitar\Keyboards

Janne Markkanen-Bass

Waltteri Vayrynen-Drums

Making a long-running debut album is always a big pressure for any band. Mainly, even if you have a record label in your own country, the reach is worldwide.Not only because of video platforms, but because it is where we see the band in its fullest and most raw stage. Not that making EPS is a bad thing, not really. However, nothing replaces a work with a large number of compositions. talking about the silver medal of the May Aristocracy Awards. This band is the Finnish I Am The Night and the song that you will hear is also called I Am The Night, a pure and hateful black metal and of pure intensity and firmness. , pure minds and spirits!

1:Burying Place-In The Light Of Burning Churches

Giedrius Ambraziejus

Rimtautas Piskarskas on the Other Guitar

Arturas Gusevas as Bassist

Eimantas Damusis on Drums

Mykolas Alekna as Vocals

The gold medal goes to a band that took a long 29 years to release their debut album. A very old school Death Metal that has already passed through here in an interview. I'm talking about the Lithuanian band Burying Place. See you soon.See you in July for the June Awards Aristocracy 2022!



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