Line UP:
Marcin Szewczyk-Vocals
Michal Skupien\Karol Skupien-Guitars
Darek Zielinski-Bass
Mariusz Kulig-Keyboards
Rafal Skalny-Drums

Well,Friends of Aristocracy!
We speak again of our newsroom, where in a little while, we will start in all its emotions, the ninety-fifth interview of the Aristocracy. Let's go to this chat with the Polish from Schaderian. They show us their second album entitled Morphosis. debut, made six years ago, which was called Path. The full album is above, our answers were given by the brothers who make up the band. The Skupień brothers!We thanks the french site Shoot Me Again,because they show this band.
A1:The band feel differences between Path and now in Morphosis?
Michał:Yes,I think Morphosis is more musically consistent than Path where many subkinds of metal are mixed.
A2:Let´s talk about the composition work in Morphosis?
Michał: The composition process for the "Morphosis" was strictly dependent on my person. I am responsible for almost all music on the album. The lyrics are the work of Karol and Marcin. After "Path" was released I was involved in other musical projects and I hadn't much time for writing music. It took 6 years which gives only one song per year. In future I hope it will be much quicker process.It always looked like I bring an almost finish song to the rehearsal, we were playing material together and wondering what else could be changed there to make it better. Finally, we came to the effect that can be heard on the album. I remember it took us the longest time to work with the middle part of Awareness. There were many versions of how it should finally look ...
A3:What kind of Atmosphere band want in this album?
Karol: We wanted to make music dark but also melodic. Atmosphere is heavy here, but I believe there are some “brighter” parts (also thanks to lyrics). I think that someone who listens this material can be “crushed” and be delighted with catchy melodies in the same time. And that was the goal here.
A4:Is Sludge present in the band's sound as a whole?
Michał: No, I think there is no sludge subgenre on "Morphosis". Our music is really catchy with lots of melodies. It doesn't match sludge at all.
A5:Does your country's environment influence this album?
Michał: I think not.
A6:The two albums follow linear stories, similar or separate and why?
Karol: no, there is no direct connection between both stories. I think there isn’t any story on each album itself. Each lyric speaks about concrete topic. They’re touching similar subjects of course but there is no intentional connection between them.
In my lyrics I would prefer to focus on some topic and go through it in one song. I mean present it and maybe left some conclusion / thoughts to listener.
However, general lyrics subjects are similar on both albums, it didn’t change across years.
A7:Does the band's Doom have a funereal vibe?
Michał: I think no. Similar situation like with sludge. "Morphosis" is too accessible for random people, to being tagged as funeral doom.
A8:What Schaderian 2022 say for Schaderian in 2016?
Michał: Guys be patient please.
A9:Why the band have this name?
Michał: The name means nothing and is therefore unique. The name was generated by the app "fantasy name generator" or something like that by our ex-singer Michał. A very good thing is that when you type "Schaderian" into internet searcher, only things related to the band are displayed.
A10:In the not too distant past, your parents and your beloved Cracovia suffered at diabolical hands. Do they somehow influence your lives and music?
Michał: No.
A11:What´s bands influence Schaderian ?
Michał: There are many of them. I can mention for example Paradise Lost or Katatonia because you can hear them in our music, and almost everybody knows those bands.
A12:How band arrive to Lynx Music?
Michał: Our music is not very popular in underground. It's not easy to find somebody who would like to release your album. Many bands work independently. Underground labels are mainly focused on death and black metal. Fortunately, there are still couple of labels that release more rock music, and Lynx is one of such label. Additionally, we are from the same city with Lynx and this is also good thing.
A13:What kind of subject don´t deserve a Schaderian song?
Karol: I wouldn’t say that something doesn’t deserve to be topic of our song, however there are many topics which are not interesting for me and I wouldn’t talk about them in song. I personally prefer to focus on wide spectrum of single person’s issues than on social topics.
A14:Did Sylwia always or just for this job make illustrations for the band?
Karol: Just for this album, previous one and other graphics were done by other graphic designers.
A15:Morphosis is the process of formation of an organ. Is the formation of this organ more mature in this second work?
Karol: Yes, I think that we can say that this is more mature now. I think that we all learned a lot, regarding many aspects. And we’re much happier of the result comparing it to “Path”.
A16:I really like the keyboards in the band, but did they already exist on the previous album or did the idea come about for this album? If it's the second answer, why did it happen?
Michał: We have keyboards from the beginning of band existing and still the same person play on it - Mariusz.
A17:Does your daily work influence any of your music?
Michał: Not especially but sometimes I create some riffs in my head at work and later try to record it when I came back to my home, of course if I still remember it.Thanks,Michał!