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Ninety-Seventh Interview With The Italian-Moroccan Doom Project Scuriu

Foto do escritor: Comendador Felipe FrazãoComendador Felipe Frazão

Omar Jarid-Everything!

Well,friends of Aristocracy!

We speak, again of our newsroom, where we will begin in all its emotions, the ninety-seventh interview of the Aristocracy. We spoke with Omar Jarid and he is 29 years old. An Italian with family in Morocco, but precisely his father.He owns a project that goes by the name of Scuriu. He made his debut EP called Wilhelmina. Again, thanks to Davide Pulito, as he introduced us to this conceptual work.Since Omar has done other previous works, starting in 2018. Murmuur was a helper, but without omar, Scuriu wouldn't exist. Let's go to this interview, but we will talk about his previous works first:

Demo v1​.​1-2020

Score for a scene ov death underneath a starry night-2021 October Song.

Split Single with Black Flame-December 2021

Now,Wilhelmina 2022!

A1:Why an EP and not a full-length, Omar?

Omar Jarid:I composed the tracks without considering their duration, leaving at the end the decision whether it would be an album or an EP. Eventually I reached 26 minutes so the decision was merely based on the total duration.

A2:I don't know if you feel comfortable saying this, but which particular events inspired this work?

Omar Jarid:Sorry, but I'd prefer not to talk about those events. I'd like the listeners to give their own interpretations.

A3:Your influences were Beethoven and Spanish Jewish music. At which point, did you see that they worked well together musically?

Omar Jarid: I saw that they worked well since I noticed the melodies fit the concept. I wouldn't say these are influences, though. I simply did something similar to what hip hop beat makers do with sampling, by playing some fitting interpolations.

A4:What kind of horror Italian films inspire your project?

Omar Jarid:This inspiration is merely musical, not at all conceptual. The OST I felt the strongest vibes of is "Death smiles to a murderer" from the eponymous movie by the late Joe D'Amato.

A5:As a philosophy professor, I need to do this question to you. Do you believe this female vampire is a figure of Nietzsche?

Omar Jarid:I didn't have Nietzsche's philosophy in my mind when I wrote the concept, simply because it was all about me letting something out of my chest with this story. But if anybody wants to see a figure of Nietzsche in Wilhelmina, it's perfectly fine to me. So, my answer to this question would be no.

A6:Which personal interests does this EP have for you?

Omar Jarid:My personal interest in this EP is simply letting something out of my chest with a story, in an expressive style I feel comfortable to write songs with.

A7:Black Metal influences are evident in your project. Did you grow up listening to the Black Metal bands that are presented here such as Cradle of Fifth?

Omar Jarid: Yes, as a teenager I started to listen seriously to metal thanks to Cradle of Filth and they're still a huge influence on my songwriting. But I also grew up with Burzum's black metal/dark ambient, and I appreciate Behemoth's musical and lyrical style and, most recently, Krzysztof Drabikowski’s Батюшка for their doomish black metal.

A8:How did Murmuur come into your life?

Omar Jarid:I know Murmuur through an Italian collective of artists called Carcerem Lupi Underground Resistance, which I've been part of since April 2021. I've never met him in person, yet we developed a good friendship.

A9:Undoubtedly, the credit is yours for the work. But, do you intend to make it grow or keep playing it by yourself?

Omar Jarid:Scurìu was born and is intended as a solo project. However, if I should find some talented and REALLY trustworthy musicians, I'd consider turning it into a full live band, probably with me doing the lead guitar duties.

A10:Honest question from a philosophy professor: My virtual readers might think that by your name, you have Arab relatives or parents, am I correct or lying?

Omar Jarid:Correct. I have Moroccan descent from Dad's side.

A11:-When did music enter your life permanently?

Omar Jarid: Since I can remember, or even before. But I didn't start playing the guitar until the age of 16. By the way, I'm not a professional musician nor do I claim to be.

A12:Wilhelmina” reminds me of a Swiss band I've talked with. For you, Omar, why is this name special?

Omar Jarid:I picked the name from Mina Murray, the character from Bram Stoker's Dracula. I needed a name which would let the listeners have an intuition of her nature, but there's no link with the original Mina.

A13:-What’s the Italian commune that liked your music the most besides yours?

Omar Jarid:The collective Carcerem Lupi Underground Resistance, which I mentioned before, particularly likes my work and encourages me to improve it release after release.

A14:How did you know about Davide Pulito?

Omar Jarid: I've known Davide since 2017. At first he contacted me to ask me if I would join his old band Revolutio. I declined due to my then university schedule, but I still supported the band. After Revolutio disbanded, I learnt about his work as a PR in metal and he contacted Scurìu's Facebook page unaware that it was me behind the project.

A15:Would you say you are religious? Whether yes or no, justify your answer!

Omar Jarid: Yes, I can say I'm religious. I have faith there's something beyond human comprehension which rules the universe, and a reason why each and everyone of us is here in this life.

A16:Can conceptual works also be called closed ideas or open to changes?

Omar Jarid:I think conceptual ideas are open to changes as long as they aren't a wrap. Just to mention an example, "Wilhelmina III" from the EP was initially supposed to be some gothic metal ballad, but I felt something was missing and I rewrote it from scratch after one of those events I'm not telling about happened.But also, it may depend on the developed concept. If the story has an ending it's a closed idea, but if there are many related ideas popping up here and there, they surely can be open to changes and other chapters.



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