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Ninety-Sixth Interview With The German Band Alt-Rock R3VO

Foto do escritor: Comendador Felipe FrazãoComendador Felipe Frazão


Leo Barbato - Vocals

Jan Kurfürst - Guitar

Victor Nissim - Bass

Altaïr Chagué – Drums

Well,friends of Aristocracy!

We speak again of our newsroom, for in all its emotions, start the ninety-sixth interview of the Aristocracy. This time, we spoke with the Alt-Rock band R3VO. They made some songs and here we will post a very quick interview with them.Before that, let's thank our brother Davide Pulitto for this interview that we will post now. Let's get to the music and chat with them!

A1:Why does the band claim that the journey of this song is introspective?

R3VO:To paraphrase it, the lyrics of “Artificial Pleasure” refer to my self-reflection on the topic of addiction. Leo (vocals)

A2:What paranoia do you refer to in last year's song?

R3VO:“Paranoia” is about a tormented love relationship, I guess that in this case I perceived torment and paranoia to be synonyms. Leo (vocals)

A3:Is the band planning to do an album or EP during this year?

R3VO:Our debut EP “Fireflies” is recorded and scheduled to be released later this year. At this point, we are looking at late summer/early fall. Jan (guitar)

A4:How are progressions placed in your songs?

R3VO:Time signatures, how we approach song structures and arrangements. Altaïr (drums)

A5:What kind of drama do you want to give to this album?

R3VO:I just want people to enjoy listening to it. – Victor (bass)

A6:What does the band mean with “undergoing addiction”?

R3VO:The lyrics of “Artificial Pleasure” refer to a sort of comfort that can be felt by one’s surrendering to addiction. Addiction is not only to be understood with stimulants’ addiction, one could develop an addictive behavior towards love, sex, work or even illness.– Leo (vocals)

A7:What kind of psychedelic music influenced the band?

R3VO:We are highly influenced by the more psychedelic sections of Porcupine Tree. Otherwise, we all listen to all sorts of music, major bands from the 70s are as much a big influence as more recent ones like Tool or Muse. – Jan (guitar)

A8:How is R3VO different from your previous bands?

R3VO:R3VO is the first band that surprised me when I stepped into it. I had completely different expectations of what could come out of it. R3VO is also the first project that taught me to perceive my own music as a listener and not only as a songwriter. - Altaïr (drums)

A9:What kind of subject doesn´t deserve to be in a single by R3VO?

R3VO:I think we could write about pretty much anything, although our songs tend to be a metaphoric representation of the emotional roller-coaster one could go through in a city like Berlin. – Victor (bass)

A10:What would today's R3VO say to R3VO on its first day of rehearsal?

R3VO:Keep doing what you’re doing! It’s always worth giving it a try and great things will happen on the way! – R3VO



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