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Seventeenth Interview With The Finnish Band Muddy Moonshine

Foto do escritor: Comendador Felipe FrazãoComendador Felipe Frazão

The Aristocracy proudly arrives at its Seventeenth Interview with the Finnish Band Muddy Moonshine. The band mixes Blues with Hard Rock with class and great taste besides of course a lot of metal in their respective veins. The band shows us their second album titled as Are We There Yet?.The band consists of:Tuomo Varjola on Vocal,Jonne Rytkonen and Jarmo Ikala on Guitars,Kim Sandstrom on Bass and Saku Manninen on Drums.Tuomo answer our questions.Let´s go to a song for band and we see this interview in all our emotions.

A1:Talking about the composition work at Are We There Yet?

Tuomo Varjola:Well,making the songs was pretty easy, i came in to the band after Aleksi left, and guys had allready done some new songs, so i did not have to do much writing from my part. And after a couple of gigs , third guitarist Stefan decided to leave,so the arrangements were faster to do with only two guitarists.I play guitar/bass also, so we were not in trouble and i ended up playing one solo on 'one more time'.There was even some 'leftovers' for future use. Most of the composing & writing was done by Jonne & Jarmo, and i did some lyrics and added my spice into the soup'

A2:Is there a Black Humor in this album?

Tuomo Varjola:It's all, about humor, you can color it as you like.'

A3:What band mean with Southern Rock?

Tuomo Varjola:I would not think Muddy as a southern rock band anymore, it's a mixture of southern/hard rock,pop,death&roll,blues,even country,i think the term got stamped with the band when it had three guitarists or somethin don't know.

A4:Some literature or film inspire the band?

Tuomo Varjola:I think everyone who play, or compose, do art, get inspired from whatever they experience, what you see,read,hear, what you feel. If you feel like doing a song about traffic lights, you do it. And if someone says : hey it's that david lynch thing ! It can be, from his/hers point of view,even if the composer has not ever seen Twin Peaks or a David Lynch film.' A5:Why the title of album is a question?

Tuomo Varjola:It¨'s a metaphor of evolution, journey of a band,there's been many member, many things, good & bad.Stroke,dead people,heart attack, you name it,many line-up changes, so this time it feels this is the right line-up.So,are we there yet ?It's like your trip in life, or a nation, or perhaps considering what's going on in the world for humanity.

A6:Why the band have this name?

Tuomo Varjola:Jonne decided to form a band about makin' & drinkin' moonshine.Southern swap romantics,i quess.

A7:How Muddy Moonshine different from your previous bands?

Tuomo Varjola:As i stepped in three years ago, this was a total jump into darkness. My past is more among metal/hard rock bands but i'm a music lover so allthough i was a little bit scared, how things will turn out, it was and easy adjustment. i think one should always keep an open mind with music or arts. Best part is that i can put more emotion into this kind of lighter music.

A8:How band arrive to Secret Entertainment?

Tuomo Varjola:Since no masterdeal was available,secret entertainment offered a reasonable way to publish music in modern ways.

A9:Who is the Son Of the Gun?

Tuomo Varjola:The Anti-Hero, free samurai type, the grey jedi, Shane type character.Workin for the mystical moonshine man.

A10:Bayou is a memorable place for band?

Tuomo Varjola:Yeah, specially when Finland does not have those as the U.S ,but it's all a story,fantasy,you be drinkin' by the bayou while you're in your living room...All about imagination.

A11:What´s the idea behind artwork´s album?

Tuomo Varjola:The simpler,the better, just a pic of the guys and the gool'ole'logo.The front has my late RoughCollie Dani lookin at me on a country road.Askin,are we there yet? A12:What´s bands influence ours?

Tuomo Varjola:If you mean bands influences, the list would be too long to put down here.

A13:This album is conceptual?yes or no and why?

Tuomo Varjola:Not conceptual, that we leave for the next one,but you could make it as a mixture soup, with good ingredients that fit to together.

A14:Explain song seven,please?

Tuomo Varjola:Hot summer day, terrible hangover.Your buddy just wen't into the liquor store, and he just isn't coming out as fast as you want.

A15:The band feel differences between Muddy &Wild and now in Are We There Yet?

Tuomo Varjola:Absolutely, there's different vibe on everything, yet all fits together nicely. And with only two guitarists it all came out differently. And of course, i'm a different kind of singer than Aleksi so my approach to this kind of music puts it onto another phase.

A16:If I'm not mistaken,Children Of Bodom has a song similar to the name of the album.Was it on purpose or did this similarity happen naturally?

Tuomo Varjola:Not on purpose, it was the good old scottish shepherd askin'

A17:Is it better to think of the human being as agony than an animal for health?

Tuomo Varjola:Some say emotion and thought separate us from animals,but if an animal is in agony, does it make it human ? We're all animals, some more aggressive, some passive.We should make it all best for the both worlds.

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