The Aristocracy proudly arrives at its Seventeenth Interview with the Finnish Band Muddy Moonshine. The band mixes Blues with Hard Rock with class and great taste besides of course a lot of metal in their respective veins. The band shows us their second album titled as Are We There Yet?.The band consists of:Tuomo Varjola on Vocal,Jonne Rytkonen and Jarmo Ikala on Guitars,Kim Sandstrom on Bass and Saku Manninen on Drums.Tuomo answer our questions.Let´s go to a song for band and we see this interview in all our emotions.
A1:Talking about the composition work at Are We There Yet?
Tuomo Varjola:Well,making the songs was pretty easy, i came in to the band after Aleksi left, and guys had allready done some new songs, so i did not have to do much writing from my part. And after a couple of gigs , third guitarist Stefan decided to leave,so the arrangements were faster to do with only two guitarists.I play guitar/bass also, so we were not in trouble and i ended up playing one solo on 'one more time'.There was even some 'leftovers' for future use. Most of the composing & writing was done by Jonne & Jarmo, and i did some lyrics and added my spice into the soup'
A2:Is there a Black Humor in this album?
Tuomo Varjola:It's all, about humor, you can color it as you like.'
A3:What band mean with Southern Rock?
Tuomo Varjola:I would not think Muddy as a southern rock band anymore, it's a mixture of southern/hard rock,pop,death&roll,blues,even country,i think the term got stamped with the band when it had three guitarists or somethin don't know.
A4:Some literature or film inspire the band?
Tuomo Varjola:I think everyone who play, or compose, do art, get inspired from whatever they experience, what you see,read,hear, what you feel. If you feel like doing a song about traffic lights, you do it. And if someone says : hey it's that david lynch thing ! It can be, from his/hers point of view,even if the composer has not ever seen Twin Peaks or a David Lynch film.' A5:Why the title of album is a question?
Tuomo Varjola:It¨'s a metaphor of evolution, journey of a band,there's been many member, many things, good & bad.Stroke,dead people,heart attack, you name it,many line-up changes, so this time it feels this is the right line-up.So,are we there yet ?It's like your trip in life, or a nation, or perhaps considering what's going on in the world for humanity.
A6:Why the band have this name?
Tuomo Varjola:Jonne decided to form a band about makin' & drinkin' moonshine.Southern swap romantics,i quess.
A7:How Muddy Moonshine different from your previous bands?
Tuomo Varjola:As i stepped in three years ago, this was a total jump into darkness. My past is more among metal/hard rock bands but i'm a music lover so allthough i was a little bit scared, how things will turn out, it was and easy adjustment. i think one should always keep an open mind with music or arts. Best part is that i can put more emotion into this kind of lighter music.
A8:How band arrive to Secret Entertainment?
Tuomo Varjola:Since no masterdeal was available,secret entertainment offered a reasonable way to publish music in modern ways.
A9:Who is the Son Of the Gun?
Tuomo Varjola:The Anti-Hero, free samurai type, the grey jedi, Shane type character.Workin for the mystical moonshine man.
A10:Bayou is a memorable place for band?
Tuomo Varjola:Yeah, specially when Finland does not have those as the U.S ,but it's all a story,fantasy,you be drinkin' by the bayou while you're in your living room...All about imagination.
A11:What´s the idea behind artwork´s album?
Tuomo Varjola:The simpler,the better, just a pic of the guys and the gool'ole'logo.The front has my late RoughCollie Dani lookin at me on a country road.Askin,are we there yet? A12:What´s bands influence ours?
Tuomo Varjola:If you mean bands influences, the list would be too long to put down here.
A13:This album is conceptual?yes or no and why?
Tuomo Varjola:Not conceptual, that we leave for the next one,but you could make it as a mixture soup, with good ingredients that fit to together.
A14:Explain song seven,please?
Tuomo Varjola:Hot summer day, terrible hangover.Your buddy just wen't into the liquor store, and he just isn't coming out as fast as you want.
A15:The band feel differences between Muddy &Wild and now in Are We There Yet?
Tuomo Varjola:Absolutely, there's different vibe on everything, yet all fits together nicely. And with only two guitarists it all came out differently. And of course, i'm a different kind of singer than Aleksi so my approach to this kind of music puts it onto another phase.
A16:If I'm not mistaken,Children Of Bodom has a song similar to the name of the album.Was it on purpose or did this similarity happen naturally?
Tuomo Varjola:Not on purpose, it was the good old scottish shepherd askin'
A17:Is it better to think of the human being as agony than an animal for health?
Tuomo Varjola:Some say emotion and thought separate us from animals,but if an animal is in agony, does it make it human ? We're all animals, some more aggressive, some passive.We should make it all best for the both worlds.