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Seventieth Interview with French Band Deos

Foto do escritor: Comendador Felipe FrazãoComendador Felipe Frazão

Deos,Line Up:

Ghosts of the Empire-2015

In Nomine Romae-2017

Third Album Furor Belli 2022-


Jack Graved- Vocal and Bass

Fabio Battistella And Cédric Boehm -Guitars\Vocal

Loic Depauwe-Drums

Well,Friends Of Aristocracy!

We are talking about our newsroom, where in a little while, we will begin, in all its emotions, the seventieth interview of the Aristocracy.Our interviewees mix the allied furies of Black Metal and Death Metal with the warlike world of the Roman Empire. Our interviewees belong to the French band Deos.Within three days, their third album titled Furor Belli will be released. However, before that, Fabio Battistella who is one of their Guitarists gives us this important interview so that you know the fury that you will hear and see as your music charts they are practically a tribute to the Roman Empire and a sound that brings you the same graphic sensation mentioned here.Banda Deos and Fabio, the stage is yours and the conversation starts now with other songs from the band's history.

A1:Talking about the composition work in Furor Belli?

Fabio:In October 2020, we had our 2nd confinement in France, we were still in the middle of the composition process of Furor Belli with Cedric as new guitarist. So he and Fabio had to work a lot in Skype to finish the guitar parts despite the fact that they are almost neighbors.

Then we could go out but at less than 30 km from our respective homes so the band could not rehearse. It was a very hard period but we were determined, so we recorded at home and then we had video conferences to work on the album. We held on and we made it, we are proud of this album!The only recording in which the whole band participated is the one of the voice of our friend Diego Laino (Helslave, Birth Of Aurora) who came from Naploes (Italy) to participate to the song Venenum Rex.Then, J-F Dagenais (Kataklysm, ExDeo) seeing the progress of the album on social networks contacted us to master our album. And we are once again fully satisfied with the result.

A2:Many other Deos like bands speak of Greek mythology. Not that it was on purpose, but is tackling the Roman side a break in the cycle even though this is the third album?

Fabio:We have never talked about Greek mythology! Since the beginning, we have always been a Roman legion talking about the history of ancient Rome !

A3:I don't think that Death and Black can't walk together in the same band. It would be stupid to think that. But, at some point in the composition of the songs or in the sound, is there one that is above the other?

Fabio:We never ask ourselves that kind of question. The only thing that matters to us is that the song is great. It doesn't matter if it's more Death, more Black or more Thrash!We decided to mix these 3 styles to create our music, an extreme music. We also incorporated ideas from classical music and folk music.We play our style, we play Roman Extreme Metal!

A4:The arrival of keyboards changed the band in what way?

Fabio:It had brought a more epic dimension!

A5:What causes more fury in the band besides the Roman saga?

Fabio:The world we live in, the pandemic etc...All this makes us very angry! We translate our emotions through music.We tackle themes from ancient Rome that are still relevant today.

A6:Explain more the North Imperial Tour MMXXII,please?

Fabio:It's a tour that was supposed to take place in October 2020 between the north of France and Belgium with the Belgian band Black Knight but was cancelled because of the pandemic. In the meantime, we recorded Furor Belli. The tour was rescheduled to take place at the end of April 2022. This allowed our fans and the public to come and discover the new songs and to get Furor Belli exclusively 1 month before its release. The tour was great and we were thrilled to share the stage with Black Knight! They are a great band and these guys are awesome!We had a great time both on and off stage!

A7:Some literature or film inspire the band?

Fabio:There are many !Between the great writings of antiquity like De Bello Gallico, De Vita Duodecim Caesarum Libri etc., movies like Gladiator, Eagles Of The 9th, paintings like the Pollice Verso of Jean-Leon Gérome or the Scaevola of Peter Paul Rubens and Anthony Van Dyck, we spent a lot of time to document ourselves.

A8:What´s the idea behind artwork´s album?

Fabio:We had a very basic idea of the album cover and then we submitted it to our friend Brice Cumin who did the artwork as he had done on the 2 other records.He knew perfectly how to bring out the music through his brushes!He has a lot of talent and he knew how to capture all the fury of the album.The cover reflects the consequences of human fury!

A9:How band arrive to Worm Hole Death Records?

Fabio:We had been in contact with Worm Hole Death in 2017 for In Nomine Romae but due to various issues we had in the band, we didn't sign with them.We contacted them again in 2021 to collaborate with them. Carlo the boss remembered us very well, he loved our album and we signed. They do a great job, we are fully satisfied.

A10:Why the band have this name?

Fabio:We were looking for a simple name to remember, referring to our music. We found a name that we liked very much but it was composed of 4 words, by taking only the first letters we got D.E.O.S. We let you find these 4 words by yourselves.The one who will send us a message with the 4 right words will win our 3rd album!

A11:This album is conceptual?yes or no and why?

Fabio:The music and lyrics of this album reflect the trials and tribulations of the last 2 years due to the pandemic and the change of lineu.Rage, frustration, anger but also hope and friendship have forged Furor Belli.And for the first time we have 2 guests on 2 different songs which gives even more diversity to our music.As always with Deos, the themes are based on the history of Rome, but these same themes are still relevant today.They reflect the life of the band and the current world context.The lyrics are more thoughtful and more personal even if they may seem more brutal, more cruel and more warlike than those of the other 2 albums.

All our texts are the result of extensive reading and research. We leave nothing to chance!

We talk about heroic leadership on the titles Primus Pilus and Germanicus, the kind of leadership that is lacking in our world today.We deal with the theme of decimation on the title Decimatio because our group was decimated during the year 2020 it was an evil for a good.

Gladiators killing each other to entertain the crowd on Morituri Te Salutant. Bread and games, a formula that is more than ever relevant!The female condition on Virgo Vestalis, obsession and paranoia on Venenum Rex.The spirit of sacrifice and altruism on the titles Cocles and Scaevola.The descent into hell with Cerberus, the Roman funeral with Cinis Ad Cinerem

All these themes of the antiquity are perfectly adaptable to our current time!

A12:Harsh Wave really left from the band?

Fabio:Yes, Harsh is not part of the band since June 2020 as well as François (guitar).

A13:Not that I don't like the graphics related to the Romans. But, who came up with such an idea to start these graphics?

Fabio:This is our friend Brice Cumin. He had illustrated the 2 previous albums. This time the cover was painted, it is a painting. The illustrations of the 2 other albums were made with a graphic software.

A14:In what point,Furor Belli was different in comparison with In Nomine Romae?

Fabio:Furor Belli is a more raw and direct album than the 2 previous ones.This is mainly due to the new lineup. Indeed, François (guitar) and Harsh (keyboards) left the band in 2020. Cedric joined the band as a guitarist and we decided not to have keyboards anymore.So the music became more raw, more brutal and more direct. But it remains at the same time melodic.Cedric has fully contributed to the writing of the album since his arrival and his style has been perfectly integrated. He and Fabio complement each other perfectly to create great guitar riffs. Cedric's great rhythmic ability has elevated the martiality of the music!This martiality is greatly enhanced by the bass and drums.This album is a good mix of Black, Death and Thrash in an old school style And we are very proud of it!

A15:What would the Deos of today say to the Deos of 2014, a newcomer band?

Fabio:Not to trust some people.

A16:Based on the songs from the third album and what you believe to be correct. Can we think of the human being as a great agony or an animal for health?

Fabio:Human beings are capable of the best and the worst. But the more time goes by, the more it is oriented towards the worst. The other species have a spirit of survival and they think about the good of the species. The human being does not even think about the survival of the human species but only about his own comfort without worrying about his fellow human beings. He has become so selfish! There is practically no more group spirit and solidarity. The human being has become the biggest plague in history!



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