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Seventy-Fourth Interview With Power\Thrash Finnish Band Remains Of Destruction

Foto do escritor: Comendador Felipe FrazãoComendador Felipe Frazão

Band: Remains of Destruction

Debut Album:New Dawn

Interviewee: Jesse Yrjölä (Singer)

Band as Whole:Timo Pelkonen On Guitar, background vocals \Saalas Ruokangas Guitar, background vocals, orchestrations,Janne Ollikainen on Drums and percussions Osmo Lassila on Keyboard player on Jaakko Saloranta – Bass, background vocals

Well,Friends of Aristocracy!

We talk about our newsroom, where in a little while, we show in all its emotions, the seventy-fourth interview with the Finnish Band Remains Of Destruction.Presenting his debut album entitled "New Dawn". The Vocalist tells in an incredible and special interview for Aristocracy and for a Brazilian page, his expectations and his sound that mixes the magic and melodiousness of Power Metal with a clean but energetic strength of thrash metal.

Again, we thank Joni, the vocalist already mentioned and, of course, the whole band and a warm hug for the singer's wife.See that it was the wife who baptized the band with her greatest grace. Her name.

Thanks and affectionate hugs made, let's go to our conversation with Jesse.

A1:How come band arrive to Inverse Records?

Jesse Yrjölä:We came to a situation where we needed some help with the promotion and marketing. We contacted Inverse Records with the idea of some kind of promotion deal and we sent our material to them. Soon they answered to our request, they did like our stuff, and we had a deal!

A2:How are the versatilities worked by the band?

Jesse Yrjölä:Versatility is a virtue. Accepting and embracing the fact that everyone and everything in this world is different from one another opens up new doors and new worlds in front of your eyes. In RD, versatilities are weaved together so that everyone’s strengths are boosted, and weaknesses are balanced by strengths of the others. The results can be heard in the power of the songs!

A3:Was the eighth song the first song the band made in its short history?

Jesse Yrjölä:Yes! "Silvery Fields" was indeed our first song we released, even though I wrote that song way before even we had any idea of Remains of Destruction. The "New Dawn" -album follows a fictional timeline and "Silvery Fields" tells us a story of post-apocalyptic nation rebelling against their leaders who just let people suffer and starve to death.

A4:Among the diversities presented, are medieval themes part of the band's ideas?

Jesse Yrjölä:Kind of yes. Our lyrics tells shocking stories of modern world and reflects those into fictive post-apocalyptic parallel universe, which is not in any specific timeline. There are some medieval and Victorian era stuff blended in futuristic cyberpunk kind of world.

A5:How is RD different from your previous bands?

Jesse Yrjölä:Well not too much different. Maybe we work together as a band better than ever before. Every band member is super talented musician and also hell of a great person! We are like brothers, and I think that is the thing that makes us work so well together.

A6:What´s the idea behind artwork´s album?

Jesse Yrjölä:The hooded guy breaking the chains on our album cover is the protagonist who tells the stories of our songs. He is the victim who fights his way through the wasteland, searching for freedom.

A7:Why the band have this name?

Jesse Yrjölä:Here is a question I always love to answer! My former band name was “symphony of shadows” reflecting to land of shadows (fictional world of our protagonist) and the “Megadeth” song “Symphony of Destruction”. Symphony of Shadows did eventually break into pieces and 3 of us continued working on this new project as the “remains” of our old band. Actually, my wife asked me, “why won’t you name this band as remains of destruction as it is just that?”. It hit me instantly so, it was obvious choice to name this band “Remains of Destruction”{AristocracyNotes:Awsome Wife!}

A8:Some film inspire the band?

Jesse Yrjölä:Lord of the Rings, Tim Burton’s Batman movies and Spiderman!

A9:What RD from 2019 say for RD from 2022?

Jesse Yrjölä:We are very proud of you guys and what you have achieved! We knew you could do it!!

A10:Opinionally speaking, do you think the band has matured faster than expected?

Jesse Yrjölä:Well, this is a rather difficult question to answer! I think that the band has matured as expected, we have worked together many years before the band was even born. I think the best answer to this question is that I’m very glad we have come this far in such short time.

A11:What kind of subject don´t deserve a RD Song?

Jesse Yrjölä:Remains of Destruction is a positive band, an empowering band and our goal is to spread our word to people, to give them strength to stand up for themselves. Any kind of subject that reflects from racism, bullying or anything to harm a fellow living creature is unacceptable!

A12:This album is conceptual? Yes or no and why?

Jesse Yrjölä:Sort of yes! Every song tells a story about today’s situation we all live in. Every story gets the idea about the pandemic or war in Afghanistan or in Ukraine.

A13:Is it better to think of the human being as agony than an animal for health?

Jesse Yrjölä:We think that classifying the nature of a human being can't be done in such a black and white way. Being a human consists of so many different variables, that it is impossible to say whether the root of humans is agony or if being a human is driven by the desire to thrive towards health and well-being. Every human has agony in them, every human wants to stay healthy to be able to experience the world, every human has love and hate inside them. I guess the bottom thing that makes us human beings is the ability to decide what we do with all those tiny puzzle pieces inside of us. Not everyone chooses love over hate unfortunately as we've seen may times, but we'd like to think that the bigger trends in this constant battle between good and evil are compassion, understanding and love.

A14:In a way, does your daily work help to influence any of your music?

Daily work, as well as daily events in our lives do affect our music. We are constantly observing and experiencing life wherever we are and whatever we do. Life itself and everything that's going on in the world is the best source of inspiration for our music.

A15:The band doing show in this year?

Jesse Yrjölä:After our album release party in May 28th we start planning our tour for the fall.



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