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Seventy-Sixth Interview Of The Aristocracy With The British Band Metalcore\Deathcore Nadae

Foto do escritor: Comendador Felipe FrazãoComendador Felipe Frazão

Well,Friends of Aristocracy!

We speak again of our newsroom, where in a little while, we will follow in all its emotions, the seventy-sixth interview of the Aristocracy.Our interviewee goes by the name of Jacob Sipes. However, he is known by the name Nadae. Not only, because it is the name of his musical project, but because it is his artistic nickname. By birth, he is an American coming from Tennessee, today he lives in Kenilworth After teaming up with producers Sam and Joe Grave from Innersound Audio Studios, his project began with an EP made in 2020, The Hidden Hare.To whom, he dedicates to a very special person. For this year, he will release on an undefined day, but for this year, his debut album which is called The Septhed: Gods of Kenilworth”. We dedicate this interview to super Davide Pulito, because he introduced us to this project. Now, a song from his project and the interview. The stage is yours, Nadae.

A1:Let’s talk about the composition work in “The Septhed: Gods of Kenilworth”?

Jacob //Nadae// Sipes:The Septhed album is art-as-magic. Each song is dedicated to a god that affects all humans, like the god of war and aggression, the god of love and longing, etc. So, you can think of the album as representing a universal pantheon. The goal of the album is to use these universal gods to help the listener live a happier life.

A2:Why the state of mental illness influences the band?

Nadae:Music has the power to drastically change how we think and feel. If we can use music to transform the mind of the listener, addressing and resolving personal struggles, then this can really benefit people. I want to help my audience live a happy life.

A3:Which evil person or tyrannical government inspired this album?

Nadae:All of them!☺

A4:Is Kenilworth a fantasy place?

Nadae:Kenilworth is my hometown in England. I live next door to Kenilworth Castle. Though Kenilworth is a real place, this does not make my hometown any less fantastical. I perform magic rites in the castle ruins.

A5:Why does the band have this name?

Nadae:Nadae’ roughly means ‘spark born from the sun.’ Though the name represents a myriad of esoteric ideas, I wanted a name that best represents my role as an artist. I am an agent of positive transformation for my listeners. I genuinely want the best for my audience.

A6:Why your grandfather inspired so much the 2020 EP?

Nadae:My grandfather was my biggest critic growing up, as I was very different. He thought the way that I am is wrong. We fell out and did not speak for several years, since he could not accept me in my differences, but we made our peace right before he died. He died of a heart attack in 2016. So, the 2020 EP is a reflection on the grieving process that happened over the few years that followed my grandfather’s passing. Grief is a communal emotion that wants to be seen by others, though we treat it like a secret. I wanted to expose my own grieving process, using it as a positive example for the listener’s own grief process.Reader, if you are grieving, you are not alone. Other people have walked this path ahead of you and have returned to a state of being happy. If you are lost, look for positive examples of how to grieve well.

A7:Which true obstacles did you meet while doing the album?

Nadae:There are two big obstacles right now. As I am an unsigned artist, I am campaigning to fund the next single and full album on Kickstarter. So funding is the first obstacle, but we are working to surpass this with the funding campaign. The second is that Nadae is still a very young project, just over a year old. Visibility is the second obstacle being such a new project, though I am working to get the word out. Nadae is on all social media platforms, even TikTok, and on all major streaming platforms like YouTube and Spotify.

A8:When will the full album be released?

Nadae:As soon, as I receive the funding, then I will touch up the prepared demos, return to the studio, and cut the album.

A9:What ́s the idea behind the artwork?

Nadae:Each album cover represents the key idea behind the album. For The Hidden Hare EP (2020), the hare eating the snake represented an integration of opposites, which tends to happen when productively grieving. For the Septhed, the cover represents the seven gods being invoked and directed, which comprise the album pantheon.

A10:Some literature or film inspires the band?

Nadae:I am an award-winning filmmaker. There are a ton of film material that I carry over into Nadae. For instance, I directed The Fighter music video, worked very closely with my fabulous editor Hyperion TV who did an amazing job on the creative edits.In my mind, music and film are part of the same human instinct, the inclination to create ‘sacred theatre.’

A11:Is the new album conceptual?

Nadae:Very. However, at the same time it is personal and emotional.Concept albums fail when they don’t connect with the heart, but instead aim to connect only with the intellect of the listener. Conceptual pieces tend to miss both the point behind music and the opportunities for their concepts to have more power.

A12:Is which human structure is The Fighter living?

Nadae:Anger, hostility, contempt, and aggression: the human desire to fight something.

A13:How is Nadae different from your previous bands?

Nadae:Nadae is a solo project. I have creative freedom, along with total control over project decisions.My former project, where I was the front man and lyricist for a group, was too constricting and stifling for me.Though we lasted ten years, it was an unending fight to get the group anywhere near the same page. Each member had creative views and life priorities that were just too different.

A14:In a way, does your daily job help to influence any of your music?

Nadae:I am a Philosophy PhD student, a professional academic. Music and philosophy are two parts of the same thing for me. So, my daily job is inseparable from my music profession.

A15:What is Nadae 2022 saying about Nadae 2020?

Nadae:That I am grateful for the growth over the two years, both from an audience loyalty and craft standpoints. Generally, I look forward to saying the same thing 2024!

A16:What bad habits inspire the full album?

Nadae:The core, bad habit that the Septhed addresses is self-deception. Certain people attempt to completely repress the influence of certain gods. For example, they try to stamp out their own feelings of hostility and reject the god of war. Worse, certain people outright disbelieve some gods, like the god of war, affect them. They avoid their own feelings of aggression and hostility. These people believe that that they cannot have these kinds of negative feelings. Not only is this unproductive, it is also dangerous. The goal should be pointing these feelings in the right direction and letting the god help you achieve happiness. A god rejected becomes a demon that haunts you.

A17:Is it better to think of the human being as agony than an animal for health?

Nadae:I think of humans as animals that make meaning. Both health and agony are used to produce the most meaningful experience for the individual. Some people like to suffer more than offers, while some want to lead very healthy lives. In both cases it is the desire for personal meaning that is driving health and agony choices. My view is that if you can find optimal meaning through health, prefer that path. Unnecessary agony sucks! A final note for the reader...Please follow Nadae on my social media and streaming platforms. ‘The Fighter’ music video is now live on Nadae YouTube! Thank you for reading!and turn on the notification bell for new songs!



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