Well, friends of the Aristocracy!
We speak directly from our newsroom, where we will begin in all your emotions, the Sixty-second interview that was conducted with a band that took an impressive twenty-eight years to make their first album.I believe it's a record, on our page, of a band to officially debut on the scene.The interviewees, this time, is a band called Burying Place. It's a band coming from Lithuania. They present their debut album called In The Light Of Burning Churchs. Giedrius Ambraziejus was our interviewee. In addition to our interviewee, the band is formed by:
Rimtautas Piskarskas on the Other Guitar
Arturas Gusevas as Bassist
Eimantas Damusis on Drums
Mykolas Alekna as Vocals
On to the full album now and the interview with Giedrius!
A1:First of all,Good morning because in my country it's 9 am.Second, why this winter of 28 years for the band's debut album and tell us about the songwriting process on In The Light Of Burning Churches?
Giedrius Ambraziejus:Hi, I'm very excited about your interest in BP, because we are mostly known only in Lithuania and Baltic States.When all the band members left me in the summer of 1995 and the search for new ones started, I didn’t stop making music. Thus was born song after song with all their lyrics.But,that process was quite slow because the search for new members took time, and it was especially difficult to find a drummer. Lithuania is not America, Sweden or Great Britain.At least, at that time, there were not enough musicians of the required level, or they were very busy in their bands.In 2000 ,I met a bassist and my metal brother Arturas "Demonas", and after long working, drinking, etc.The album was born.
After a long search for musicians, in 2004 we played the first concerts after near nine years of inactivity. The drummer was a computer, we performed without a second guitarist. After several vocalists change guitarist Rimtautas "Thrigger" joined the band, we found drummer Eimantas "Senas" and the former vocalist Mykolas "Mykola" returned in 2008.With long breaks, from time to time, we performed live,but we was not active band all the time.We recorded a live cassette "Live in Gargždai" from our 2009 concert.
Then it was time for a normal album and with long breaks we finally finished it between 2012-2020 when it was prepared to release.We wonder why that process took so long - maybe we wanted to get into a record book?I have already created music and at least for half a new album, if not more, but I didn’t try to realize it until the first album was done. Now, is that time.
A2:One of my idols in my work was called Paulo Francis. He told me that intelligence is contradictory. So isn't it contradictory for someone who wants to see a church on fire make a second song wanting to be shielded by the divine?
Giedrius:Interesting question, I don’t even know if I understood it correctlyMy religious views are atheist-antichrist and any church of any religion makes me disgusted apart from architecture !Throughout the ages, humanity has suffered from various religions. They led to wars, killing and torturing an unimaginable number of people. Whole nations were enslaved and baptized by force. For me, therefore, the burning church symbolizes liberation from religious tyranny. And I never believe in any gods or divine existence.{Aristocracia Notes:He understood the question and proved again that Francis was correct. Intelligence is contradictory. Because, even if the interviewee is an atheist, using the church as the theme of his songs is a fundamental idea for his life and music.}
A3:It is visible and audible their loves for the North American extreme, but how to give the face of a Lithuanian band to this so loved and destructive style?
Giedrius:Not only do I love American death metal, but of course he made probably the biggest influence. Although the European scene as well.It is very difficult to create something new when a lot has already been created. It’s really not easy to play absolutely individually and have no influence, but partially this is possible and through the years we found our own face, i think. Not without influences, of course .
A4:I know that song 4 is exactly that a song. But don't you believe that we also live in a destructive depression in our world and it would be a great hook?
Giedrius:I don’t know like others, but I really often live in that state of mind. And that song is an expression of myself. Of course, there are fun things in the world, but depression is quite common for me.Depression is very destructive, people are killing themselves, and it is not funny. Well, you probably know about a sad end of everyone's beloved vocalist few days ago. Maybe we all living with destructive depression.
A5:Some literature or film inspire the band?
Giedrius:I can't speak for all band,but personally for me, it's Umberto Eco "The Name of the Rose" and "Twin Peaks". There are more good books and movies, but that’s what first came to my mind.
A6:Its name is Burying Place. But can we say that after the fire, the world is a volcano that does not stop falling?
Giedrius:I think the world is one big cemetery. Cemetery of living organisms, cemetery of hope and goodness. Full of pain and hatred. I don't know if I could compare the world to a volcano, but if I compare it, the eruption of the volcano is not over yet .
A7:What band mean with The Land Of Crosses?
Giedrius:It's Lithuania. Come and see.We have a Mountain of crosses - one of the grimmest places on earth. In other words, the crosses symbolize religious evil for us and remind that our country baptized by force.Lithuania was the last pagan country in Europe.
A8:What´s the idea behind artwork´s album?
Giedrius:I have already written about the idea in one of the previous questions, it is liberation from religious slavery.
A9:I know you're veterans. But is having an album a different expectation?
Giedrius:Releasing an album means closing the first chapter of the group’s history,maybe too long and opening the next.Although veterans, we are still young enough to become better known not only in neighbor countries, but much more widely. Future will tell.
A10:What is Treason?
Giedrius:Treason is Betrayal! Treason is the worst thing people can do. But they do it often. It’s grown into people’s mind, and it’s disgusting.
A11:How band arrive to Inferna Profundus Records ?
Giedrius:We are old friends with the head of Inferna Profundus Records and when I sent him an album, he immediately said "yes".Sure, there were thoughts on releasing the album in foreign company,but for the first time we decided stay on local one.
A12:What kind of subject don´t deserve a Burying Place song?
Giedrius:We will never sing about positive things ...
A13:This album is conceptual?yes or no and why?
Giedrius:This album is basically not conceptual, but has some conception. It’s a hate of religion, an album full of painful sadness and hatred for the rotting world.
A14:Is it better to think of the human being as agony than an animal for health?
Giedrius:People is the worst annimals in the world. I like annimals more.
A15:Would the world be better without religions?
Giedrius:Of course. It's 21-th century. People need to start thinking, not worshiping non-existent gods.A lot of people are thoughtless zombies, but even slowly, we can change that. The light of science must win against religious darkness!
A16:Because of technocracy, do we lie more than in our parents' time?
Giedrius:I don't know. People lied all the time. I am from a country that was occupied by the Soviet Union, and people in those days had to lie a lot to survive.
A17:Oscar Wilde wanted to understand the soul of man, my country had a guy who did the anatomy of the soul. Is the Soul of Burying Place chaos as survival?
Giedrius:Although I like Oscar Wilde, I don’t believe in the existence of the soul. I prefer order to chaos. But chaos also has its charm. In this case, the soul of BP is controlled chaos.
{Aristocracia Notes:The Brazilian writer we talked about in the last question and who did the anatomy of the soul was called Nelson Rodrigues.All people in Brazil knows that i like much him }
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