Line UP:
Andy Konnerth-Vocal
Stephan Becker-Guitar
Alex Hartmann- Guitar
Andrè Skopko-Drums
Sascha Schekanski-Bass/Backing Vocals
Other Albuns,EPS and DEMOS:
1998-War and Carcass
2002-Kill Complete
Wrath Of The Ungod-Album 2004
Killing Room-2016
Lucifer Gave The Faith-2017
Nourished By Blood-2019
Split-2021:Brutalliance with Runa
Death As a Process-2022
Well,Friends Of Aristocracy!
We will do now and in all their emotions, the sixty-seventh interview of the Aristocracy. The interviewees will release their fifth full album on June 3rd. Interview done today and delivered today. Record delivery time.Also, we have to thank our Italian partner for that and something unsaid about him: He works at MDD Records, a German label and was the drummer for the Italian band Revolutio.
A1:First of all. Welcome to Corrosive Band. How was the writing process for Death As a Process?
Corrosive:Hi, Actually, the writing process for the Death as a Process album was very relaxed. Due to the pandemic, rehearsals were not possible, so our guitarist Stephan and our bass player Sascha wrote the songs for themselves at home. Also, the songs were written and recorded quite quickly.
A2:Can we say that the sixth song is a very extreme romantics?
Corrosive:Even if the title suggests it, Romance for Barbecue is not a love song.It's a song about Jeffrey Dahmer. But,song number 7 "Necrolovicon" is a love song and for our standards a romantic ballad.
A3:For some people, death is the end. For me it's a rebirth. For Corrosive, how is that demonstrated in your songs on this album?
Corrosive:So with regard to the album, we would say, death is definitely not the end. The Song Deathbadvision Deals with this topic.
A4:It is visible, a strong American influence on band. But, which German extreme metal bands are among your favorites without counting Corrosive?
Corrosive:It's very different because each of us in the band hears different things. Our singer Andy is a big fan of bands like Tankard or Sodom. Our bass player Sascha likes to listen to tech death bands like Obscura or Profanity, but also bands like Revel in Flesh or Flashcrawl. Our guitarists listen to a lot of black metal and our drummer also likes to listen to Metalcore Bands like Heaven Shall Burn. These were just a few examples. This does not cover everything by far, as Germany has an enormous number of very strong extreme metal bands. Especially in the underground.
A5:What ́s the idea behind the artwork?
Corrosive:The idea was that the artwork reflects the lyrics. For example, you can see a dismembered corpse, which refers to the song Human Puzzle. Or a brain taken out, which refers to Welcome to your Autopsy.
A6:Explain me the ninth song, please?
Corrosive:You mean when she smells like warm butter“. Our singer is in the garbage disposal industry. We in Germany have a waste separation system where recyclable plastic waste is collected separately in yellow bags. These bags are quite thin and sometimes burst open. And in the summer, it smells like unwashed female genitalia. This is how our singer came up with the lyrics idea
A7:How did the band arrive to MDD Records?
Corrosive:That was in 2017. We had just finished our,Lucifer gave the faith album and were looking for a label partner to release the album.With MDD we had found the perfect partner
A8:Before making the album, how many songs did you already have ready?
Corrosive:We had four songs ready, which we made for a split EP, which was only released in Peru. We then revised these four songs again and partly provided them with new lyrics. Based on these four songs, we wrote the remaining songs for the new album quite quickly and then recorded them.
A9:Some literature or film or videogame influence the band?
Corrosive:Are we influenced by movies, literature or video games? Of course, we are influenced by literature or films. But also a lot through what is happening in the world. You just have to turn on the TV and you have enough material for some albums. Our lyrics are a mix of fantasy and reality. With us, no one is a gamer. Therefore, we are rather less influenced by it
A10:Which extreme styles band like beyond the death?
Corrosive:This is diverse, but mainly black and trash metal. On the Last Albums, we had some Black Metal influences. On Death as a process we had more Trash Metal influences,
A11:This album is conceptual? Yes or no, and why?
Corrosive:Each song stands on its own, but you can say that it is a concept album. Every song is about death or some form of it or something that has to do with it. Accordingly, the cover artwork was adapted to the concept
A12:If you have a regular job besides being a musician, please answer: Does your daily work, to some extent, influence the sound or your music?
Corrosive:Not really. We all work in different jobs. From pharmaceuticals to mechanical engineering to beverage sellers, everything is there. So not really jobs that have an influence on the music or the lyrics. Exceptions, of course, sometimes already gint, as you can see with when she smells like warm butter
A:13-What balance can we make in this extreme musical marriage, since we can say that the band has been in existence for 25 years, correct?
Corrosive:We've been around for 28 years now. Our singer Andy and our bass player Sascha are the only remaining founding members. Respect is a very important point as well as communication. Everyone should feel comfortable in the band and be able to contribute. We are also of the opinion that we have finally found the perfect cast. Five relaxed people who have the goal to advance the band and release great albums
A14:What kind of subject don ́t deserve to be in a Corrosive song?
Corrosive:That's a good question. Basically, we are always thematically open when it comes to topics for texts. The only thing that definitely doesn't work thematically are racist topics. But otherwise, everything could be possible with us thematically. Maybe someday we'll make an album of love songs.
15-The band feel differences between Nourished By Blood and now in Death As AProcess?
Yeah, in any case. Just as every musician always thinks that his latest album is the best, we also think that death as a process is our most versatile and varied album that we have made so far. On this album everything that makes Corrosive is represented. Hard, fast, brutal, but also with groove and melody and also a ballad
16-Final question: When the band refers to themes of war. Does it refer to human wars or wars like
russia/ukraine crises and etc?
On the nourished by blood album we had three songs that dealt with the war theme. A song from the point of view of a warmonger and two songs against the war written by our bass player Sascha who spent eight years in the German army. Therefore, we will probably not make any texts with war themes in the near future. But if we did any, they would most likely be songs against war, because we hate and detest all forms of war.