Line Up:
Cody Bennett On Vocals
Kristian Climo On Guitar
Jesse Solich On Bass
Herb Bennetts On Drums

Well,Friends Of Aristocracy!

We speak again of our newsroom, where in a little while, we will have in all its incredible emotions, the super interview 200 of the Aristocracy.For this totally special interview, we spoke with a band that shows intensity, technique and brutality with stories about mental illness married to conceptual and strong stories.Allied to this, a band that brings a cinematic face to its path. A path that is still beginning, but starting strongly and that can gradually grow.
We're talking about the Australian band Aviscerus and this is their debut album called Visceral Depths, a dramatic and intense work as is required of a band that deigns to do Death Metal. debut that we want to be the beginning of many.Let's go to one of their songs so that this unprecedented and special interview for being number 200 begins for you.
A1:Talking about the composition work in Visceral Depths?
Kristian Climo: The idea was to experiment with a lot of different ideas from the very beginning, seeing what we all enjoyed playing and felt good at the time.The sound was naturally going to be heavy, but we tried to be conscious about the different types of heavies and tried to incorporate all our favourite flavours metal has to offer. A lot of what was written came pretty instinctively, just bouncing off each other in the jam room and studio.Cody (vox) came into the band in 2019 so much of the record was already written but we tried to change up what could in order to accommodate his brutal vocal range.
A2:What are the depths that you refer to in the second song?
Kris:The record as a whole is about struggles and being pulled under, hence the name Visceral Depths, it just seemed appropriate to name our interlude after the theme of the record.
A3:How were the progressions made for this album?
Kris:As we were writing and recording the record we were playing live for most of that time so the songs naturally evolved and developed as we got a feel for them.
A4:In the fourth song,the band refers to a catastrophe.Does this catastrophe have a philosophical or psychological aspect or none of those mentioned?
Kris:It does,the song is about someone trapped in a strange place, caught in a never ending time loop. It refers to the horrifying situation they have found themselves in.
A5:Some literature or film inspire the band?
Kris:Absolutely, the Lovecraft mythos was a big one, horror movies like The Evil Dead and even some Anime.
A6:What kind of animus does the band want to bring in the fifth song?
Kris:Only Animus that is farmed fresh 100% organic grass fed and locally sourced thank you.
A7:Why the band have this name?
Kris:We wanted a unique name that represented us and only us so we figured we'd come up with a new word.Kris(guitarist) was thinking about how the songs were being written and thinking it was done viscerally. We thought visceral sounded fitting so came up with Viscerus and Herb(Drummer) added the 'A' to make Aviscerus. The album's title is actually a nod to this.
A8:What currents are addressed in the eighth song?
Kris:Currents is kind of a journey song, sways, builds up and crashes down on you so we needed a title that would reflect that.
A9:Listening to the band I feel some tones of Black Metal, but can we say that Death Metal is more predominant in Aviscerus' sound?
Kris:Yeah for sure, Cody (vox) is really into Black Metal but we didn't try to nail down any one genre at a time, it wasn't like "let's write a Death Metal song.We love Death Metal though so it's only natural these things would be a part of our music.
A10:How is Aviscerus different from your previous bands?
Kris:Aviscerus is actually the first band for all of us. We're all in other bands these days but Aviscerus was the first.
A11:Can we say that the song that closes the album has an anti global warming bias?
Kris:Nah not really,it's more of a metaphor for personal loss, and isolation than anything else, we also wanted a big kind of apocalyptic finale for the record.
A12:What´s the idea behind artwork´s album?
Kris:We sent our lyrics and songs to Adam Burke who we asked to interpret them as he saw fit.We knew his art style was right for us, and he ended up producing something that we couldn't have visualised ourselves.If you look closely, with the lyrics in mind you'll see some winks and nods here and there.
A13:This album is conceptual?
Kris:Yes, Visceral Depths is a concept record about trauma and strugglesEach song follows a different character as they navigate some crazy or gnarly situation, and they all react differently.Some songs are really dark and don't end well for their characters, but others show someone rising up, overcoming the hurdles and coming out the other side stronger.
A14:Seeking your own sound is a wonderful thing and I congratulate the band for that. But, does it generate a certain complexity in your songs as a result?
Kris:Cheers mate. There were times where things got tricky, trying to stay fresh, interesting and all that. But for the most part we just bounced around ideas until something stuck with us.
A15:Based on your songs, do you believe that we lie more than our parents did?
Kris:If by lying you mean spending all our time on the couch then yes!