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Third Interview with Band Danish Death Metal Lifesick

Foto do escritor: Comendador Felipe FrazãoComendador Felipe Frazão

Aristocracy arrives in its Third Interview with the Danish Death Metal Band Lifesick. The band presents us with their third album entitled Misanthropy. The band is formed by:Simon Shoshan as Vocalist, Nikolai Lund and Nikolai Lindegaard as Guitarists,Jeppe Frausing as Bassist and Jeppe Lowe as Drummer.The band answered our questions and now we go to the answers in all their emotions.Let´s go to the song before that.

A1:Talking about The Composition work in Misanthropy?

Lifesick:Misanthropy is an album that consists of hateful thoughts.Hateful moments in life.It is about pain. It is about fear of death and death itself.From the lyrics to the riffing.We wanted everything to sound like pure agony.

A2:How band doing an punk attitude in this album?

Lifesick:We have many different roots in the band some of us are from the hard-core scene some of us grow up as Punks.So we will always be influenced by everything from our youth, and until now.We do our best to mix up genre to make sure that it does not get monotone and boring.

A3:Literally Speaking.Is the world ridiculous?

Lifesick:It depends on how you put it. However,it is ridiculous that we are only living thing going to war with us selves, and killing each other.Murder is somehow normalized in our society and we do depend on money to make it all go around.Therefore, in my opinion it is pretty ridiculous.

A4:Why the band have this name?

Lifesick:The band consists of five close friends,through many years.Who most of us have been through the some ups and downs in life.Depression. Stress and anxiety.Everything in between. Therefore, as soon as we started we had the perfect theme for the band.The name was the most fitting thing to some up everything we stood for and was about.

A5:Some literature or film inspire the band?

Lifesick:The idea behind the band is that everything needs to be sincere and real. It is the same with movies and books. We are more inspired by real life documentaries and real life thoughts written in books. We all critical minds and loved everything coming from other critical thinkers.

A6:How is Lifesick different from your previous bands?

Lifesick:Our old bands have been punk bands and hard-core bands.Moreover,this time it is more about hatred than the Genres.We do our best to jump in and out of different kinds of metal. Therefore, we would not really call ourselves a hard-core band more of a metal band.

The blurred lines in hard core now fits really well.In addition, we like that it seems like everybody else is mixing everything up to.

A7:How the band arrive to Isolation Records?

Lifesick:They just reached out for us after our first album release,They own another company called Evil Greed, which sold our merchandise, so it was easy for us to join them,since we knew the people and they are like-minded.

A8:What´s the idea behind artwork´s album?

Lifesick:The album art symbolizes the acceptance of misery.As you see a burning man but with a smile on his face.It is this idea about positive nihilism where you know everybody is going to die.However, you are fine with it and you actually find yourself comfortable in it.In addition,Paolo nailed it on first try.

A9:What´s bands influence ours?

Lifesick:We cannot deny that Nails heavily influence us.Power Trip.Lyrically by the band “Expire.However, we do our best not to end up sounding like a copy band.We only take the best parts and mix them.

A10:Do you think album is savage?

Lifesick:We really hope so.We were where aiming for the most savage and the most aggressive album we could make. We are doing that every time we try to make a new album.

A11:Why the band doing an extreme rage?

Lifesick:Cause rage and anger is the only thing that seems real now.We try to shine a light on the heartache and pain that comes with life.Of course, there is good moments but we have enough Pop bands in this world. That can write about the good days.

A12:This album is conceptual?Yes or No And Why?

Lifesick:Yes,it’s concept in hatred and anger towards humanity and society.

A13:How band doing texture in your music?

Lifesick:On this record,we did a lot of home recording,which we sent out to each other.The reason for this was Covid. We could not meet up in our rehearsal room.So most of the songs on this album is written and pre-recorded at home, with midi-drums.Then when we could start meeting up in the rehearsal room, we tried with real drums and so on and got the final structure for the songs done. Most of the guitar riffs we are written at home.

A14:The band feel differences between Swept In Black and now in Misanthropy?

Lifesick:Our new record is much more technical and much more aggressive sounding all over. There’s some more thought about the whole buildup around each song.Every song has their own sound and feel.There is more political thinking on this record.Every time,we do a new record, we want to up the ante.Of course, we want to sound like our selves.However,we still want to push limits and we feel like we did this on this record.

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