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Thirty-Eighth Interview with Americans From Chimpgrinder

Foto do escritor: Comendador Felipe FrazãoComendador Felipe Frazão

Well,Friends of the Aristocracy and the Aristocratic Lipeverse!Today is Labor Day.But especially for me it is a very strong day for me.Today is my beloved Father's birthday.Today too,It's a day of memory as it's been 28 years since my country lost the great and fantastic Ayrton Senna.Because of this, but mainly for my father's birthday, today we will publish three interviews on all our special emotions. This trilogy starts now!

Well, let's get to what matters and what matters to you is not my father's birthday and the memory of a hero for the people of my country. Interviewees this time made a Compilation of their music and put it all together in this work known as Remasters. They are the North Americans of Chimpgrinder. A high-tech Stoner-Rock. We will present them and then a song and then this chat. Vocals, Steve Mensuck on Guitars, Chris Scott on Bass and Chris Turek on Drums.Now, on to the music! Then the chat!

A1: Let's about the composition work in "Remasters"?

Chimpgrinder:The remasters reveal feel the evolving relationship between us. Initially you feel the frustration and grooving despair in vol 666 and by the end of ssk we’ve learned to breath and show each other different elements of our experience and visions. It’s almost learning how to live with that horrible groove and be a full being- maybe not all the way yet…but almost.

A2:How is melancholy present in the album?

Chimpgrinder:This is a tragedy and any triumph has to be earned. A3:What kind of experiments inspire the band in this anthology?

Chimpgrinder:Giant spinning pendulums. The rotation of planets. Colors we haven’t seen yet. A4:Is it correct to say that your songs are treated from a pessimistic perspective?

Chimpgrinder:Not at all. Above the sun is a hope I can’t fully articulate.

A5:Some literature or film inspired the band?

Chimpgrinder:There’s a lot of kubric to our aesthetic. The animal wing and practicing at the only centrifuge in the states had a lasting affect on our songwriting and mission. The ghosts in that place chose us.

A6:At some point, whether in your songs or in your own thoughts, can death also be seen as a new beginning? Chimpgrinder:So much of our lyrics are about avoiding death- we portray it as a cosmic terror. I struggle to see it as beautiful. Ask me in 20 years. If I’m alive.

A7:The closer to death, the more alive you feel? Chimpgrinder:Nah. Life breeds life- death distorts life

A8:The band feel differences between the various albums released before "Remasters"? Chimpgrinder:Definitely, the space between notes got wider and wider. A9:How did the band arrive to Electric Talon Records? Chimpgrinder:Fate. Destiny. An appreciation from the funk in the grime. A10:What kind of subject doesn´t deserve to be in a Chimpgrinder song? Chimpgrinder:Lyrics that portray vengeance as a positive. It’s a terribly sad thing.

A11:This album is conceptual? Yes or no, and why? Chimpgrinder:When ghosts speak in strange places,listen and tell their story.

A12:What´s the idea behind artwork´s album? Chimpgrinder:Largely homage to musical influences.

A13:How is Chimpgrinder different from your previous bands? Chimpgrinder:Chimpgrinder is a wide screen epic- other bands played songs. I can only speak for myself. A14:Literally Speaking: is the world ridiculous? Chimpgrinder:Paradoxical but not ridiculous. A15:How to bring beauty to horror? Chimpgrinder:It’s in everything already both beauty and horror. A16:Is man an animal that carries the corpse on its back all the time? Chimpgrinder:We grow into corpses. A17:Based on the songs of the album and your own opinion, is it better to think of the human being as agony than an animal for health? Chimpgrinder:Remember that this are the thoughts of a meta chimp and not a human- humans may take what they may from the lyrics but it’s not an objective correlative.

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