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Thirty-Fifth Interview With The French Band Second Day

Foto do escritor: Comendador Felipe FrazãoComendador Felipe Frazão

Well, friends of the Aristocracy or Lipeverso Aristocrata! We speak directly and again from our newsroom where from now on, we will put in all our emotions, the thirty-fifth interview. This time, we will not make any big presentations.Because the band itself will do it for us. Our targets this time are the French melodic musicians from Second Day who make their debut work entitled Dawn. Evidently, before this interview, we will put a song from this initiating project.

A1:Talking about the composition work in Dawn?

Second Day:Our composing way is defined by one hand. François Gressot on vocals, rhythm guitar is also composing the first version of the demos. After that, the songs are getting appropriate by the other musicians Greg (guitar), Quentin (drums) and Lucas (bass).Sometimes the instrumental parts get slightly modified according to their way of playing. In a word, François gives a constructed draft and the whole thing finish is a band process!

A2:How band put progressive in your sound?

Second Day:Probably by the inspiration of these currents in general. We do like classic prog metal bands such as Dream Theather, Haken among others. But also, Animals as Leaders, Divided by Design (etc.) brings a lot of modernity and creativity. In our case,the aim is not necessarily to sound precisely like another specific band. Still, the changing structures we use is the more prog aspect for us.

A3:What kind of epic themes influence the band?

Second Day:It’s hard to say, because our music is less epic than before (laughs).Speaking about style, epic metal was supposed to be highly represented at the very beginning of Second Day. Now it’s a little bit different because of the intention to make the project more progressive. Anyway, we stay receptive to orchestral themes or metal ones, cinematography and video games are also a good source! Personally speaking (François),I can mention the well-known Lord of the Rings soundtrack, and Jeremy Soule’s job in The Elder Scrolls Games.

A4:Some literature or film inspire the band?

Second Day:During the writing process of our first EP « Three Wizards », I had the intention to follow an heroic fantasy story.The narration describes a journey of three adventurers in a world inspired by this genre, so,Not a work in particular! About our last opus “Dawn”, the writing is more personal, so I don’t have specific references. Although,The Celestine Prophecy” can be accurate to describe the state of mind of the whole album!

A5:Why the song Similes in The Smoke have two parts?

Second Day:Smiles in the Smokes was initially one song.To record it properly,I had to target a guitar part that was more difficult to play, so I worked it out longer that the others. By the time I played that riff slower, I began to imagine something else to follow. This is how came the intro of the part 2.

A6:Why the band have this name?

Second Day:At the very beginning, the name was “Second Day Fighters”. Other musicians I came to had picked up this one because it sounded epic. I remember that we learnt a Turisas song, so you get the mood. By the time, the musicians changed, the style too. The decision to remove the “Fighers” was made to make the name lighter and bring another symbolic. In my imaginary, Second Day evokes the time of another civilisation with more peace, joy and harmony.

A7:According to the second song, nothing in the universe is lost. So,what has the band become?

Second Day:It’s eternal and absolute presence in a time free conception?I like the message of this song saying that everything is interdependent, based on non-duality way of thinking!

A8:What´s the idea behind artwork´s album?

Second Day:The only idea between the artwork’s choice is the reborn of something. We perceive this opus like an opportunity to reaffirm Second Day’s identity, and suggested it to the artworker, my father. He quickly suggested several ideas and the eggs concept came on the table. We said “Why not?”, and the visual was born this way. An important thing was to illustrate a natural environment like previous releases, so here is the lake background!

A9:What kind of subject don´t deserve a Second Day song?

Second Day:Probably football.

A10:Not that I'm being against the band for doing a crowdfunding, which in my country is popularly known as vaquinha. But,why was this crowdfunding or vaquinha was done?

Second Day:Band members usually needs to personally invest money to their project development. The difficulty is mostly to combine the goals and the possibilities of everyone. Album production is a good opportunity to proceed a vaquinha and get some help! We were so thrilled of the result: all the costs of album recording and pressing has been paid this way! All the support from our friends and families made us happy.

A11:What´s bands influence ours?

Second Day:Amorphis, Opeth, Alcest, Insomnium, Naïve and maybe Turisas, Orphaned Land and Equilibrium by the past!

A12:Is the men like specie an experience going wrong?

Second Day:Few years ago, I would have answered: totally yes. Like, how something as simple as survival instinct could have been led to so much cupidity, inequalities, injustice and suffering? But now I deal with existence not really the same. My respect and acceptation for everything have grown, even I still feel indignity about many subjects. But my actions are more driven by love and confidence than by anger.In addition, who are we to judge and answer such a question? That’s bigger than ours. In absolute and a spiritual way, I would put my faith that everything is where it belongs, and the present experience is the right one.

A13:This album is conceptual? yes or no and why?

Second Day:Not necessarily! The texts writing isn’t directed in something very specific. Subjects as philosophy and spirituality are dominating, but the songs have been imagined one after another. Same thing for instrumental, things had been made quite naturally.

A14:Before music, what the bands loves to doing?

Second Day:Multiple hobbies can be told. Quentin (drums) is fond of paragliding whereas Lucas (bass) likes Warhammer figurine paintings. Greg (lead guitar) enjoys cooking his own pizzas and I (François, guitar/vocals) draw and paint sometimes. That being said, I believed that we all have a weak point for video games.

A15:The band feel differences between Three Wizards and now in Dawn?

Second Day:According to me, Dawn is an evolution of Three Wizards.I identify easier to it, which is normal in the creation process. Also, I believe that the work between these productions can be perceived.The first aim was to compose something versatile but consistent, with metal vibe “Matter Drop”, “In Universe Nothing is Lost”) and all the other elements that characterise us.In the end, we really enjoy playing the news tracks on live!

A16:Is man an animal that carries the corpse on its back all the time?

Second Day:Didn’t get this one :D!

A17:Based on the songs of album and your own opinion, is it better to think the human being as agony than an animal for health?

Second Day:Both, totally.We can find so many examples of beings with virtuous behaviours and beliefs, and others more egoist, acting without empathy with other lifeforms. Ecologically speaking, the tendency is indeed dealing with agony.But in regard of current spiritual work globally taking place here, I wouldn’t try to judge the balance. My goal is firstly to do my vocation and projects that fits my convictions. That’s why I find personal development so important, as would say Joe Duplantier from Gojira (song “Silvera”): When you change yourself you change the world”

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