Well, Friends of the Aristocracy or Lipeverso Aristocrata! We talk about our newsroom for the Thirty-Fourth Interview of Our Page that we will follow together in all our emotions.Our Interviewees is a band that has been a bit out of the ordinary. Of course, the style is not new, the badness, the evil force of it will always exist. The most controversial of metal. Black Metal. But for some time now, it it has been made by duos. But this is not like that. It's a set. An Italian set where Religiosity pulsates and sometimes screams. We're talking about the Comando Preaetorio.They show us their second EP titled Sovvertire La Tirannia Della Luce. Before, we post the full EP because it's only two songs. But, with long durations. Let's introduce the evil Italians in front of this band.We have Damien on Vocals,Ans on Guitar,F.A.K on Bass and L.Opfergeist on Drums.Let´s go to the ep and Interview!
A1:Talking about the composition work in Sovvertire La Tirannia Della Luce?
Comando Praetorio:Creation of the new Ep date back immediately to the completion of "Ignee .."; some guitar riffs and basic ideas created by Ans in continuity with “Ignee Sacertà Ctonie” writing were collectively developed and implemented with the collaboration from our new member Damien and collectively finished in studio.
A2:It is natural for you and any other Black Metal band to be the counterpoint of religion.But if it didn't exist. Who would be the enemy of Black Metal?
Comando Praetorio:We are involved in a process of physical and spiritual distancing from the monotheistic tyranny of the sun, the egalitarian values and the desert religions.Black metal is an esoteric and archeofuturistic vehicle to reach spirituality and superhumanity through the total erasing of inner mediocrity.
A3:Not that I'm against the band singing in Italian. But was this idea for the challenge or so that the songs don't lose their meaning?
Comando Praetorio:Our music is strongly influenced by nature, landscapes and our heritage, so it's natural for us to write lyrics in our mother tongue.
A4:Is being abrasive a mission, a lifestyle or all of these?
Comando Praetorio:The members of COMANDO PRAETORIO live in harmony with their musical and conceptual offering: there is no clear separation between everyday life and artistic research. Without full adherence to a certain conception of the world, the path degenerates and the attitude gets lost.The artistic creations crafted by the band are able to unleash, at least in its members, a musical challenge to question the deep of themselves, particularly exalting this experience by an intimate and collected listening.
A5:If Abraham hadn't created these three religions, would Black Metal still be his enemy?
Comando Praetorio:Our main focus is based on Indoeuropean spirituality so we don't have any thought about abramitic desert ideology.Our vision of black metal is that of a Raw and freezing music that represents cold and dehumanized landscapes, a sacred form of art opposing to Christian relationships, political correctness and a lifestyle ignoring the communion with nature.
A6:Literally Speaking:Is the world ridiculous?
Comando Praetorio:Humans are ridiculous ! We do not have anything in common with ordinary people with the mass,we have to live in this society and deal with people but this doesn’t mean that we like them. We despise all of that. We despise modern society and all its degenerations.
A7:I like the name of the band. But, what is the real Praetorio Command that you rule?
Comando Praetorio:Comando Praetorio is composed by two latin words which together they mean ‘Order to march forward’.We choose a powerful and austere monicker that blended with our music. It also represents a sum of what we intend to pursue both individually and as the entire band: a descent into the recesses of our souls to commute antidote from poison
A8:Some literature or film inspire the band?
Comando Praetorio:Absolutely yes,even if our main inspiration is the alchemical trasmutation of our everyday life.
A9:What kind of subject don´t deserve a Comando Praetorio song?
Comando Praetorio:COMANDO PRAETORIO await in the shadows, on the nocturnal side of reality.Band’s musical approach is not influenced by commercial reasons or celebrity ambitions,so the creative spark depends exclusively on spontaneous inspiration.So we are very distant from any form of Rock and Roll and fun,amusement and human feelings.
A10:What´s the idea behind artwork´s album?
Comando Praetorio:The cover is taken from a photo taken by a member of the band in Brittany. It depicts the Breton dolmen of the so-called "pierres plates" with a menhir on the side. Inside the dolmen there are various depictions of the celestial vault and in particular of the great chariot.In this sense, it is consistent with the meaning of the EP not only from a purely graphic point of view.
A11:How the band arrive to Aeternitas Tenebrarum Musicae Fundamentum?
Comando Praetorio:We are confindent in what ATMF can do for us and we will help them to support the EP.
A12:Does fear make us weak?
Comando Praetorio:No, fear is just a natural and primitive emotion that allowed humans to survive over the centuries. What matters is to control and overcome the fear without giving in to it.
A13:This album is conceptual?yes or no and why?
Comando Praetorio:The new EP Sovvertire La Tirannia Della Luce refers to a process of physical and spiritual distancing from the monotheistic tyranny of the sun, which is meant both as the Logos of abstract, withering and repressing rationality and as an expression of Abrahamic monotheism. Denying this hypertrophy of the solar side, the One takes refuge in the shadow of the night sky, patronized by the Indo-European Asuric and Uranian deities. This denial brings about a subversion of the values to massification: the ultimate consequence of desert religions, which were created in the desert and want to bring the world back to the desert itself.
A14:Due to technology, does the band feel that we lie more than in the days of our parents?
Comando Praetorio:The technocratic new world order is based upon the media disinformation: for this reason the social engineering is spreading fake news, false flag and psyops such as the pseudo pandemic dementia.
A15:How long did the pre-production of this album take?
Comando Praetorio:This album was composed and recorded from 2020 to 2021.
A16:The band feel differences between Ignee Sacertá Ctonie and now in Sovvertire La Tirannia Della Luce?
Comando Praetorio:Our songwriting always aims to create intimate, lacerating and evocative soundscapes.The main difference between “Ignee Sacertà Ctonie” e “Sovvertire la Tirannia della Luce” concerns in the songwriting contribution in by our new member Damien, who fell perfectly in the mood of Comando Praetorio.
A17:Based on the songs of the album and your own opinion,is it better to think of the human being as agony than an animal for health?
Comando Praetorio:Usually,we really don't care about humanity. We have much more respect for nature and animals.We don't give a fuck about health but just on strenght cult and militant isolationism from "normies".