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Twelfth Interview Of The Aristocracy With the Italian Band Niamh

Foto do escritor: Comendador Felipe FrazãoComendador Felipe Frazão

The Aristocracy proudly presents its Twelfth Interview with the Italian Alternative Metal Band Niamh. They show us from next Friday their third full-length album titled Autumn Noir.The band have this formation:Michele Nocentini On Vocals,Tomas Tassistro on Guitar,Mattia Ferrari On Bass and Carlos Cantatore on Drums.Tomas and Mattia answer the questions for us.Follow the interview now in all your emotions.

A1:Talking about the composition work in Autumn Noir?

Tomas Tassistro:The mean composition process began one year ago combining midi drums, guitar riffs and electronics, finding new sounds as compared to previous albums.

A2:What natural evolution band see in this album?

Mattia Ferrari:I think a band should be always in evolution. It's natural, I mean, if something becomes static, tends to die, to rot. We are working on new solutions for electronics, our way to compose, to present the songs in our shows.

A3:What level of darkness band want with this album?

Mattia Ferrari:We all have been thought a very tough period of our lives,I think you can feel it in the whole album, as we composed it exactly at that time.It's like the album has a negative shade but with some tragic irony in the mood.Noir.

A4:Why an Die Antwoord Cover?

Mattia Ferrari:We needed something different and groovy and absolutely not metal,otherwise it would have been too easy.That song gave us the good vibration and accepted the challenge.It wasn't easy to give it the Niamh touch,but well,you should definitely listen to it! And I can't wait to test it in a live show!

A5:What band mean with The Summoning Of Littletooth?

Tomas Tassistro:It's a gift to the person who inspired the song.

A6:Some literature or film inspire the band?

Mattia Ferrari:We all read and watch many tv series or movies.But there's single book/film that influnced us, it's more like a general mood we take insipiration from.

A7:How is Niamh different from your previous bands?

Mattia Ferrari:We were all come from a very interesting scene with good bands in any style of music,Piedmont has always had an important history for alternative music.While I and Tommy played also in Arcadia, a metalcore band, Mateja was in Indigesti,a punk legendary band.He also worked for Arcadia as sound engineer and so it was almost natural to gather and give birth to a band together.

A8:Why the band have this name?

Tomas Tassistro:Niamh is a Northern European divinity and it sounded very well for us and we decided so.

A9:How band arrive to Electric Talon Records?

Mattia Ferrari:We felt the need to make a step forward,we sent a one song promo to many labels, the offer that Electric Talon made was onme of the best, as they offer also production, musical experience and studio time.We also wanted to try to work with a label from outside Europe to face some new realities. I think this is the best thing for Autumn Noir and Niamh.

A10:What is an alternative sound in band's view?

Mattia Ferrari:Tough question,I mean, what is really alternative today?Probably nothing,let's say that an alternative sound should try to dig deeper in one's feelings.Not too be superficial as many mainstream songs can be.

A11:What´s the idea behind artwork´s album?

Mattia Ferrari:The album represents a desolate and apocalyptic scenario.It's a new starting point, let'd do something new and something stronger together.

A12:What are the new solution the band tries in this album?

Tomas Tassistro:We tried to improve the electronic presence in the band's sound,moving away from classic metal songs, and we liked the result so much.

A13:This album is conceptual?yes or no and why?

Mattia Ferrari:I would say no.Even if, of course,all the songs in Autumn Noir have something in common,each one talks of different situation and a different story.

A14:Is the men an experiment going wrong?

Mattia Ferrari:I love people.They never stop to surprise me In both positive or negative way. Sure, many things should fixed in people's mind,but who are we to judge?

A15:The band feel differences between Supersonic and now in Autumn Noir?

Mattia Ferrari: I think Autumn Noir sounds stronger than SuperSonic.Some more goth attitude in it, but more powerful.But you know, it's not easy to define your own music, maybe our supporters have a complete different impression.

A16:What details band focus in this album?

Tomas Tassistro:It's a very personal album, born in two years of covid isolation and a few concerts, a strange period for everybody but with a great music result in composing these songs.

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