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Aristocracy Interview 130 With Polish Black Metal Band SVAR

Writer's picture: Comendador Felipe FrazãoComendador Felipe Frazão

Well,Friends of Aristocracy!

Line Up:

Kamil Bolesta-Everything

We speak again of our newsroom, where in a little while, we will begin in all your emotions, the interview 130 of the Aristocracy.This time, we'll be talking to the one-person band. This band practices chaotic, cohesive and intense Black Metal.Obviously, this style has its atmospheric energy,one of the conditions for a black metal band to thrive. The band in question is called Svar.The band is formed entirely by Kamil Bolesta and he shows us his second EP entitled Under A Sky Full Of Thunder. Let's go to the full album and then our interview with him!

A1:Talking about the composition work in Under a Sky Full of Thunder?

Kamil Bolesta:I always approach songwriting the same way. It usually starts with improvising on guitar, recording or writing down my ideas, adding the other instruments, writing drums.

Sometimes I even manage to finish a song in one go, but usually I leave it undeveloped and finish it in a few takes.Relistening an unfinished song often helps me decide if I want to continue with it or not.There's always a bunch of unfinished or discarded songs left by the time I start recording. From what I have I always try to pick songs that sound good as a whole.

As for the lyrics, I always write them at the end and that's always the biggest pain for me. It's definitely easier for me to write music than lyrics.

A2:Can you explain why separates story but mini concept?

Kamil Bolesta:The way I see it, a concept album doesn't have to tell one story, it just has to be about one topic.In this case, the theme of Perun is so broad that telling just one story is simply not enough.That's why I thought it would be better if each of the songs dealt with an issue related to lightning beliefs.

A3:Why the band have this name?

Kamil Bolesta:Svar is a prefix of the name of the Slavic god Svarog. Svar itself can mean "heat", "light", "fire" or even "disagreement".It depends on the given etymology. I came up with this name while reading Alexander Brückner's "Slavic and Polish mythology".

A4:What´s the idea behind artwork´s album?

Kamil Bolesta:Once a fiend of mine showed me the tree that you can see on the cover. It is located on an island in the middle of a certain lake.Years ago, it was struck by lightning and dried. I thought it would make a great cover for the album so I took a picture of it.The idea of a concept album about Perun came quite naturally.

A5:How band know about Solid Rock PR?

Kamil Bolesta:I found an offer of cooperation in my mailbox and replied. Simple story.

A6:Mgła, Drudkh and Sargeist.What of this bands influence Svar Most and why?

Kamil Bolesta:Definitely Mgła. I didn't realize it before but almost everyone listening to Svar's music hears similarities to Mgła.In fact, it was the band that introduced me into the new wave of Polish black metal.Besides that I was heavily influenced by older Polish releases such as "Sventevith" and "Grom" by Behemoth or "Popiół" by Thy Worshiper and classics from the Norway like Darkthrone or Burzum.The funny thing is that I haven't been listening to much black metal lately.At the time of writing the songs on "Under a Sky Full of Thunder," I was listening a lot to early Ozzy Ozbourne and Yngwie Malmsteem stuff.I think you can hear it in the solos on that album and the fact that each track has at least one solo.

A7:Some literature or film inspire the band?

Kamil Bolesta:I take my inspiration for the lyrics mainly from books about Slavic mythology and beliefs. "Downfall" is the story of the fall of paganism in Kievan Rus."Sanctified by the Lightning" is a story based on folk tales from Ukraine and Lithuania.The previous release also includes texts focusing on concepts from Nietzsche's philosophy such as "Will to Power" and "Death of God".

A8:Do you think about increasing the band?

Kamil Bolesta:Svar was planned from the beginning as a one-man project. This allows me to.100% do what I want to do within this project.I have no reason to engage anyone else in it at this point. I'm not saying it's impossible that this will change someday, but it would have to be on the principle that I decide about everything.

A9:Do you think about increasing the band?

Kamil Bolesta:I would say that "Under a Sky Full of Thunder" is a development of ideas from "Behind the Veil".I tried to go one step further in every aspect. Soundwise, compositionally, conceptually.For example, by adding a solo to each song or writing a fully instrumental track. Sound-wise I also wanted to get a slightly different effect.Also, "Behind the Veil" was created more on a "let's release something" basis."Under a Sky Full of Thunder" was a well thought out creation from start to finish.I see playing music as a constant development and trying new things.

A10:What kind of Black Metal isn´t cool for you?

Kamil Bolesta:I'm not necessarily a fan of DSBM. Not because it's sad, rather because I find it mostly boring.

A11:All countries make extreme metal, but Poland does it masterfully. Do you feel that your contribution can increase this mastery?

Kamil Bolesta:I hope so! Polish BM scene is strong today. I love bands like Mgła, Odraza, Furia, Owls woods graves.Just being a part of it is already some kind of honor. If Svar is ever influential for any band in the future it will be my highest honor.

A12:What kind of subject don´t deserve a Svar Song?

Kamil Bolesta:Political bulshit. There is certainly no place for that.

A13:Do you plain to do an full job?

Kamil Bolesta:I would love for playing music to be my job someday. I don't know if I'll ever succeed but it's always worth trying.

A14:What's the best thing Black Metal has given you?

Kamil Bolesta:An opportunity to express myself in the form of this music and also many hours with great albums. Thanks to it I also became interested in Slavic paganism.

A15:Which song on this EP was the most difficult to make?

Kamil Bolesta:In terms of mixing it was "Downfall". I'm still not entirely happy with the end result.In terms of composing, it was probably "Luminous, lethal force". Last changes to the strucure of this song has been done during recording guitar tracks.



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