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Aristocracy Interview 207 With Horror Punk Band Panzercrow

Writer's picture: Comendador Felipe FrazãoComendador Felipe Frazão

Updated: Dec 16, 2022

Line Up:


JL Nokturnal-Bass


Well,Friends Of Aristocracy!

We speak again of our editorial office, where we will have in all your emotions, the interview 207 of the Aristocracy.This time, we spoke with a band that shows that violence is a powerful weapon if it is linked to protest, to a totally revolted energy.We're talking about a band that has a punk attitude and is totally punk. But the horror is placed and approached in the purest, most concrete and intense way possible.The band goes by Panzercrow and its leader Jack13 is in charge of answering our humble but important questions. This is the fourth album of this band called Murder Ballads.Let's go to one of their songs for this unprecedented interview to take place, but not without first, a sincere thanks to Inverse Records who presented us with this precious and frightening work for our team.

A1:Talking about the composition work in Murder Ballads?

Jack13: Hello and thanks for the interview. About album. I've start these song writing 2020-2021 in the middle of the covid. I wrote about 30 songs for the SCARECROW and i knew its time to pick up "leftover" tracks for the new panzercrow album. Our "Splatterpunk" album has nothing to do with these song. Splatterpunk album's songs has wrote and recorded on one weekend.Actually, we're mixing that SCARECROW album right now on this Autumn and upcoming winter.When I Start to write songs, i'll write all ideas and try to make demos as much i can.Most of the "non-hevier" songs goes for my Panzercrow.

A2:How does horror inspire the band?

J13:I've been horror fan since kids.I paint and I wrote songs and there has been horror

in the middle always. Its a part of me.Teachers on my first class was concerned,

because I painted all the time werewolf,Jason Vorhees and half naked dead girls. heh heh.

But i was kind kid and my childhood was full of happy and exciting, finally they let me be.

A3:Why is the opening song a question?

J13:Songs idea came from the reddit storie, where abonded Disney land is like hell on earth.

Creepy Mickey Mouse In the darkness lying and pull off his own head.That was so inpired and powerfull vision. I Usually dont wanna explain my lyrics.More interesting is "What you and listener think about it".

A4:Some literature or film inspire the band?

J13: Unfortenly, i dont have read books, but movies and some games inspire me alot.

Its easy to mention "Return of the living dead" and "Night of the creeps".I Love watch those again and again. Most Zombie movies from 70s-80s are gems.

A5:Is the seventh song based on any love affairs some of you have had?

J13:No.Lyrics came from the feelings.I Think, we all are lonely and throught the history,

if you have been different, your're even more lonely. Endless scene to wrote songs.

A6:How is Panzercrow different from your previous bands?

J13: In this band, i'll do what i want without asking permission.I Dont have any previous bands, because all my five bands are still on life and well.

A7:Why the song Howling have two parts?

J13:: I Split up one song too long lyrics. Not any else reason. {Hah ha.}

A8:How band arrive to Inverse Records?

J13:Actually, I Dont remember.We just try to find some label to handle our digital releases.

I Don't like digital streaming, but those are must to do these days. I love vinyls.

A9:Of course, if not in all, but in most punk bands, the Ramones influence is huge.

But it seems that in your band, it got stronger from this album.Do you agree with that or is it just a common sense of us from the media?

J13:That is pretty nice to hear.I Love Ramones and I Play guitar very well on ramo-style.

Scarecrow guitarist Ruho dont care that way playing, he's more metal and thrash guy.

A10:What´s the idea behind artwork´s album?

J13:On the vinyl and CD art work "Bats" are made by my friend Marko Lammervo.He's real artist and it was great pleasure when he gave those oil painting for my albums.On digital version with silhuet and vintage is made by myself.There is just things that can kill.

A11:Is being a trio more practical or easier?

J13: In the studio ofcourse but its hard to say hows things goes on live. Lets see, someday.

A12:Why can folk punk also be pointed out as an influence on the band?

J13:My friend Timo Ohramaa playin all kind instruments and he has played

many times buzuki and mandoline on the studio with us. I love to bring many kind a vibes

on the record and Timo can hel me with folk. Again co-operate with he was great.

A13:Today, it seems that Jack and Scarecrow is a true symbiosis.But, how did this happen and why can I say that this is symbiosis?

J13:Thats nesessay! because, I am fire starter for the both.I Hope and thinking, Panzercrow give more for the Scarecrow.I Think Scarecrow can't release album on every year, it would be too hard for all of us.

A14:This album is conceptual?

J13: No. It is just album full of great melodic songs between punkrock and Light metal.

A15:The band feel differences between Nightmare Return and Murder Ballads?

J13: I've learned more to work in the studio and on "Murder ballads" i've

learned how to use my voice better.When i recorded vocals on "Nightmare return"

my throuth was unstabile and then i didnt care.Now, I Know how and when to warm my throut for the studio.

A16:What atmospheres can we find in the song Dying In The Night?

J13: I've always wanted to write powerballads, but all we know those are really hard to get working.Guys of Scarecrow hated that so it was easy to but on my album. Those lovely cunts {Hah hah!}



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