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Aristocracy Interview 205 With German Stoner Band Bunsenburner

Writer's picture: Comendador Felipe FrazãoComendador Felipe Frazão

Line Up:

Martin Fischer On Guitar

Flo Möbes On Guitar

Ben Krahl On Bass VI, Synths

Philipp Schlotter On Guitar, Synths

Bene Abert On Guitar, Live Sampling, Special Effects

Norman Lonhard On Drums

Well,Friends Of Aristocracy!

We speak again of our newsroom, where in a little while, we will have in all its emotions, the interview 205 of the Aristocracy.This time, we talked with a German band that mixes the intensity of Stoner with the strong capacity of Jazz and with ambient elements.

All this, done without arrangements but with a whole spirit with all private parts between the members. But, this is the first album of this interesting German band called Bunsenburner and this album is called Poise. thank the band for answering our questions and the Italian producer The Metallist for introducing us to this interesting project!

A1:Hi! Let’s talk about the composition work in “poise”?

Bunsenburner:Hi! For the Composition Approach i wrote the basic Riffs for the heavier Stuff and more of conceptual Roadmaps for the Ambient Songs. I wanted to give each Artist the Freedom to have the Material interpreted in their own Way. Besides the actual musical Information I also tried to „compose“ the Sound. So I ordered one extra Guitar Pedal for each Band Member to include it in their Setup.

A2:How the hypnotic sounds worked for this album?

Bunsenburner:About the Ambient Sounds I told everyone about the basic Mood of the particular Song and some Information about a Key/Root Note or Expressions,use of E-Bow/Synths or special Effects.Then we started improvising and I could kind of arrange on the fly with Hand-Signs while recording. In some of the Songs, Bene was the Guide with his work with records/samples and the Job for us other guys was to listen and follow him with dynamics.

A3:It's not that you don't like the fact that the band uses keyboards, but because, contrary to the common thing, this element gives a denser form to the album?

Bunsenburner:Keyboards, Synths and all other non-Guitar sounds has been used always in our Band History to develop more Soundscapes, new approaches and also getting us out of our comfort zone. In some Songs they really fit well, in other Songs they would really Sound awkward,so it always depends on the Vibes we want to create in a specific song.

A4:Some literature or film inspire the band?

Bunsenburner:I just can speak for myself, but there are plenty of references mostly onch/Twin Peaks, Linklater’s „Waking Life“ and many more. I used to work in a video rental shop when I was 16 and soaked up so much mon our last album „no clip“),reaching from Blade Runner, David Lyvies. I think overall Movie Soundtracks and Movie Scores are a Big Influence. Another Big Influence are Video Games, that cross the Line between Entertainment and Art. Most inspiring Book would definitely be „Prometheus Rising“ by Robert A. Wilson.

A5:I love the jazz performed by the band, but how and why was this decision made?

Bunsenburner:Actually I See the Band more as a Jazz Band, then any other Genre. We all admire the philosophy and approach in Jazz and I think that’s the Backbone of the whole Band. With this Spirit in Mind we create Music maybe from a different Genre, which has been also very important for all of us. At the Beginning,we played Gigs with a Band containing 13 People, including Horns, Synths, Percussion. In about 10 Years it slowly transformed to a way more heavy Sound. But the most important thing will last,the love and passion about improvisation.

A6:Particularly, I'm a fan of the holistic side. But, how has it been worked by the band?

Bunsenburner:I think every one of us in the Band has such a wide-ranging musical taste and also very different musical Backgrounds. So it’s very natural for us to combine this different moods.

A7:How is bunsenburner different from your previous bands?

Bunsenburner:Since I started playing Bass I played in a overwhelming number of Projects and I think the main difference from the other projects lies in the way we deal with „mistakes“ and imperfection or unexpected stuff which happens. The biggest difference for me personally is that I have a lot of conceptual control as a band leader which was not always the case as a sideman/Bassist.

A8:This one is specific for the leader of the band. At what point did you realize that this band would have to have more people?

Bunsenburner:This was very clear at the very beginning. I always find it very interesting to have other minds interpreting my material then just leave it the way I think it’s right.

A9:Why does the band have this name?

Bunsenburner:The Project was performing/releasing under the name bensnburner“ since 2012, which is a pun mix between my name and the word bunsenburner. With the recent Album „poise“ the Band really grew more into an own Band than a project of „mine“. So I decided to separate it, giving space for „bunsenburner“ as the band you hear on that album and all the other stuff I do solo, I keep going under the name „bensnburner“ and my founded record label bensnburner records“

A10:What´s the idea behind the artwork?

Bunsenburner:For me the Artwork fits very well to all the different Aspects and Moods on the Album. A very mysterious Vibe which can be taken in context with every Song by itself, but also with the Album as whole. Like the Album Title it’s also about a Transition between different states.In our case,the Riff-based and the Ambient Side.

A11:What kind of subject doesn´t deserve to in a bunsenburner’s song?

Bunsenburner:I wouldn’t exclude any subjects for an artistic interpretation explicitly. But needless to say there is there is no space for any hate speech, racism, homophobia etc.

A12:This album is conceptual?

Bunsenburner:Yes, this Album is conceptual. Maybe in another way than usually. More in the Way of Sound, Performance, Recording and Production. I have a very cinematic/Soundtrack-kind of concept in my mind, but I want everyone to have their own interpretation of the Journey.

A13:What is 720 for the band?

Bunsenburner:720 was the Song we started the Record Session with. We haven’t seen us in a long time and it was more like coming together, meeting again and enjoying to be together again. You can here it in this little spot at minute 4:14 where everyone found his place and being comfortable of letting go.

A14:Having your own label is bringing more peace of mind or more responsibility for the band?

Bunsenburner:With the Label I do a lot of different Stuff and have a wide diversity of genres covered up. All in all it’s bringing more peace of mind and creative freedom for me.

A15:What's the secret to put together an album in three measly days?

Bunsenburner:The secret is all about the People/Personalities involved, long time friends and fellow musicians. We’ve played in many different constellations together and can communicate in a natural and musical way. This only could happen because we know each other so well and everyone understands the workflow I have in mind.



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