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Pentagramator The Helltyrant On Vocal\Guitar
U-Predator 47 On Vocal/Bass
Debilczyna On Drums

Well,Friends of Aristocracy!

We speak again of our newsroom, where in a little while, we will have in all its emotions, the interview 209 of the Aristocracy.This time, our goal is to bring a band that mixes Black and Thrash in an unoriginal way, but that does the most important thing. It works!The origin of our interviewees comes from distant Serbia.But no one doubts their capabilities. Being a trio is something that works for them too and that's nice for their two important pieces. Their audience and their critics, fortunately their brutality is something the universe needs to spin more chaotic. This is Terrorhamnmer's universe, they show us their second album which is called Gateways To Hades. Their lovely vocalist answered our humble but important questions. We want to thank him for his answers, his work over the years and also for the Osmose Producions for trusting this band, because they delivered something very strong and devastating. Let's go to one of their songs!
A1:Talking about the composition work in Gateways To Hades?
Pentagramator The Helltyrant: The composition process for the new album started already in the final production stages of “Under the Unholy Command” so we can say that it took us almost 6 years to complete and finalize our second full-length. In the meantime, we used this time gap to release several smaller releases such as “In the Name of Hell” EP and a few singles and splits. Taking everything in count, we don’t regret spending so much time for our release ‘cause in the end we have an album we can fully stand for starting from composition aspects to the performance all the way to the production matters.
A2:Undoubtedly, the 80's are great sources of inspiration for the band. But, how challenging to do that with a current outfit?
Pentagramator the Helltyrant: Honestly, we don't think or care much about it. 80's were a great fountain for quality music, but at the same time there was a lot of poser stuff in that decade. If it is about music only I would say that we are always inspired by the stuff we value ourselves as quality no matter the time or decade.
A3:Who is the Interceptor?
Pentagramator the Helltyrant:The Interceptor is a sexual deviant manifesting high level of gerontophilic behavior. He stalks and jumps old ladies at night in city parks. Bizarre track with lots of irony and humor twist.
A4:Some literature or film inspire the band?
Pentagramator the Helltyrant: Not much except that we sometimes use biblical themes mostly related to The Book of Revelation dealing with aspects of Armageddon and Apocalypse. Also there is a reference to Hebrew Tanakh in a song called “At Dawn We Attack” with the interpretation of the Gog and Magog prophecy from a misanthropic perspective.
A5:Is there a vampire tone in some of your songs?
Pentagramator the Helltyrant: Not yet, although there is a humble tribute to legend of Vlad Tepes in a song called “Transylvanian Whore”
A6:Why is the impact of hell more lasting?
Pentagramator the Helltyrant: The same with the human feeling of pain as hell is in all cultures interpreted as the greatest congregation of pain and suffering. People tend to remember pain and suffering more intensely than the opposite feeling of joy and happiness. That's how they manage in a life where most of the human experience is devoted to tribulation and torment where joy usually comes as a brief break from the hellish monotony.
A7:Are there any references to Chernobyl in your eighth song?
Pentagramator the Helltyrant: Yes indeed. The idea to write a song about Chernobyl disaster came to me after watching HBO miniseries in 2019, but the lyrics were more based upon the historical evidence rather than the interpretation offered in this show.
A8:Every band works their speed part in some way. What is Terrorhammer's form?
Pentagramator the Helltyrant: Blood, Sex and Hell Metal!
A9:Is the world a brain-dead patient?
Pentagramator the Helltyrant: Not yet, since we're still having this conversation, but we will see, or maybe we won't be able to, haha.
A10:Why the band have this name?
Pentagramator the Helltyrant:To strike the world in terror with tremendous force!
A11:How is Terrorhammer different from your previous bands?
Pentagramator the Helltyrant: Terrorhammer is a punk band as much as Motorhead was, and for our understanding that's one hundred percent. We are not just musicians and there is a lot more than just a music in what we do, a statement and attitude we spread through the concept of freedom as a universal human value. We reject conformism with an idea that comes from the foundation of rock and roll, and which was later heavily emphasized with the punk movement, something we find ourselves quite connected with.
A12:What kind of subject don´t deserve a Terrorhammer song?
Pentagramator the Helltyrant: Apologia of conformism and ideologies based upon hierarchy be it religion or political ideas.
A13:What perverse situations inspired this album?
Pentagramator the Helltyrant: Mostly sexual deviations starting from the copulation with an ugly whore and a wooden leg (Transylvanian Whore), gerontophilia (The Interceptor) and finally zoophilia (Tronized Goat Master) in the album’s closing track.
A14:This album is conceptual?
Pentagramator the Helltyrant: Not especially although there are some common topics and themes that pervade the whole album. Such subjects include themes of anarchy, sexual perversions, blasphemy and devilry, witchcraft, apocalypse, misanthropy and rejection of hierarchy, very often overthrowing common political correctness. Sometimes these subjects might come from a tongue in cheek perspective and sometimes they are pretty much straight forward depending on a song from the record. At the end of the day, it is the Devil who has the best sense of humor.
A15:What´s bands influence ours?
Pentagramator the Helltyrant: First of all there are proto black metal acts from the 80's such as Bathory, old Sepultura and Sarcofago, Tormentor (HUN), early Mayhem then some Teutonic speed and thrash legends like Sodom, Kreator, Tankard and even some Helloween ( Walls of Jericho!), mighty Motorhead and Black Sabbath all the way to crust and hardcore punks which we are very much fond of like Discharge, Doom, Amebix, Black Flag etc. To all that we can a sip of some contemporary blackthrashing acts such as Razor of Occam, Desaster, Nocturnal Graves, Absu (Tara!), Hellripper and the pot is ready for boiling!
A16:How band arrive to Osmose Producions?
Pentagramator the Helltyrant: Today bands are rarely approached by a record companies, but this process most of the times opposite. In the same manner our record was offered to Osmose Productions and the fact that label was already aware of our presence on the scene probably contributed to the acceptance and the signing of a deal.
A17:Can the Terror that humanity lives be minimized?
Pentagramator the Helltyrant: It always can be, but it doesn't mean that will be 'cause it depends on the arrogance of certain people and their willingness to give up their privileges.