Well,Friends Of Aristocracy!
Line Up:
Stefan Zorner On Vocals
Semen Brik And Carsten Sauter On Guitars
Duste Decay On Bass
Conner Nelson On Drums


We speak again of our newsroom, where in a little while, we will have in all your emotions,the Aristocracy interview 139.This time, we'll talk to a German band that makes a melodic metal. But, with several passages of Thrash and progressives since 2018. The maturity of their sound made them also venture into alternative tones and connections to North American pop.We are referring to the German band Reternity. They present us with their third album entitled Cosmic Dreams. The Album was released yesterday. Today, their interview about their respective career and about this new work. Stefan answers our questions now. thank him and the whole band and also our usual partner, the Italian Davide Pulitto. The Interview starts now!
A1:Hi, let’s talk about the composition work in “Cosmic Dreams”?
Stefan Zorner:Hi there! Nice to talk to you! The structures in RETERNIY are still very simple. Carsten (guitars) and me are writing the songs, we send demos to us, I write the vocal lines and lyrics, he most of the time the complete music. It works!
A2:Why is your music sometimes intricate?
Stefan Zorner:Is it? Smile to you! The music follows no plan at all.We write what we wanna write, don’t think very much about structures or so. It comes out ,what must come out,ha! Sometimes simple and hard, sometimes more complex.
A3:This mix of styles is due to previous experiences or decisions made by the band?
Stefan Zorner:Hmmm, good question, dude! Maybe? I think you can hear, that all of us have played in bands before. Bands with prog elements, thrash outfits, core, death metal,all those stuff. RETERNITY maybe combines all that experiences, who knows?
A4:What´s the idea behind the artwork?
Stefan Zorner:Uhhh, I love sci fi very much. I am very visual, you know. I love the dark space blue of the artwork. The Astronaut is mayor part of the lyrics of „Cosmic Dreams“. Maybe we are all astronauts, dreaming of other planets and cosmic mysteries and adventures? I think the cover transports this question very very good!
A5:Which Cosmic Dreams inspire the band?
Stefan Zorner:Uh… hmmmm… cosmic dreams about earning fame, money, chicks, beers and word dominion, muahahaha! Just kidding! I think we all love our band and what we do. This is the time, this is the place, man! No more dreaming… DOING!
A6:Melody, heaviness and variety. How to do them in a third album?
Stefan Zorner:Maybe the secret is to write and perform without pressure. No pressure from our label or our fans and supporters. They just let us do and follow us. That is so cool! We just try to write the best album we are able to, every album the same motivation!
A7:Some literature or film inspire the band?
Stefan Zorner:Hmmm, me as the guy with all lyrics,I have to say YES! I love sci fi, films like Interstellar,Alien(s) or Blade Runner… even stuff like Mandalorian, Obi Wan or Doctor Who is inspiring me. I read many books, too. All is inspiring, even life itself, my friend!
A8:How does the band work on its songs to increase coldness of humans?
Stefan Zorner:To tell a secret… we rehearse hard but also have fun, drink beers and laugh and so. Even here: No pressure. We do what we love. The rest follows automatically.
A9:Why is this album more mature?
Stefan Zorner:Is it, haha? thanks again! I think we are getting older every day. And feelings chance. In the beginning of RETERNITY there was more aggression, anger and grief in my mind. No I am calm and more reflective. I think, we are all happy guys. You can hear it on this record, I think.
A10:How to make epic and expansive work?
Stefan Zorner:We knew that Cosmic Dreams“ is something „special“. So we did everything, to let it shine.
A11:Is this album conceptual?
Stefan Zorner:Nope! There are some lyrics about space, the stars and the near future, ok. But no real concept.
A12:Does the band feel differences between “A Test Of Shadows” and “Cosmic Dreams”?
Stefan Zorner:Of course. First there is a new rhythm section. Our two Americans Conner (drums) and Duste (bass) joined after „Test“ and brought us again to a next level. And the songs on „Cosmic“ maybe are more well designed and we did very good demos to work with. I think, it is our best album so far.
A13:I liked the idea, but why were the keyboards used?
Stefan Zorner:Simple, Carsten, Duarte and my humble self play keyboards. We thought it is a good idea to give the songs another shape with some keys and there is the „space feeling“… I love this new dimension of sound.
A14:Who are the Swabians?
Stefan Zorner:Southwest of Germany. We are very keen, productive, very special and have a nice dialect. Linse mit Spätzle, Mercedes, Porsche, Trollinger and Limburger, VfB Stuttgart… all pure Swabian, hell yeah!
A15:How to make a metal pigeonholes?
Stefan Zorner:Just build it, haha!
A16:How did the band arrive to MDD Records?
Stefan Zorner:Markus Rösner, owner of MDD,an me are close friends. He supported me/ us from my hard rock STRANGELET times on and he was always the friend to tell me to move on, to sing and to write. What a gent! Love him!Cheers and shine on!