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Aristocracy Interview 157 With Finnish Sleazy Rockers Band Serpico

Writer's picture: Comendador Felipe FrazãoComendador Felipe Frazão

Line Up:

Vee Dour On Lead Vocals

Snake On Lead guitars

Andy On Bass

Jani Serpico On Drums

Well,Friends Of Aristocracy!

We speak again of our newsroom, where in a little while, we will have, in all its emotions, the interview 157 of the Aristocracy.Seeking to capture energy and danger with the aim of being as accurate as possible.Serpico Finns are back on the scene to show us their third full-length album titled Chosen Four.A genuine work that shows a good mix between the classic rock titans with their own sound. Thanking the band for answering our questions, let's go to a song and the beginning of this sensational chat from now on.

A1:Talking about the composition work in The Chosen Four?

Vee Dour:We both Snage and I composed many songs from which we picked the 25 best ones. After that we presented them to Mr. Anssi Kippo and he selected 9 which ended up to be the final tracks.

A2:Why this album is magnetic?

Vee Dour:It's magnetic because of it's pure honesty and isn't faking in any point. A whole process was so unique from beginning to the very end compairing to these days way to make an album. It also has recorded on magnetic tape, so maybe that's a one reason why!

A3:What does the band understand as sleazy sound?

Jani:To be honest, I personally don't even know what "sounding sleazy" means, unless it's about something really sleazy like oiling your bodies with extra-greasy milk on your music video. But in our case, we are gentlemen n' we do not like to be called as a sleazy band. We are a rock n' roll band n' nothing else.

A4:What is the danger addressed in this album?

Vee Dour:There is some edge left in the tracks by not editing the danger parts off. Actually this album's tracks has not edited at all.

A5:Some literature or film inspire the band?

Jani:Yeah, kinda... Our ex-drummer was a big movie fan n' came up with the name.

A6:Can this third album be considered the band's most mature album?

Vee Dour:We've put a lot of effort to this album beginning from basics like how we get the bands playing together to meet mint. There were many things you had to realise for example why on these days they have forgotten how it sounds when the band grooves or not.

Yes, definitely. If you compare this album to our former albums you can hear and feel the difference between them.

Jani:I think rock n' roll should never sound or be too mature because if it does, it'll lost the soul of it. But when it comes to the sound & production, song writing, a band playing together n' grooving.. it's defo the best album so far!

A7:What´s the idea behind artwork´s album?

Jani:It's hand painted by Finnish famous artist Rauli Mård. We sent Him the album songs in advance so He could get inspired by the music n' paint anything He felt at that time. We also gave Him an album name to help with the direction a little. Everything is Rauli's view of art n' we think it's wonderful! It describes the "The Chosen Four" album's consept perfectly!

A8:How is Serpico different from your previous bands?

Jani:What can I say, I guess nobody doesn't know nothing about our previous bands, so why bother n' consentrate to those.

A9:How band doing a humorous side in this album?

Jani:Between recording the songs n' always when hangin' out together. But on the album... There might be a couple of humoristic twists melted in the lyrics but when it comes to music, we ain't no humor band or a Benny Hill Show. Of course we are having fun pretty much all the time but we ain't doing no parody.

A10:What is genuine besides its sound?

Jani:Everything. Real playing, no samples, no autotune, no computers involved...

A11:What would 2022 Serpico say to 2005 Serpico?

Jani:Keep doing what you do n' do it better!

A12:This album is conceptual?

Jani:Part of it is, yes n' part of it is not. Still there's a links between the songs in many levels but it's not fully conceptual.

A13:What is an honest tale for Serpico?

Jani:Who knows, we'll have to wait n' see.

A14:How band arrive to Rockshots Records?

Jani:We were looking for a recording deal for this album n' they got excited about it. No bigger story to tell.

A15:What kind of subject don´t deserve a Serpico Song?

Jani:There's no such thing, it's always about the view, how n' which way you wanna look at it.



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