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Aristocracy Interview 167 With Swedish Stoner Band Deville

Writer's picture: Comendador Felipe FrazãoComendador Felipe Frazão

Line Up:

Andreas Bengtsson On Vocals/Guitar

Andreas Wulkan On Guitar/Vocals

Martin Nobel On Bass

Michael Ödegården On Drums

Well,Friends Of Aristocracy!

We speak again of our newsroom, where in a little while, we will have in all its emotions.The interview 167 of the Aristocracy.This time, we talked to a band that celebrates fifteen years showing that it is capable of playing in the most unexpected directions. Allied to that, making an album unlike anything they've done so far.However, their main goal is to make something fast married to Heavy Rock condensed with progressive influences. We are talking about the Swedes from Deville that at the end of this month, present us their sixth full album entitled Heavy Lies The Crown. let's follow this super interview. Before that, thanks to the band and our Italian brother Davide Pulito for introducing us to their work. Let's start now then!

A1:Can we talk about the composition work in “Heavy Lies The Crown”?

Deville:Started to write for it spring 2020 and we wrote for about a year then got back to it two- three times the coming year to add songs and see what was still good so it was a long process that made us alittle disoriented but in the end we got together it good I think.

A2:What progressions were worked on on this album?

Deville:Many songs don´t follow the normal structure of a song and some have also time signature changes so it quite a progressive record. Maybe the most one,we have done.

A3:In song four, the band talks about Serpent Days. Can we say that current times are also Serpent Days even though the song is based on a reality created by the band?

Deville:Well,I always write lyrics with metaphors so create a story that the listener can make their own interpretation of and this song has some biblical metphors in it.It is about a man that during his life starting to see and realize that his life have turned into something he didn´t want or expect and try to escape but it might not be the right way out the way he tries.It can be about getting surprised by life in a bad way.

A4:Some literature or film inspire the band?

Deville:Not really,just other good lyricists and songwriters.

A5:Why does the band have this name?

Deville:From the Cadillac model,but also a twist of devil.

A6:How is Deville different from your previous bands?

Deville:All bands before Deville were more soft so when we found this heavier sound it was a revelation and we haven´t looked back.

A7:What´s the idea behind the artwork?

Deville:It is about the title so it means what it says that with great power come s great responsibility and not many can handle that in good way looking at the world.

A8:Why do your songs have unexpected directions?

Deville:To try to develop or sound and take it further so we fell we do something new

A9:Is there a sludge vibe to the band's sound?

Deville:Yeah, sometimes and it is nice.But it isn´t by purpose and comes naturally when the song need it.

A10:What perspectives did you want on this album?

Deville:Actually,we didn´t have any because we forced ourselves to start to write so it just became what it became.

A11:How did band arrive to Sixteentimes Music?

Deville:They asked us sometimes before if we were interested since they are our booking agency and since we weren´t happy with the old contract we had we thought,why not let´s try this since they are great ppl.

A12:In a way, this album talks about lies and that leads us to a philosophical question. Do you believe that we lie more today than in our parents' time?

Deville:Good question! I don´t think so. Kids didn´t lie before because they were afraid of the adults or lied so they wouldn´t get punsihed,so they didn´t learn why you really shouldn´t lie. Now as an adult,you must deserve your respect from the kids or someone else and if they respect you and trust you as a person I don´t think they lie as much or because of the same reasons our parents did.

A13: Is this album is conceptual?

Delville:No,It is not.

A14:What kind of subject doesn´t deserve to be in a Deville Song?

Delville:We are not a political band and to obvious harsh subjects can take the focus from of the music and that is what it is all about for us.

A15:The band feel differences between “Pigs With Gods” and now in “Heavy Lies The Crown”?

Delville:Very different.We had a momentum then. Touring-writing-recording-touring. Now these last years it is no suprise that everything have been turned upside down. We have a new drummer. We didn´t spend as much time in the studio so all these things affect the record a lot.

A16:What bands influence you?

Delville:Soundgarden,Mastodon,Entombed to name a few.

A17:What would the 2022 Deville say to the 2003 Deville?

Delville:Do the same and don´t change just because someone says so.



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