Line Up:
Alon Karnieli On Guitar\Vocals
Idan Kringel On Guitar
Saar Tuvi On Bass
Matan Carlos Mandelbaum On Drums

Well,Friends Of Aristocracy!

We speak again of our newsroom,where in a little while, we will have in all its emotions,the interview 169 of the Aristocracy.This time, we're talking to a band that marries Thrash Metal with Death Metal in a fast, aggressive and energetic way. This hunger for progression shows their second album entitled Black Bile. We want to thank the whole band for answering our questions. , make no mistake, despite the hints of Death, you will be acquiring a Thrash Metal band for your collection.If you are looking for a band that is influenced by Old School and thunderous vocals, this band will surely meet your expectations.Now, let's go to the interview we did with them and a song from them.
A1:Talking about the composition work in Black Bile?
Saar Tuvi:Regarding the process of composing the album,it was a team effort, there is no one way in which all of the songs were written in or by just one person. we each contribute our own ideas, played the riffs to each other, and helped improve them and polish them to become the songs they are today.
A2:What would an Anti-Tribe be for an Israeli Band?
Saar Tuvi: The Anti Tribe is whoever feels like an outsider,a reject and is a part of the crowd that listens to our music and just lets out all the bad dark emotion.
A3:Not that I don't like fast albums, but why can I say that about Black Bile?
Saar Tuvi:Black Bile is fast and heavy with lots of thrashy parts as well as slow and mid tempo, breakdowns and groovy parts.
A4:How band arrive to Exitus Stratagem Records?
Saar Tuvi:We we're on the market looking for a label to release Black Bile through.ExSR contacted us and we felt like it would be the right home for this release.
A5:I admit that I also grew up in a religious environment, although the religion is not the same. But, what kind of Judaism is put in your songs if that happens?
Saar Tuvi:Well,none of us is religious. We feel like religion in it's core is not a bad thing, but man has made it hypocritical, fake, and using it to justify all sorts of horrible things like war and murder. We definitely talk about it, you can hear it pretty obviously in The Burning for instance.
A6:Some literature or film inspire the band?
Saar Tuvi:Nothing specific, but we take inspiration for every kind of artform possible.
A7:What are the real emotions you feel making the new album?
Saar Tuvi: What do you mean real emotions?!
A8:What´s the idea behind artwork´s album?
Saar Tuvi:We wanted to create a scene that takes alot of the concept of the album. We let Travis Smith give his own inspiration and interpretation to the lyrics.
A9:This album is conceptual?
Saar Tuvi:The concept of black bile is to channel all of the darkest feelings inside, and not let them beat you, and grind you down, but use it to do something good, something artistic, something constructive. never giving in to them.
A10:Changing the Thrash atmosphere to a Death, Black and Modern Metal atmosphere isn't bad. It's great. But why was this decision made?
Saar Tuvi:It wasn't exactly a decision, but just the natural order of things, the band changed it members, we grew as people, listen to new genres and it all influences us as musicians and the music we write. We never wanted to be just Thrash band, but be true to ourselves and every music,we love.
A11:The band feel differences in A Feast of Fools and now in Black Bile?
Saar Tuvi:Following up from the previous question. we grew as people, some band members have changes, so yeah, there's a lot of a difference.
A12:Question created from the phrase of a Brazilian thinker. Is being a metal musician to have the head of a military genius?
Saar Tuvi:I'm not sure that you have to have the head of a military genius, but you have to work hard, put your mind to it, not give up, and do whatever is in your power to keep pushing through.
A13:What kind of subject don´t deserve a Sinnery Song?
Saar Tuvi:We haven't really thought about it.