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Aristocracy Interview 181 With Iranian Doom\Death Band Eternal Candle

Writer's picture: Comendador Felipe FrazãoComendador Felipe Frazão

Line Up:

Madhi Vaezpour-Clean Vocals And Guitars And Drums

Babak Torkzadeh-Harsh And Growl

Amin Qashqayee-Bass

Well,Friends Of Aristocracy!

We speak again of our newsroom, where in a little while, we will have in all its emotions, the interview 181 of the Aristocracy.This time, we spoke with a band that presents melodic themes in a technical and totally progressive way. It's perfectly visible a feeling of anger and that your soul even gets a little toxic.But, the passion and intensity with which this is done shows that your ears will not regret hearing it. A curious detail is that we are talking to an Iranian band.

So don't be biased, you won't be doing a bad deal if you give them a chance. Who are they? They are Eternal Candle and they show us their second full album titled simply as Lava.

We want to thank the band very much for answering our humble but important questions. In addition to the work done on Lava and The Carved Karma which was the band's debut album made in 2018.Let's go to one of their songs for this unprecedented interview with the Brazilian press to take place.

A1:Talking about the composition work in Lava?

Eternal Candle:Fine.It took 3 years to finish this album and we had some pause after the first album.Then,I started composing Lava.Generally,I compose A to Z and then band joins me to finish their lines and one thing which is almost unique about these albums is that we are using standard tuning.Which occurs so rarely in this genre,Opeth has the same tuning in his old albums.Ask me more if you have some other notions.

A2:How and why was it decided to give a progressive feel to the band and the album as a result?

Eternal Candle:See,the same cliche verse and chorus has become so public and common.So, I decided to add more spice and variations.This would result in a Story Playing song and make the songs much more adventurous.

A3:I really like the doom worked by the band,but is there any sludge or stoner tones in the band´s sound?

Eternal Candle:Thanks bro.Well,to be honest,I have composed those genres but to tell the truth,live audiences are much more interested in groovy and punchy songs.

A4:Nothing against Josef Habibi doing the drums on the song Freedom,but was that due to the complexity of the song?

Eternal Candle:We had already composed that song right after our first album and as you know we had an opening live for Saturnnus.We decided to to have a mutual work on this song with Saturnus. It isn't happen though and Josef immigrated to Europe.Thus that was the only song with Josef in Lava.

A5:From generation to generation,we have the feeling that we are robots as they say in the eighth song.But,is this feeling more stronger them in previous generations?

Eternal Candle:Well,this song is one of my fav doomy songs in the album and I suppose since the 80's till now we have become much more robots.The slaves of the media.My notions is that ppl in those times had a better life . Healthy and much more joyful.

A6:Can we say that the monsters addressed in the fifth song are metaphorical?

Eternal Candle:100% sure.See,first the song is composedThen it is handed to our lyricist. I just tell him the main purpose of each song and yes ,most of the lyrics in this album are metaphorical.

A7:Some literature or film inspire the band?

Eternal Candle:No,the lyrics are based on the ups and downs of each song.

A8:How does the anti-war theme come up on the album?

Eternal Candle:Since I was born in the late war here in my country,Iraq had an oppression to suppress our land.I decided to have a theme on that.

A9:How is Eternal Candle different from your previous bands?

Eternal Candle:My first metal is Eternal Candle and will be the last. Got another space rock band,the first album is being released .The band is so gloomy and dark .

A10:You say that you are inspired by the toxic side of the soul.But,can´t we say that the world feels it as much as the band does?

Eternal Candle:As the main theme of this genre is focused on the vague and dark side of a human, we just have an implication of it.To a broader view,yes,the world is injecting the shades of darkness and desperate and has become so null.

A11:What´s the idea behind artwork´s album?

Eternal Candle:Lava is molten liquid form volcano which will be cooled down afterwards. The burning liquid shows something like our anger or depression and the cold rock stands for the being ignored.

A12:What´s bands influence ours?

Eternal Candle:Swallow The Sun, Opeth , Satunus ,Draconian , Death and most of the Swedish dark oriented bands.

A13:Is hate combined with passion the best fuel for your songs?

Eternal Candle:Absolutely yes.Apart from the total resent of this corrupted world, there is a hatred about our land where the riots are running here due to our disqualified authorities. A14:Is depression the evil of our century?

Eternal Candle:I can classify it into 2 categories:The one which comes out of negative thoughts and conquers the weak ones. The second arises from the soul and makes it melodious just like all the doom bands.

A15:Even angels have evil plans?

Eternal Candle:There are some guardians who care about the people in need.You can call them angles or anything else.But,they can distinguish the bad and evil. These 2 polarities have been fighting for a long time,So I can not say that the angles have some negative features.

A16:Why the band have this name?

Eternal Candle:Candle may be the symbol of sorrow and sadness. So Eternal Candle is the perpetual lamentation.

A17:This album is conceptual?

Eternal Candle:Yes,it is.Each song has a concept behind it.

A18:The band feel differences between The Carved Karma and now in Lava?

Eternal Candle:This is what we want to explore and ask among the audiences.You can also share your ideas.



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