Line Up:Waxim “Wax” Ulysses Mekanix

Well,friends of Aristocracy!

We speak again of our newsroom, where in a little while, we will have in all its emotions, the interview 185 of the Aristocracy.This time, we're going to repost an interview we did with an American stoner project that was very well executed and full of intricate things.Above all, it is Mobocracy, an interesting split work between Wax Mekanix and the band Troll Teeth. Wax answered our humble but important questions about his career and the work he has done. Now, of course, he thanks you for answering our questions and for all your talent built up over time. Let's get down to business!
A1:What lyrical theme in part of Wax Mekanix for this split ep?
Wax Mekanix:My contribution to ‘Blunt’ is three songs, ‘Head’, ‘Manchester Strawberry Blonde’, and ‘Freak Boutique’. I wanted them to be a continuation of the conversation I started with my audience on my 2020 record ‘Mobocracy’. Specifically, a description of all of the social, technological, political, economic, and cultural forces bearing down on all of us over the past few years. As an AMERICAN, I was/am experiencing a tangible and dramatic thrashing around in the US that was, and continues to be seriously distorting what makes my country what it is. Lyrically, ‘Head’ addresses the obvious and insidious global weaponization of information we are experiencing during our technological adolescence, and how we should be aware of it to protect ourselves. A huge threat to every aspect of our lives that should be taken seriously. I’m no expert, but one doesn’t have to be to see the inherent dangers in what takes place all over the world.Manchester Strawberry Blonde’ is my take on the how innocents are so often the collateral damage to senseless terrorism. Specifically, it was written as I was trying to get my head around the terrible 2017 bombing in Manchester UK, and the gut-wrenching brutality of the aftermath. It’s a track that wanted to be short, concise, visceral, and unadorned, so I stripped it of all unnecessary sonic distractions. It ended up being a skeletal primitive delivery that referenced basic music forms found in disparate cultures like Native America rhythms, Hebrew cantillation, Christian gospel, Hindu chanting, and southern American chain gang blues moan. I followed ‘MSB’ more than I led it.Freak Boutique’ has a duality to it that tries to communicate both hope and warning, light and dark, in a weird 3 minute pop song. I was trying to communicate my own experience, and to encourage people to be brave to be themselves, follow their instincts toward happiness and self-realization, but to do it with eyes-wide-open.We all know that being atypical in any way within society usually comes at a price. I used some obvious examples of people who dared-to-be-different, and the price they paid. There are so many other examples that could have been used to illustrate this, but Christ and Gandhi are never far from my mind when I think about my own freakish feelings.
A2:The band sound in this ep more doom,sludge or stoner?
Wax Mekanix:In the spirit of following the songs instead of leading them anywhere, I mentioned that I wanted to continue the ‘Mobocracy’ conversation that I left my audience with. At the very end of ‘Mobocracy’ the tune, ‘Black’ pointed to where I was going. Since I felt the songs of ‘Blunt’ coming on as I was finishing ‘Mobocracy’, ‘Black’ was important connective tissue that served as a preamble to the horizon I was traveling toward.I hope that ‘Black’ and the ‘Blunt’ songs would all be organic, mysterious, ethnic, heavy, rocking, thunderous, groovy, and disconcerting. Specifically, even though I love it no electric guitars cranked to 11. So many of my influences have used acoustic instruments in a rock context, so it was a natural thing for me to take my audience there. That said, I’m making a new record now that is turning out to be lots of heavy, howling, trippy, slamming rock that I really love.
A3:How come emerged the idea to do this work with Troll Teeth?
Wax Mekanix:Splits are popular, interesting, and open up some interesting vistas for audiences and artists, so when Electric Talon Records suggested it, I jumped at the idea.Troll Teeth are a lablemate that I find really interesting, compelling, and respect, so when Electric Talon suggest them, I also leapt at that.I knew what I was going to do next lyrically and sonically, so it was an exciting notion to have my organic, mysterious, ethnic, heavy, rocking, thunderous, groovy, and disconcerting tracks sitting next to the heavy stoner doom of Troll Teeth.I was hoping my audience would be thrilled by Troll Teeth and their audience might be interested in my work. Expanding the tent a bit was a big part of my thinking.
A4:How are the Wax Mekanix´s Zone Comfort now?
Wax Mekanix:Good question!Many years ago, I found my creative ‘voice’. This includes the sounds and the themes I bring to my work. I am completely comfortable with what constitutes ‘Mobocracy’ and ‘Blunt’.I certainly reserve the right to change things up whenever I’m feeling it. Honestly, I think that is the essence of being an artist.I have tried to cultivate an audience that is adventurous and open-minded, since those artists that I really enjoy always seem to be in a state of ‘becoming’. With a few exceptions like AC/DC, I look forward to creative evolution as a fan and as an artist. I am exactly where I feel I need to be, but I’m always open to inspiration taking me to new territory.
A5:How come emerged the idea for the Manchester Strawberry Blonde Clip?
Wax Mekanix:‘MSB’ is the product of amazing work by American filmmaker Alex Wagoner.Alex and I discussed what ‘MSB’ could and should be.We decided that, like the music and lyrics, it should be a stark, desolate, sepia-toned, bare-bones look that we could gather in the autumn woodlands of southeastern Pennsylvania.Alex really nailed this and I’m going to be working more with him.
A6:Why i don´t expect this isn´t Mobocracy 2.0?
Wax Mekanix:In some ways, specifically in theme,Blunt’ is much like ‘Mobocracy’ in that it is a continuation/expansion of what I was trying to get across.Obviously, it’s sonically different in so much of its character.Although ‘Blunt’ wasn’t designed to be a deliberate departure, that was seeking change just for the sake of change, I am always open to new creative territory and take my cues from the songs themselves. The songs on ‘Blunt’ were implying to me that they wanted to be heavy but organic, so I followed that with the confidence that I’d land where I was supposed to be. It may sound arty-farty to some, but it’s really rewarding to approach what I do like this, so I trust that any song will reveal itself to me in this way.
A7:What band mean with Mobocracy?
Wax Mekanix:By definition,Mobocracy means rule or domination by the masses.It implied a certain level of chaos.As I was writing and recording the songs for the record,a big part of America sure felt like it was a mobocracy.When I was looking for a title, very few were being considered before I settled on ‘Mobocracy’.Instantly, when I said it out loud as title, it really resonated with me. Literally, hairs stood up on my body and I got a rare perceptible buzz in my head. It certainly felt right and I knew it immediately.
A8:Why the band have this name?
Wax Mekanix:It’s not a band name as much as it is my name.I’m Wax Mekanix and I approve this message.
A9:Some Film or Literature inspire the band?
Wax Mekanix:Without exaggeration, every aspect of life influences and informs my creative work, so it’s not limited to film or literature.There certainly are filmmakers and writers that I admire and favor, but it’s not static.My tastes change and evolve over time and I find that I become interested in some filmmakers and writers for a period of time, move on to others, and then return to them from time to time.As example, I am in a phase now where I am consumed by Quentin Tarantino’s films.A few years ago I was all about M. Night Shyamalan movies. Federico Fellini holds a special place in my head and is always creeping into my imagery, I think.It seems overtly obvious that Salavdor Dali and Fellini are all over ‘Freak Boutique’. I’m currently on a jag of consuming as much as I can from journalist-writer Thomas Friedman and poet Kahlil Gibran. They have replaced my consuming large quantities of Dylan Thomas and comic books from the 60’s and 70’s that I grew up enjoying.
A10:How is Wax Mekanix different from your previous bands?
Wax Mekanix:This is easy to answer!I am an original member of 80’s cult rockers Nitro.Nitro was/is a NWOBHM-influenced democracy. 4 equal opinions of me, guitarist John Hazel, vocalist Dana Confer, and bassist Brad Gensimore.We had/have a very well-defined mission statement.Nitro is always and only guitars, bass, drum, and howling vocals delivered at maximum volume and velocity.All of it with as much energy and few ancillary nonessential sonics. It’s unique and glorious when we his on it just right.We all shared in songwriting and deliver of those songs in a focused way.My solo work as Wax Mekanix is certainly a dictatorship because it’s all about what I want.I write the songs, select the musicians and instrumentation, perform all lead vocals, some guitars, drums, percussion, some backing vocals, and the overall general scope of what the records are to be.It’s liberating in that there are many things that interest me that are welcome on a Wax record as opposed to a Nitro record.
A11:The band doing another split job or it´s the frist ?
Wax Mekanix:Blunt’ was the first split for me. It was such a joyous experience that I’m currently working on another split for 2022 with an American band that I’m friendly with. I’ll save that detail for when the record is ready for official release, but it’s going to be very cool heavy rock with a new and fresh set approach. It’s certainly not ‘Blunt’ 2.0.
A12:Of course,the label makes suggestions.But there was already a prior knowledge about Troll Guys?
Wax Mekanix:I was aware of Troll Teeth’s album, “Goes Nowhere, Does Nothing’ and really enjoyed it. To work with them was a real treat for me since I’m a fan of what they do.
A13:Are All the ones describe in the Wax for this job is the original components?
Wax Mekanix:Every track on “Mobocracy” and “Blunt” are originals.I usually write alone, but some tracks were written with friends such as Nitro’s John Hazel-‘Mad World’,producer Lectriq-‘Victorious’, and Crobot’s Brandon Yeagley and Chris Bishop-‘Black’.
A14:What band think about the sludge sound?
Wax Mekanix:Although sludge is a very specific approach to rock,its origins are found in some of my most important influences, like Black Sabbath.Sabbath are part of my creative DNA, so their work that can be considered sludge-like is precious and essential to me.Proof is in the harmonica introduction on ‘Freak Boutique’.
A15:Of course,the band didn´t create Stoner.But to be from a branch where Metal was born must be glorious,right?
Wax Mekanix:As I was describing above,my influences are broad and wide.They include proto-metal artists like Iron Butterfly, Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin,Deep Purple,Judas Priest, and other that have offered loud, slow, heavy,trippy songs that are legendary and critical listening for anyone that wants to dig into it.
A16:What kind of subject don´t deserve a Wax Mekanix song?
Wax Mekanix:I don’t discount or segregate any subject. As an artist, I think my work should represent how I take influences in and then give them back. A summary of my mission statement is to ‘make the ordinary extraordinary and to make the extraordinary ordinary’, if that makes any sense.
A17:Based on your words and Music.Is a human being better for Agony than an animal for health?
Wax Mekanix:I’m not sure I understand this question, but I’m not a member of PETA. I was raised by my father to be an outdoorsman, so hunting and fishing was part of my up-bringing and an essential rite-of-passage for me and my brothers. ;-)